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Ability Order
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability
this the real difference to most guild sit here
start boots more speed is always good help (as i said before ) last hit and harras
then meaki in to chalice of harminy ( see chalice vs cat) great synergy with innate
then go boots more speed more abity to harrass and last hit
then take hextect revolver great synergey with your ult
[then[ rylias start with gaints belt then hit the rylias
then [wota more synergy with ult
then finally take your deathcap ]for the damage
then you get AS for more damge and helps your "up in your face" playstyle you should have
start boots more speed is always good help (as i said before ) last hit and harras
then meaki in to chalice of harminy ( see chalice vs cat) great synergy with innate
then go boots more speed more abity to harrass and last hit
then take hextect revolver great synergey with your ult
[then[ rylias start with gaints belt then hit the rylias
then [wota more synergy with ult
then finally take your deathcap ]for the damage
then you get AS for more damge and helps your "up in your face" playstyle you should have
i figured that i need to explin myslef in why i like chalice more then i do cat in to roa
in swains case swain get passive mana regen on last hits this regen is affected my the passive of chalice. this allows you to stay more with last hits maks his innate give more mana when you need when cata is only when you level so what if you level with full mana or don't get a level in the middle of a ight and go oom.
the other real reason i like chalice better is its cheaper for more sustain. MR helps you take the mid harrass from you oppenet and help you live through a burst and let your ult heal you 30 MR is alot on top of you base it really decresses the damage of your enemy.
890 is 435 gold cheaper then 1325 assumming that you going to upgrade right away thats 3035 gold on just your 1st time alone thats almost 150 cs if you went chalice you would have 2145 gold thats almost enough to get hextech and a gaints belt thats 20 less heath and 20 less ap grant it however that spell vamp and an earlier ryalis will help you succsed in 1. helping your team with the slow 2. more surviablity in lane with the spell vamp and in teamfights with the sv 3. it allows you to net those early kill and deine early deaths
in swains case swain get passive mana regen on last hits this regen is affected my the passive of chalice. this allows you to stay more with last hits maks his innate give more mana when you need when cata is only when you level so what if you level with full mana or don't get a level in the middle of a ight and go oom.
the other real reason i like chalice better is its cheaper for more sustain. MR helps you take the mid harrass from you oppenet and help you live through a burst and let your ult heal you 30 MR is alot on top of you base it really decresses the damage of your enemy.
890 is 435 gold cheaper then 1325 assumming that you going to upgrade right away thats 3035 gold on just your 1st time alone thats almost 150 cs if you went chalice you would have 2145 gold thats almost enough to get hextech and a gaints belt thats 20 less heath and 20 less ap grant it however that spell vamp and an earlier ryalis will help you succsed in 1. helping your team with the slow 2. more surviablity in lane with the spell vamp and in teamfights with the sv 3. it allows you to net those early kill and deine early deaths
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