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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Because of his ult you cannot jump into the enemy team and kill his carry you have to find a way to kill him or wait untill he gets on top of your team first.
(Because the new nerf to his W (-40 flat damage) so i tried him in the jungle and that turned out to be pretty good if you have good mapawerness and understand who you needed to kill early.)
- High Burst Early Game
- Can Flip OverWalls/unexpected gank.
- Super Fast
- Fall off late game
- CC can really messed you up
- No Ult = No Damage if not super ahead
- You will always be behind if you cheese with your top lane SUPER behind if you didn't kill the enemy top lane
- High Burst Early Game
- Can Flip OverWalls/unexpected gank.
- Super Fast
- Fall off late game
- CC can really messed you up
- No Ult = No Damage if not super ahead
- You will always be behind if you cheese with your top lane SUPER behind if you didn't kill the enemy top lane
General Rush
Skirmisher's Sabre - Warrior when behind.
Duskblade of Draktharr when ahead.Never build
Youmuu's Ghostblade first because it doesn't provide the damage you need to solo kill someone like
Graves in the jungle.Remember Your goal is to do as much damage as you can in early game and make sure they doesnt have a late game.
Trinity Force VS
Black Cleaver
TF deal more single target damage than BC but provide less hp and doesn't provide armor sherd if your main target is the enemy adc this game or someone who doesnt build armor and has to die build TF.If you want more AOE damage from your ult and a bit more health go BC.
Lord Dominik's Regards VS
Mortal Reminder
LDR is for when enemy doesnt have any champion that doesn't play around healing ability. It provide more overall damage than MR. MR is for when enemy have a champion like
Soraka who keep everyone alive with her W.
Titanic Hydra VS
Ravenous Hydra
The only reason why you didnt sell tiamat and buy Hydra is because your team coudn't win 5 vs 5 and you need to keep split pushing untill you caught one of the enemy carry and force a 5 vs 4. Titanic if you want more health and Ravenous if you want to push even faster.
Edge of Night/
Guardian Angel/
Mercurial Scimitar
When the enemy got champions like
Ahri you build
Edge of Night with the spell shield you could jump into the enemy team and active the spell shield. It could block hard CC ability like
Charm it could be the difference between you jump in kill someone and run or you jump in and die.
Guardian Angel Is just a good item you should always try to build this when both teams start to fight around baron.Once fight start the team who lost will most likely lose baron. GA provide you with a second life. It good when you know the enemy team will target you down first no matter what.After GA get popped i sugguest getting
Sterak's Gage because it provide you with more health and could save your life from someone like
Zed Both items keeps you alive from burst champions or beening target down.
I dont suggust building [MAW OF MALMORTIUS unless the enemy team had someone whos very fed like
Fizz or at least 4 champions on the enemy team are AP champions. It provide no extra damage other than the flat AD.I suggust building
Mercurial Scimitar if the enemy team is not full AP. It provide lifesteal/Remove CC/Movespeed it so much better than Maw unless they are FULL AP.
Stormrazor is a special item because it gives a lots of single target burst and 65 AD which is a lot but you dont want to build it unless ahead or had someone on the enemy team who is a huge threat and you must kill him like a 10/2/0
Jhin. You could only pop this passive once in a teamfight most of the time.
Duskblade of Draktharr could be only active once in a teamfight too but it provide armor pen which is what talon need. Attack speed isn't really good on talon because of his kill and run style.

TF deal more single target damage than BC but provide less hp and doesn't provide armor sherd if your main target is the enemy adc this game or someone who doesnt build armor and has to die build TF.If you want more AOE damage from your ult and a bit more health go BC.

LDR is for when enemy doesnt have any champion that doesn't play around healing ability. It provide more overall damage than MR. MR is for when enemy have a champion like

The only reason why you didnt sell tiamat and buy Hydra is because your team coudn't win 5 vs 5 and you need to keep split pushing untill you caught one of the enemy carry and force a 5 vs 4. Titanic if you want more health and Ravenous if you want to push even faster.

When the enemy got champions like

I dont suggust building [MAW OF MALMORTIUS unless the enemy team had someone whos very fed like

If you start Red Side:
Start Red with your top tell him not to push after red go top with him and cheese enemy top with W+Q+AA combo with red buff this will make sure to make him flash or stright up die if he went in deep.
If you start Blue side:
Start Red - Wolf - Blue - Top or Mid with your E you should be able to gank top without escape easy. Or you could get 2 level Q and cheese enemy jungler if you see him around your blue. OR you could invade with your top lane if the enemy didn't notice steal their red and go top and cheese the enemy top lane. Because you and your top are coming from behind you could always kill the enemy top because you are from behind, they got no where to run other than toward your tower or toward the river which is not going to save him because of red buff's slow.
Try to gank as much as possible because of your high burst dmg early game. If you coudn't get any kills early safe farm untill 6 and try to use your ult asap because level 6 is your strongest stage of the game you could 1 shot adc without
Heal and
If you start Red Side:
Start Red with your top tell him not to push after red go top with him and cheese enemy top with W+Q+AA combo with red buff this will make sure to make him flash or stright up die if he went in deep.
If you start Blue side:
Start Red - Wolf - Blue - Top or Mid with your E you should be able to gank top without escape easy. Or you could get 2 level Q and cheese enemy jungler if you see him around your blue. OR you could invade with your top lane if the enemy didn't notice steal their red and go top and cheese the enemy top lane. Because you and your top are coming from behind you could always kill the enemy top because you are from behind, they got no where to run other than toward your tower or toward the river which is not going to save him because of red buff's slow.
Try to gank as much as possible because of your high burst dmg early game. If you coudn't get any kills early safe farm untill 6 and try to use your ult asap because level 6 is your strongest stage of the game you could 1 shot adc without

