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So, do you have any constructive criticism of the guide, or are you just here to flame the author for no reason?
This comment and attitude is not what is considered as "constructive feedback".
It's okay to disagree with people's opinions but the quality of a guide doesn't have to do anything with the person's tier.
Hamstertamer "jumped in" because your behavior and attitude seem quite negative and unfair. However maybe you could let the author know what to improve on their guide since we already know that you're thinking they should improve their rank as well.
You did not offer any constructive feedback to help the author improve his/her work. You literally admitted you opened an account to belittle the author. Mobafire doesn't care what your rank is, anyone can make a guide. If you chose to not take the guide's information that is fine but don't belittle someone for their rank. You have the right to your opinion, doesn't mean you have to say something nasty. Treat people how you want to be treated.