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Teemo Build Guide by ScottTheTeemo

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Updated on July 27, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ScottTheTeemo Build Guide By ScottTheTeemo 1,977 Views 0 Comments
1,977 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ScottTheTeemo Teemo Build Guide By ScottTheTeemo Updated on July 27, 2018
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Hi Guys (and cute girls) , my name is ScottTheTeemo. Come say hi @

Made a very easy guide that everyone can follow and climb with. I'll add more and more details as time flows + update the guide for you guys. I'll be honest, climbing to diamond was easier with this build than any. Good luck guys :)
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Unique Skills

Hide well for the enemy squish. Assasinate with ignite -> auto -> gunblade -> Q. (follow with W or flash, if they panic flash)

Full Hp delete on adc even if they have heal/flash.

If they hit a shroom before you start attacking, you need less autos and probably don't have to ignite. (just to be safe, ignite is nice to have for secured kill)

Pick from teemo on an adc at 25min + usually is baron and win. Remember also, you can set up baron/drag with shrooms , make sure you utilize them while you help team mates get objectives.
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Tp is viable. After the nerf, however, I suggest Ignite over Tp. BE A LANE BULLY :) EVERYONE's FAVORITE CHAMPION :D ~_~
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ScottTheTeemo
ScottTheTeemo Teemo Guide
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