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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Mark of the Storm (PASSIVE)
Kennen Passive Ability
[*] Enjoyable and rewarding to play.
[*] Exceptionally good teamfight and late game.
[*] Incredible farmer.
[*] Great harass with autos + Electrical Surge
[*] Built-in gap closer.
[*] Good AP scales.
[*] Can fit into almost any team comp.
[*] Can be built to cater to a variety of different play styles.
[*] Squishy early game.
[*] Poked easily while farming.*
[*] Unable to control who Slicing Maelstrom targets.
[*] Runs out of energy quickly.
[*] No built-in sustain.
[*] You cannot basic attack while in Lightning Rush.
Kennen is a high damage ranged champion. He has great poking ability's which allow him to keep his target under damage. The only problem is, if you use your E (Lightning Rush) at the wrong time you can be very easy to gank with very little ways to get out of it. Other then the high damage and high sustain with a little bit of lifesteal, kennen is a great Top Laner to play in Season 3.
[*] Enjoyable and rewarding to play.
[*] Exceptionally good teamfight and late game.
[*] Incredible farmer.
[*] Great harass with autos + Electrical Surge
[*] Built-in gap closer.
[*] Good AP scales.
[*] Can fit into almost any team comp.
[*] Can be built to cater to a variety of different play styles.
[*] Squishy early game.
[*] Poked easily while farming.*
[*] Unable to control who Slicing Maelstrom targets.
[*] Runs out of energy quickly.
[*] No built-in sustain.
[*] You cannot basic attack while in Lightning Rush.
Kennen is a high damage ranged champion. He has great poking ability's which allow him to keep his target under damage. The only problem is, if you use your E (Lightning Rush) at the wrong time you can be very easy to gank with very little ways to get out of it. Other then the high damage and high sustain with a little bit of lifesteal, kennen is a great Top Laner to play in Season 3.
Kennnen as a top laner actually has very little counters!
[*] Will out sustain
[*] Will match farm
[*] Works better with junglers
[*] Stops engage
[*] Pokes hard
[*] Almost completely ignores damage from Slicing Maelstrom
[*] Will out sustain
[*] Pokes hard
[*] Wins trades
[*] Denies you farm
[*] Out sustains
[*] Pokes hard
[*] Denies you farm
[*] Dodges ult with Sanguine Pool
[*] Pushes lane hard while farming
[*] Out sustains
[*] Farms more efficiently
[*] Can tank harass
[*] Wins trades
Kennnen as a top laner actually has very little counters!
[*] Will out sustain
[*] Will match farm
[*] Works better with junglers
[*] Stops engage
[*] Pokes hard
[*] Almost completely ignores damage from Slicing Maelstrom
[*] Will out sustain
[*] Pokes hard
[*] Wins trades
[*] Denies you farm
[*] Out sustains
[*] Pokes hard
[*] Denies you farm
[*] Dodges ult with Sanguine Pool
[*] Pushes lane hard while farming
[*] Out sustains
[*] Farms more efficiently
[*] Can tank harass
[*] Wins trades
I have explained above the reasons why i like to use this skill order, but just to go over it again, i like this skill order because it allows me to get stuns relatively fast and keep the target enemy champion under pressure. This allows you to out farm and get set ups for friendly junglers/ gankers.
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