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Aatrox Build Guide by Mattheos

Jungle [8.18] 😡 Reworked Aatrox Jungle Guide - Season 8 Runes an

Jungle [8.18] 😡 Reworked Aatrox Jungle Guide - Season 8 Runes an

Updated on September 24, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mattheos Build Guide By Mattheos 15 2 84,102 Views 0 Comments
15 2 84,102 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mattheos Aatrox Build Guide By Mattheos Updated on September 24, 2018
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The REWORKED AATROX has been on the live servers a little while now and wow this angel of death feels strong! This guide is intended to serve for new players learning to pick up, play and pop-off with Aatrox in the Jungle role. I plan to keep this guide regularly updated with new runes, item and gameplay as well as tips and tricks. So do favourite and upvote this guide so you can keep track as The Aatrox God of Destruction will learn with you and teach you the best ways to play him!!:)

Aatrox is a highly versatile champion, who is most often found played in the top lane but I certainly believe he has an amazing kit for the jungle role.

Also sub to my channel below by clicking on the images and turn on Notifications so that you are updated when my Pyke videos hit youtube. It's nice to have you here and welcome, to my guide to the New Aatrox Jungle!!!

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Pros vs Cons

+ His ult is a moving Guardian Angel! World Ender's (R)
+ High mobility and great with Umbral Dash (E - 2 Charges)
+ Great CC, and Slows with The Darkin Blade (Q) and Infernal Chains (W)
+ High burst damage

- Weak to CC
- Weak to long ranged and strong kiters
- Monster when ahead; fairy when behind

Reworked Aatrox jungle is extremely fun to play and a feels almost OP when executed well. If you see any enemy champions pushed up in lane or an opportunity to 1v1 the enemy jungler, go for it! Aatrox's sustain and high-damage can surprise your opponent and result in some clutch kills. Heads up though for when the enemy carry is supported by a heavy CC champion as he is pretty much neutered by multiple forms of hard CC, against such team comps it's worth split-pushing and finding picks as Aatrox in the mid-late game. Playing Aatrox successfully depends on knowing went to go balls-deep and when to respect the enemy teams multiple forms of CC and kiting potential.
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Primary - Domination

Dark Harvest for the hello/cy@ burst damage!

Cheap Shot for the increase damage on enemy champions once you have CC or Slowed them

Eyeball collection for the snowball AD

Relentless Hunter for the hyper mobility

Secondary - Personal Preference/Situational (Guardian, Precision or Sorcery is viable)

Boneplating for the increase tankiness when 1v1 enemy jungler or ganking lanes.

Chrysalis for the early tankiness and scaling damage!
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Aatrox’s next basic attack has increased range and deals a percentage of the target’s maximum health as damage. This attack also significantly reduces all healing and shielding on the target for a few seconds.

Deathbringer Stance’s cooldown is slightly reduced whenever Aatrox casts a spell or when he lands the edge of The Darkin Blade on a champion.


Aatrox swings his greatsword up to three times. Each cast increases in damage, impacts a unique area of effect, and can hit with the edge of the blade (a second, smaller hitbox).

Edge of the blade: Hitting enemies at the far end of the first two casts and the center of the third briefly knocks them up and deals significantly more damage.


Aatrox smashes the ground, damaging the first enemy hit and briefly slowing them. If it’s a champion or large monster, they are chained to the impact area.

If the chained enemy is still in the impact area after a few seconds, they are dragged to the center and take damage again.


Passive: Aatrox heals for a portion of the damage he deals.

Active: Aatrox dashes, increasing his attack damage for a few seconds. Umbral Dash can store up to 2 charges and can be used simultaneously with The Darkin Blade.


Aatrox unleashes his full might, becoming monstrous in size and taking flight on massive wings. As he transforms, Aatrox fears nearby minions and briefly increases his movement speed (this bonus is reactivated when out of combat).

While transformed, Aatrox increases his attack damage and gains a Blood Well that stores health over World Ender’s duration, reviving him if he takes lethal damage while in his true form.
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Items wise, you need to focus on building Aatrox jungle early game as AD and burst damage heavy as possible! Tiamat will help you clear jungle camps fast and bringing activatable damage and an AA reset to your ganks :) I definitely encourage you to rush enchantment warrior jungle item, swifities and a blade of the runed king. From this point on, you should build a black cleaver or guinsoo and then you can decide whether you complete the build off with a ravenous hydra upgrade, guardian angel or go more tank focused route with a deadmansplate or spirit's visage when necessary.
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Overall the New Reworked Aatrox is a super fun and strong champion to play in the jungle role! Please feel free to add comments so that I know want to focus on when developing this guide going forward and don't forget to check out my latest champion guides and content on Youtube!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mattheos
Mattheos Aatrox Guide
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[8.18] 😡 Reworked Aatrox Jungle Guide - Season 8 Runes an

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