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Runes: Nunu & Willump Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Ability Order
Call of the Freljord (PASSIVE)
Nunu & Willump Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Trundle will mess you up early game if he can track you down. Your just not tanky enough to survive his early damage and dueling.
Spash damage and good cc works well with Nunu.
Pretty much anybody that can follow up after you snowball.
Spash damage and good cc works well with Nunu. Pretty much anybody that can follow up after you snowball.
Champion Build Guide
About the Author
I have played Nunu & Willump before and he is really cool. I am a good player I think and I know how stuff works. I play Nunu when I feel like carrying my team really. You might not think Nunu can carry but the way I think of it, stealing drakes, taking drakes, taking jungle objectives, and getting those boosts really help, your teammates will really love you when you pick Nunu as it shows you want to win especially in ranked. Nunu is a great pick in ranked and he's pretty easy once you play him for a good couple of games.

Nunu & Willump Facts
As Always the classic Nunu gank, here's how it goes - you start your snowball in lane and you snowball straight down the lane and SLAMM! You ran into the enemy champs and then you win.
You have 2 smites, your q and your regular smite so if you get the Drake, Baron, or Rift stolen from you, you should be ashamed of yourself. You don't have to be but im sure your teammates will not be happy if it's a ranked game. I've witnessed that before, I couldn't hold in my confusion for the slip up.
You aren't very tanky early game and you don't have much dueling power, so don't go trying to start 1 v 1's that you can't win. There is little chance that you will win a 1 v 1 early game in pretty much any situation. If you get into a fight and your being tracked and hunted down, just run, farm and run. Like in those movies, pick up as much gold and jewels as you can before the floor crumbles away or something. But you have to of course make sure you get away with it too.
If you are playing

Pros & Cons:
[*] Great Objective Control
[*] Great Crowd Control(cc)
[*] In lane and out of lane ganks, both effective.
[*] Not as clunky as other older champions, unlike

[*] Fast and Durable
[*] Really fun to try out new builds on
[*] Not really touched too often nerf and buff wise.
[*] Your Ultimate

[*] You can't really tank damage if you have a really bad start
[*] If you build full AP on him for fun there is a high chance you will still get shattered like cold glass.
[*] Low base resistances leading to bad early dueling into assassins and fighters.
Nunu & Willumps Abillities

[[Biggest Snowball Ever!] is a very fun and speedy movement damage type ability. This is very hard to stop and not many champions can stop this and this is a good scuttle bug engage for you and it allows you to get around the map faster early and later in the game. Of course if you get rooted your snowball will just float away and if you get cced that makes you stop moving you will get you snowball thrown away but you need really good skillshot aim to hit you if your going really fast.Snowball!

Nunu & Willump has a very fun and snowy theme to it, it has its weaknesses but it also has great power, so remember, with great power comes great responsibility.
Jungler Objective Basics
As a Jungler you are going to be focusing on one of these four Jungle Institute Activities or JIA - Farming - You try to get as much gold and cs as possible as fast as you can by any means Necessary. Dueling - You track down the enemy teams Jungler to fight them and kill them usually resulting in them not getting their powerspikes and you winning the game by any means necessary. Objective Taking - You take Drakes, the rift heralds, Barons you know which objectives to prioritize in any given situation. Ganking - You keep up in level while helping your team snowball and thrive as efficiently as possible, this is hard for a decent amount of people to do as it takes some experience to know how to be efficient.
When it comes to prioritizing Drakes sometimes it can be hard if you aren't experienced but this will help you get a good understanding of which drakes to take and which drakes you CAN give up if needed or if there is a better objective available.

The Infernal drake is the one and only drake that is great in any situation no matter the game,Infernal drake gives extra damage that is adaptive so it will change based on your champions damage type. This drake should be a no brainer to take and you should not try to give this up as it is a great powerspike and it will change the course of a game a good deal.

The Mountain Drake is a great drake to have when going against a team with a lot of close range bruiser damage dealers, these types of champions will usually take Conqeuror or something similar. This is a great drake to have when going against a team with champions like these,

The Ocean Drake is a great drake when the enemy team has a strong marksman and/or a longer range mage. What this drake will do is allow you to regenerate health faster from the poke that these types of champions will shoot at you. ultimately allowing you to maintain a good health and be able to Come back and fight without backing. Champions that this is great against are champions that will use

The Cloud Drake is a great Drake to have when you have powerful ultimates on your team. Its really simple, champions that have powerful ultimates would be,

Other Buffs:

Rift Herald is a good Epic Monster for pushing lanes and getting tower plating, I would make sure to get the first one pre-14 when tower plating falls.

Baron Nashor is a great buff for finishing off the losing enemy team by pushing the waves. You usually take this objective after getting an inhibitor allowing you to super power up your super minions for a strong push.
So as

Overall your play style on

My Wrap up
For those of you that have made it this far into my Build/Guide I thank you for making it to the bottom. I like to attempt to make good builds and guide for people and be able share my love for this beautiful creature

I am sure this isn't the best Nunu & Willump guide out there but I hope you liked it if you are reading this. I don't find Nunu to be my best champion but I know that I can do well with him in game and I know that I can win with him and I hope other people can too as he is simple but not braindead and you actually need a brain to play him.
Thank you with Love,
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