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You have to e to the side to bait out her charm or else u lose the trade, so she is a high skill matchup. Look to roam a lot if don't get ahead vs her.
Never fight and if she goes onto u immediately cast w and try to proc passive and run away as soon as possible, if your too slow to it then bail. Look to roam at lvl 4 toplane and just keep roaming.
Just look to play defensive and throw q's and if he goes onto u, proc passive and run away. Roam alot vs him.
Stay out of your minion wave and play aggressive but if you don't get ahead early then roam.
You can go in whenever you want if she uses w, never go in when she has w. Look to roam to get ahead early vs her.
If you don't beat him early and get ahead early vs him than FF 15 go next.
You can play pretty aggressive lvl 1 but back off a bit when he hits lvl 2. Don't roam a lot post 6 due to his ult but try to roam early. Try to get your jungler to gank early due to him getting melted by AD champions, if your jungler is ap than you have to hit your stun to win the 1v2.
E to the side when she w's onto u to dodge her chain than you can nae nae her.
Play as passive as possible against him and look to rotate with your jg to secure kills and get ahead. Don't roam a lot vs him due to his e.
Twisted Fate
He outroams you so try to beat him early and roam a lot, only go in when he uses w on the wave.
E her little bubble skillshot and look to e - q (animation cancel) auto as fast as possible because she can push you back.
Just roam man. You might be able to kill her early but only when she doesn't have stun up.
Try to shove her in and roam as soon as possible due to her being able to poke you. If your going in then e her q and all in.
Get your jungler to help you and roam a lot or else its gg.
You beat her lvl 1 but not lvl 2 so watch out for that. Try not to play really passively lvl 2 or else she can get ahead and nae nae you.
Master Yi
You guys have high burst damage and scale really hard.
Her ult into your stun is great, you both synergies with each other in 2v2's or 2v1's.
Master Yi
You guys have high burst damage and scale really hard.
Her ult into your stun is great, you both synergies with each other in 2v2's or 2v1's.
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