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Aatrox Build Guide by Enverie

Jungle Aatrox- You're hopeless playing against him!

Jungle Aatrox- You're hopeless playing against him!

Updated on March 25, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Enverie Build Guide By Enverie 2,237 Views 1 Comments
2,237 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Enverie Aatrox Build Guide By Enverie Updated on March 25, 2014
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Aatrox is weak and very vulnerable early game. However, if you farm good enough and get a few kills, you'll be able to cut off their blue balls. Try not to engage, you must stay isolated from all enemies.

If you're new to Aatrox, practice him with bots in a custom game. If you think you understand his mechanics, start a normal game. If this doesn't work out, work alone in a custom game. Kills are not as important as farming.

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<tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> J </td> <td class="hiliteW"> Aatrox </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/aatrox-114" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'114' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/aatrox.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> T </td> <td class="hiliteW"> AatroxIsOP </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/renekton-68" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'68' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/renekton.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> AD </td> <td class="hiliteW"> AatroxCutMyBalls </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/caitlyn-67" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'67' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/caitlyn.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> S </td> <td class="hiliteW"> AatroxIsAwesome </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/alistar-4" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'4' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/alistar.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> AP </td> <td class="hiliteW"> AATROXOMG </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/ahri-89" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'89' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/ahri.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> infinity </td> </tr>
" K D A CS

Aatrox, don't mess with him!
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What people don't know about Aatrox

His ultimate ability doesn't only give him extra Attack Speed and Range but also deals damage to its surroundings when activated (200/300/400 +100% AP)

If you're close to full health, don't spam your abilities. You will waste a ton of health, 10% or 5% of your current health

Engage fights with a full Blood Well, once you die, you'll get more health back!
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If you start to feed

Farm and defend. If you don't, you will feed. And then Teemo will get fed and then you'll lose. If you get caught, try to jump over walls with your Dark Flight. If he still chases you, use your Blade of Torment to slow him down. But why run away? If you have lifesteal and your passive, just wreck his blue balls.
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If he doesn't use this guide, GG WP. If he does, its about skill. If he's more fed, try avoiding him

You can knock her up with your Dark Flight, and then kill her. She can run away with her Ultimate though. Avoid her charm, you can cut her blue balls easily if you're close to her!

You can kill her when she comes to close to you. If she is fed, Fly away
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Enverie
Enverie Aatrox Guide
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Aatrox- You're hopeless playing against him!

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