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Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
Why AD Nidalee ?

There are few dwellers, let alone champions, residing in the blasted and dangerous lands that lie south of the Great Barrier. Much of that world still bears the scars of past Runes Wars, especially the mysterious ***ungu Jungle. There are long-forgotten treasures in these strange places which many risk life and limb to acquire. The champion known as Nidalee was only a young girl travelling with her treasure-seeking parents when they lost their way in the dense, rainy jungles. The jungle was unforgiving, and she watched her parents suffer agonizing final days as they fell victim to a mysterious and vicious disease.
As improbable as it was for a child to survive in the inhospitable jungle by herself, she did just that. Her youthful innocence and a fortunate naivete caused her to appeal to the beasts of that place and she was taken in by a family of cougars and raised as one of their own. She grew and somehow absorbed the raw magic of the dense wilds, evolving beyond both her human physiology and her feline affectation. On one pivotal day in her life, standing over the torn remnants of a Noxian squad of woodcutters, Nidalee chose to rejoin the so-called civilized world, to fight in the League of Legends so as to protect the vast woods from both Demacia and Noxus.
Nidalee was taught to fight by her feline family, battling viciously with tooth and nail. Something in her feline ways may draw you to her, but remember that she is no pussycat.
As improbable as it was for a child to survive in the inhospitable jungle by herself, she did just that. Her youthful innocence and a fortunate naivete caused her to appeal to the beasts of that place and she was taken in by a family of cougars and raised as one of their own. She grew and somehow absorbed the raw magic of the dense wilds, evolving beyond both her human physiology and her feline affectation. On one pivotal day in her life, standing over the torn remnants of a Noxian squad of woodcutters, Nidalee chose to rejoin the so-called civilized world, to fight in the League of Legends so as to protect the vast woods from both Demacia and Noxus.
Nidalee was taught to fight by her feline family, battling viciously with tooth and nail. Something in her feline ways may draw you to her, but remember that she is no pussycat.
? Nidalee in beginning need more AD. With this mark you will be more aggressive.
? My style of Nidalee is 30% tank and 70% AD with this Glyph your hard CC enemy deal you smaller DMG.
? You are 30% tank so you need more ARMOR.
Nidalle in beginning need more AD. With this Quint you will be more aggressive.




Nidalle in beginning need more AD. With this Quint you will be more aggressive.
You start with
and 2x
After you have 2000 money (10 level) you back to buy
Then, according to the situation buy boots. This ( if enemy is hard CC )
or this ( if enemy is hard AD )
Next item is
These items are the basis for AD NIDALEE! Then, according to the situation buy other items. Sometimes i buy

? This spell is probably important for every AD hero.
? Nidalee need more Movement speed This spell is good to escape and to make up for enemy champions.
You can take:
This spell take only when the enemy pick volibear, warwick, mundo
This spell only when the enemy pick tryndamere, master yi and next hard AD
about this spell I say anything this spell take ONLY support
You are not jungler
10 min colldown you dont need this
you dont need teleport. You are fast with cougar.


You can take:


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