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Elise General Guide by JeffStrife

Support A Guide to Support Elise [S4]

Support A Guide to Support Elise [S4]

Updated on March 27, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JeffStrife Build Guide By JeffStrife 16 5 78,467 Views 42 Comments
16 5 78,467 Views 42 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JeffStrife Elise Build Guide By JeffStrife Updated on March 27, 2014
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Ps.ValidusSaibre | July 27, 2014 12:24am
jeff Nunez is <3
DarkAkumaLord (61) | March 29, 2014 12:17pm
Ancient Coin :) Gotta love that no work gold gain. Huh. I'll let you work on this guide for a while and whenever I come back from the dead. I'll check it out.
JeffStrife (10) | March 27, 2014 5:35pm
Fine, I'll try to give Spellthief's Edge a chance (again).

EDIT: Spellthief's Edge works out just fine as well so I replaced Relic Shield with it.
Thank you for your suggestions and opinions~
sirell (400) | March 27, 2014 9:10am
Voted -1
Vynertje wrote:

If you're ever going to play elise support, at least run spellthief's edge. Dorans shield and relic shield really aren't such good items for elise support.

Exactly this. Relic Shield is easily the weakest option of the three for Elise. Just because she has a melee form, doesn't mean she should get it. In fact, playing support Elise, you should be in human form to begin with most of them time. Your combos pretty much always starts in human form, not spider form.

I ran a lot of support Elise games at the start of the Season before I stabilised into my ranked roster, so I have a pretty good idea of how to play her, even with the recent nerfs.
Vynertje (386) | March 27, 2014 7:51am
Voted -1
If you're ever going to play elise support, at least run spellthief's edge. Dorans shield and relic shield really aren't such good items for elise support.
JeffStrife (10) | March 27, 2014 7:51am
Okay, I'll follow up the guide with more explanations on the cores as well as the match-ups against other supports and synergies with other ADR's. :)
EdisonKhoo (74) | March 27, 2014 7:36am
I wont vote cause its too good to downvote, but I didn't upvote because of your items section, you only explain starting items and 3 situational items =/ What about your core items? You need to explain those though.
JeffStrife (10) | March 27, 2014 6:49am
Hmm yup u r right but Ancient Coin does worth mention though, its like Leona could also choose both the Relic Shield and Ancient Coin.

Thank you for your suggestion, I will try to mention the perks of having Ancient Coin on Support Elise.
Do drop a vote if you can. :)
EdisonKhoo (74) | March 27, 2014 6:07am
Hmm yup u r right but Ancient Coin does worth mention though, its like Leona could also choose both the Relic Shield and Ancient Coin.

Also, thanks for checking out my guide but its not as pretty as yours and thus, I have no bannera :p
JeffStrife (10) | March 27, 2014 1:48am
Ancient Coin is a better start than Relic Shield IMO =/

Ancient Coin is good but Elise is one of the only AP supports to have melee skills.
Unlike Support Syndra (I read your guide, and I like the concept :) ) Elise has to be clinging to the enemy bot when trading. Relic Shield provides great hp for that and Elise , being melee, makes consuming the stacks easier. :)

Thank you for your opinion, I appreciate it :)
EdisonKhoo (74) | March 26, 2014 6:51am
Ancient Coin is a better start than Relic Shield IMO =/
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