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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
The Relentless Storm (PASSIVE)
Volibear Passive Ability
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Ideal Synergies
Cant really 1v1 him.
Champion Build Guide
Welcome to my guide, this build is highly off-meta as you can see, but it shouldn't be too bad vs a melee toplaner. If you are playing against a team with lots of cc, I wouldn't recommend building this build, but go for a tank/bruiser build instead. The reason why I made this build is because I was getting tired doing the same thing over and over and over again. So with new and strange builds you can bring some joy back in playing the same old games of league of legends. Because let's be honest, aren't you a bit bored of the game at this point???
Let's talk about the build and items.
In this build everything is focussed on getting the most out of volibear's ult, due to his passive on his w you get a ton of attack speed, which is very useful for procking your ult as many times as possible. But we gotta go faster! Due to lethal tempo we can go beyond the 2.5 attacks/second cap, which means more ult procks! :) Since your ult is an on-hit effect, rageblade should be a no-brainer (more attack speed and a buff to on-hit effects). Your ult scales with ability power, so we need to get some ap too. Try to name a better item than deathcap for that ;) And a nashor's seems pretty obvious too.
Let's talk runes.
Primary runepath
I already explained Lethal tempo, the attack speed cap needs to go ;) But what about the other runes?? I chose Triumph because it is the most useful rune in that specific slot, if you prefer something else please let me know in the comment section. Legend: Alacrity is for even more attack speed (what a surprise XD) Coup de Grace is quite good in team fights, most of the time you use your ult in team fights so you damage all of them with your ult, when they get low you deal lots and lots of damage to them, so you can carry team fights with just your ult. They can do nothing else than just running away, or they feel the anger of this teddy bear :)
secondary runepath
so we go Taste of Blood and ultimate hunter. Taste of blood feels so nice when you hit all 5 enemy's with your ult :) Ultimate hunter is the best rune due to the fact that most of your damage is going to come from your ult in team fights.
So in conclusion. No, you should not play this in ranked. No, this isn't the best volibear build out there. But it is a fun build to try! Let me know what you think of it in the comment section. And, if you liked the build/idea, let me know with a thumbs up! :)
Let's talk about the build and items.
In this build everything is focussed on getting the most out of volibear's ult, due to his passive on his w you get a ton of attack speed, which is very useful for procking your ult as many times as possible. But we gotta go faster! Due to lethal tempo we can go beyond the 2.5 attacks/second cap, which means more ult procks! :) Since your ult is an on-hit effect, rageblade should be a no-brainer (more attack speed and a buff to on-hit effects). Your ult scales with ability power, so we need to get some ap too. Try to name a better item than deathcap for that ;) And a nashor's seems pretty obvious too.
Let's talk runes.
Primary runepath
I already explained Lethal tempo, the attack speed cap needs to go ;) But what about the other runes?? I chose Triumph because it is the most useful rune in that specific slot, if you prefer something else please let me know in the comment section. Legend: Alacrity is for even more attack speed (what a surprise XD) Coup de Grace is quite good in team fights, most of the time you use your ult in team fights so you damage all of them with your ult, when they get low you deal lots and lots of damage to them, so you can carry team fights with just your ult. They can do nothing else than just running away, or they feel the anger of this teddy bear :)
secondary runepath
so we go Taste of Blood and ultimate hunter. Taste of blood feels so nice when you hit all 5 enemy's with your ult :) Ultimate hunter is the best rune due to the fact that most of your damage is going to come from your ult in team fights.
So in conclusion. No, you should not play this in ranked. No, this isn't the best volibear build out there. But it is a fun build to try! Let me know what you think of it in the comment section. And, if you liked the build/idea, let me know with a thumbs up! :)
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