When you tried to gank as talon try to camp them as much as possible because once they doesnt have flash there is no way they could dodge your W+Q+AA combo.
Try look for the following trait when looking for a lane to camp:
- Enemy doesn't have flash.
- Enemy doesn't have any kind of escape ability.
- Your teammate is ahead and could solo kill them or double kill with you vs enemy + enemy jungle.
- Does your teammate have any kind of CC?
Traits for lane not to gank or at least try not to go near:
- Enemy solo killed your teammate 3 or more times.
- Team push the wave under enemy tower.
- Your Red buff is up.
Camp the enemy jungle as much as possible early game because most of the time they are not going to win because of your early game burst.
Try look for the following trait when looking for a lane to camp:
- Enemy doesn't have flash.
- Enemy doesn't have any kind of escape ability.
- Your teammate is ahead and could solo kill them or double kill with you vs enemy + enemy jungle.
- Does your teammate have any kind of CC?
Traits for lane not to gank or at least try not to go near:
- Enemy solo killed your teammate 3 or more times.
- Team push the wave under enemy tower.
- Your Red buff is up.
Camp the enemy jungle as much as possible early game because most of the time they are not going to win because of your early game burst.
Try to do red and gank as much as possible - Farm to level 6 and gank asap because that the strongest time period for talon you could 1 shot any none tanky champions like adc and mages.
This is when you have 2 items trys buy wards and put into enemy jungle and see where the enemy jungle are and hide inside bushes when they come close use Red smite +Melee Q+R+W+AA~ untill they died you should be able to 1 shot enemy jungle with this combo if not try this while they are doing camps. And keep looking for kills in lane.
Late game is around when you coudn't combo tanks to death with W+Q+AA pop passive~repeat or enemy carry have around 3 - 4 items. At this point you should try to split push either top or bot and look for chance to kill the enemy carry like adc or mid. Try to end the game early or mid game because late game with the 40 damage nerf to his W talon can't clear 1 wave of minion with just W need 3 extra autos to kill the melee minions without tiamat.
Try to do red and gank as much as possible - Farm to level 6 and gank asap because that the strongest time period for talon you could 1 shot any none tanky champions like adc and mages.
This is when you have 2 items trys buy wards and put into enemy jungle and see where the enemy jungle are and hide inside bushes when they come close use Red smite +Melee Q+R+W+AA~ untill they died you should be able to 1 shot enemy jungle with this combo if not try this while they are doing camps. And keep looking for kills in lane.
Late game is around when you coudn't combo tanks to death with W+Q+AA pop passive~repeat or enemy carry have around 3 - 4 items. At this point you should try to split push either top or bot and look for chance to kill the enemy carry like adc or mid. Try to end the game early or mid game because late game with the 40 damage nerf to his W talon can't clear 1 wave of minion with just W need 3 extra autos to kill the melee minions without tiamat.
During Teamfights KILL THE MOST SQUISHY CHAMPION ON THE ENEMY TEAM first unless they got a really fed carry without GA or zhonya because those 2 items will really makes you regret playing talon. In teamfight as talon you only get 1 chance to 1 shot someone you jumped in jump on the most fed or the most squishy target to kill and make sure your team can follow up when you jumped in because most of the time enemy going to target you over anybodyeles because you are killing their carries.
Your kill orders should be:
ADC > Mid > Support > JG >= TOP
ADC because they cant build tanky
Mid because most of the time it them doing the most dmg
Support because if he is alive no one will ever die on the enemy team then you target him first.
JG and top most of them time they are either tanks or just secondary supports could try to kill them first if they are super low or they went off meta like adc top lane and also easy to kill.
Just try to kill the squishy target first because 5 vs 4 is always better than 5 vs 5.
Your kill orders should be:
ADC > Mid > Support > JG >= TOP
ADC because they cant build tanky
Mid because most of the time it them doing the most dmg
Support because if he is alive no one will ever die on the enemy team then you target him first.
JG and top most of them time they are either tanks or just secondary supports could try to kill them first if they are super low or they went off meta like adc top lane and also easy to kill.
Just try to kill the squishy target first because 5 vs 4 is always better than 5 vs 5.
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