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Akali Build Guide by ShockStrikes

Middle [9.24] Top & Mid - Mastering the assassin with no master

Middle [9.24] Top & Mid - Mastering the assassin with no master

Updated on February 2, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShockStrikes Build Guide By ShockStrikes 170 14 516,024 Views 22 Comments
170 14 516,024 Views 22 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShockStrikes Akali Build Guide By ShockStrikes Updated on February 2, 2020
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AboutdubiouS | August 3, 2019 11:11pm
dude this build is the best so far as I have seen I got 2 penta kills in a normal game I havent even played for a week thanks for the help man
ShockStrikes (9) | August 4, 2019 2:55pm
Eh man, it might be the build helping, but by now it's all you and your skill carrying you! Nice job!
lyristartist | June 3, 2019 4:15pm
This build had helped me gain more confidence in my skills as Akali. Thank you <3
ShockStrikes (9) | June 6, 2019 12:50pm
No problem! Glad to be helping, been busy lately. Hard to really get updates out :)
HoshieTobikoni (1) | May 14, 2019 5:38pm
Had to make an account to comment, I downvoted, horrible guide. Learn to get out of bronze first before you write anything misleading, get out of here. I would suggest you go into iron and start over again. Misleading, I'd go to other guides.
Hamstertamer (74) | May 14, 2019 10:55pm
Had to make an account to comment, I downvoted, horrible guide. Learn to get out of bronze first before you write anything misleading, get out of here. I would suggest you go into iron and start over again. Misleading, I'd go to other guides.

So, do you have any constructive criticism of the guide, or are you just here to flame the author for no reason?
HoshieTobikoni (1) | May 15, 2019 12:59pm
He is bronze, he is not qualified to make a guide, he is horrible. Why do you suddenly have to jump in?
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ShockStrikes (9) | May 14, 2019 6:20pm
Thanks for the feedback man, appreciate the honesty. I'm just trying to make a guide to help new players get familiar with Akali. I do not care about my rank currently, right now is that the site helped me when I was a noob, so why not help back by creating my own guide. That's my motivation. I will try to improve my guide, however, can you tell me what you find misleading?
PsiGuard (1495) | May 15, 2019 4:13pm
Props for the calm response, +Rep.
HoshieTobikoni (1) | May 15, 2019 1:01pm
As for you, you really take void staff over lich bane? That's a huge error man, lich bane really works well with Akali's passive. You have my downvote for that.
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DasGrauen_ (6) | April 26, 2019 7:46am
Nice guide but I would max Q first then 2 points in W and then E max for the damage .. but nice guide! :)
ShockStrikes (9) | April 26, 2019 8:37am
Hey man, I love the support. q, is indeed supposed to be maxed first, it is the primary source of wave clear and harass during the course of the game. However, the Q provides much sustain and it makes it safer to poke or escape. E does physical damage and only scales with AD, we build an AD, AP hybrid with Akali, whilst focusing AP items for the maximum damage on her R. The only time I would max E second is when running the Electrocute with Precision rune page, this is of course when you're trying to achieve maximum damage. W allows us to seamlessly kill the back line in a team fight, as you cannot be targeted by auto attacks while in the shroud. The extra energy it provides at max rank isn't comparable to the damage from E in my opinion. Thank you for the feedback :)
nooblord14 (1) | April 26, 2019 6:46am
Awesome guide for someone's first time! You have a ton of information and I'm more confident about playing with Akali now.But if I were to request a change, I would add some item descriptions to explain why some items are desirable to her and when you should buy them. Also another change I would add is for you to have a guide on Akali's early, mid, late game, I think having a better understanding on the different "phase" of the game will be very helpful to newer players such as me.
ShockStrikes (9) | April 26, 2019 8:29am
Wow, the first comment just seems to be so positive! Thanks man. It really helps, I will definitely add those sections when I have the time. I am currently trying to grab some videos from my own game-play to add it into the Early-Late game sections. Items are a must add so I'll have to add them anyway, thank you Nooblord14, I'll be sure to check out your guides!
ShockStrikes (9) | April 25, 2019 2:22pm
I haven't seen much criticism, please if you see anything wrong with this guide, provide some feedback. Also, thank you for the support, this is my first guide. Lastly, this guide is a W.I.P.
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[9.24] Top & Mid - Mastering the assassin with no master

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