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Yone Build Guide by Shark of Void

Middle 9 circles of hell in the guides (NOT YONE GUIDE)

Middle 9 circles of hell in the guides (NOT YONE GUIDE)

Updated on January 1, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shark of Void Build Guide By Shark of Void 4 2 2,565 Views 0 Comments
4 2 2,565 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shark of Void Yone Build Guide By Shark of Void Updated on January 1, 2024
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Runes: :(

Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Clarity + Cleanse
LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


LoL Summoner Spell: Cleanse



What happens when we read bad guides

Champion Build Guide

9 circles of hell in the guides (NOT YONE GUIDE)

By Shark of Void
First, I'll tell you about myself so that you can trust me: the most important thing you need to know is that I have won guide contests 5 times already (If you want to make sure, check my profile).

So, I'll explain something to you: the whole "guide" is a collection of all the terrible mistakes and things that I saw in, please note, the MOST POPULAR AND HIGHLY RATED guides.

Basically, my main reason for creating this is that people take advantage of terrible guides, and the good ones are simply ignored because the bad ones are higher rated, or they downvote good guides so that they are not watched but only the bad ones. I'll show you an example and explain why it's bad. I will try to keep the guides anonymous, from which I take examples, but since they are very popular and highly rated, you will probably guess some guides in them.

P.S. I'm creating this in Yone because we are looking for Azakans in the guides to seal them, XD)
1. Guide Title
I've put the worst titles together, but trust me, if there are at least 2 parts in the title of a real guide, then it's garbage.

It looks in the list of guides:

It looks in the guide:

So, let's take it apart and figure out what's wrong with it:

1. (13.24) - patch. Why do I need to write a patch if it is listed in the list of guides?

2. Shark of Void - your nickname. Again, why...

3. Yone - champion's name. Why 3x

4. In-depth - depth of guidance. First, again, this is indicated under the title. Secondly, if this icon is not under your title, then why are you deceiving people?!

5. ADC - role. I am already tired of repeating that this is already indicated in the guide list, so I will not comment it.

6. Master tier - rank. Here I will add another note: very often the rank in the title differs from the rank indicated in the list of guides. I believe that firstly, this is a deception (since most likely you have taken this rank before), and secondly, you should attract readers to your guide not by your rank in the title, but by something else, for example, an in-depth badge, or the coolest thing is the praise of a scout.

7. Rank 1 world - rank on champion. The same as the previous paragraph, this is not a terrible mistake, but if you want to attract the reader with this, then I feel sorry for you.

8. Season 13 - season. Point 1.

9. [Updated] - date. Finally, this repeat fiesta is over...

10. Well, I'll also add that too long names are cut off, it's ugly.

OK, you ask me, so what should be a good title?! And I will answer you: it is best that it be some kind of catchy phrase, or a quote from the champ, so you show that you do not want to make the reader click, your guide is self-sufficient and able to attract the reader without any huge titles with unnecessary elements. Also specify all the roles if you have several of them. I'll show you the name of Fruxo's guide on Vi, it's just perfect:

Look at the eye-catching elements: the 10/10, in-depth badge and the most eye-catching, the scout approval badge. Therefore, it doesn't need any fancy titles, it's just a good phrase.
2. Build Options
So, there will be several types of bad build orders, let's start with the first one, I'm generally surprised how THIS can be in the top rated guides:

1. No variation
2. No notes or explanations as to why this is the case.

Well, that's it, there's nothing here, so there's nothing to add, let's move on to the next type, more interesting:

1. There are variations. Don't get me wrong, variations are good, but read the next paragraph and you'll understand everything, a beginner just won't understand anything, in this sense, the first option is even better.
2. No notes or explanations as to why this is the case.

Well, now I'll show you part of the previous picture with the third type of horror in guides:
Disclaimer: I'm going to write some nonsense, just so you understand the message

1. There are variations.
2. The notes are so huge that you just lose the line you're reading when you try to read them.

Remember: the build order is needed for concise, accurate and useful information. If you want to talk in depth about this, then do it in the guide itself.

A good example of a build order: (taken from here)

3. Threats and Synergies
I'll tell you how it is, this part is very subjective, but there is 1 thing worth pointing out:

1. There are variations.
2. The notes are so huge that you just lose the line you're reading when you try to read them.

It's just impossible to read, please, if you want to give a lot of useful information about the matchup (and good guiders should do this), then create a separate chapter in the guide, as, for example, IKeepItTaco does:

4. Walls of text
This is probably the most common vice of top rated guides. First, I will show you 3 types of the same text, and you will decide for yourself which one you like best:




My opinion
5. Republishing outdated guides
This is a huge problem with high rated guides. The saddest thing is that they ignore it and upvote it anyway. I can't show you any examples, but you just know this problem.
6. The absence or terrible use of the BBCode
This is a development of the above vice, because sometimes a bad using of BBCode can be even worse than Walls of text.

A terrible BBCode from ONE guide with a score of 10/10 (anonymously)

I think, it is enough, there are 2 more examples, but it is difficult to show them without showing the guide itself.

An example of a good BBCode using: (taken from here)
7. A huge amount of advertising
Hello everyone I am the challenger of Korea, the top 1 Yone player in the world, visit my Twitch!

a little bit of a guide
a little bit of a guide

I hope you enjoyed my guide, be sure to visit my Twitch!

However, it is enough to add this only at the end/beginning of the guide and that's it.
8. Too many links to YouTube
a little bit of a guide

Well, you can mentally continue this "film"

The main idea: instead of making a good analysis of matchups, some "guiders" make simple gameplay, which is almost always outdated (another mention of point 5), and also takes up a huge space. If you really want to record a video, do one thing and show it only (however, it will soon become irrelevant, so I still advise you to just parse each matchup text-wise).
9. Skin tier lists
Disclaimer: this is just a random arrangement of skins, THIS IS NOT MY OPINION, and you will not see it here, I am not a Yone mainer.

Now tell me, why is this necessary? What's the point? This can ONLY be useful if it provides some kind of minimal gaming advantage.

The only good example I found (Sovereign Kitten)

So, today's hunt with Yone has come to an end and we have defeated the Azakanas of the guides!

I really hope that you will now consider and vote for guides more objectively. If you want to support me or see a good guide, then feel free to check out and upvote or even +rep my best guide: here
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