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Nidalee Build Guide by AWildNidAppears

Top Ad Nidalee... Toplane Domination [S3]

Top Ad Nidalee... Toplane Domination [S3]

Updated on December 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AWildNidAppears Build Guide By AWildNidAppears 9 1 102,013 Views 15 Comments
9 1 102,013 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AWildNidAppears Nidalee Build Guide By AWildNidAppears Updated on December 12, 2012
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Gott der 7 Meere (51) | December 13, 2012 6:15am
Voted +1
That's some guide ! I thought about all the interesting changes comming with S3 and this guide put them all together for me - nice :D +1
CaptainPotato | December 11, 2012 10:36pm
Voted +1
Excellent builds.
xJulesWinnfieldx | December 11, 2012 2:26pm
Voted +1
I dont really like getting a doran's early, but okay there are different oppinions on that. I think the best thing about this guide is the section vs enemy toplaner at the end, really helped me :) nice work dude
k000rn92 | November 22, 2012 5:26pm
Voted +1
helped working on this guide.

Didnt do much but helping with 3-4 Chars in the "enemy toplaner" section.
Still i'm amazed how good this Guide got and i enjoy every single Game i follow it!
k000rn92 | November 22, 2012 5:25pm

8 items, why not? this guide is a mess. too many options without a clear cut direction. Wits end > hexdrink against ap

there are NEVER 8 Items used in ANY of these Builds.... just some "take in case of..." thats how you got confused.

the hexdrink for wits end is a possibility and i personaly would say it's more effective (didnt tried it though).

well how can you, by the sake of logic, say that there is TOO MUCH INFORMATION in an IN-DEPTH(!) Guide? dats just paradox and not suited. Your downvote is an insult and should be ignored!

This Guide is not 100% perfect but it's the best ******* AD Nid Guide out there!
KoreanSP (30) | September 9, 2012 1:57pm
Voted +1
Very well. A response of improvement is a good indication of a great guide and dedication, you have my vote. I hope this guide grows! ^^
AWildNidAppears (1) | September 9, 2012 1:35pm
KoreanSP wrote:

Well written! But I do see a few problems.

As throatslasher said, there are too many options without a powerful core build. You also don't put optional items such as GA, Frozen Mallet, Wits End, and so on which are all effective on Nid. Multiple builds are great, but with your guide, it is rather confusing on which to go.

The guide is rather 'messy', with a lot of colors and words, and no simplification. A guide that is detailed as yours needs to be more aesthetically approving in order for people to actually read it. Either that, or you should cut down on your information.

I'd suggest simplifying your builds while putting more emphasis on WHAT you need, rather how to build it or who it counters.

Gladly upvote if there is any change! Although, likewise, I'm afraid my vote will be a downvote if nothing happens.

O and also thanks for your nidalee guide, i read it as said in the end section :)

mfg AWildNidAppears
AWildNidAppears (1) | September 9, 2012 1:33pm
KoreanSP wrote:

Well written! But I do see a few problems.

As throatslasher said, there are too many options without a powerful core build. You also don't put optional items such as GA, Frozen Mallet, Wits End, and so on which are all effective on Nid. Multiple builds are great, but with your guide, it is rather confusing on which to go.

The guide is rather 'messy', with a lot of colors and words, and no simplification. A guide that is detailed as yours needs to be more aesthetically approving in order for people to actually read it. Either that, or you should cut down on your information.

I'd suggest simplifying your builds while putting more emphasis on WHAT you need, rather how to build it or who it counters.

Gladly upvote if there is any change! Although, likewise, I'm afraid my vote will be a downvote if nothing happens.

Seems like mostly my different builds are too much information...i guess ill add a chapter wich simplyfies your decision on wich to follow and wich items to get. The detailed explanation is allready there. Seems like i also forgot some toplaners (trundle, diana, blitzcrank, ryze etc). Then people who are just looking on simple information could use these, while people wich like to understand how i got to my decisions could read the more detailed chapters.

just some thoughts, ill do this when i have time, got only 3 weeks to university :)

mfg AWildNidAppears
KoreanSP (30) | September 9, 2012 11:57am
Well written! But I do see a few problems.

As throatslasher said, there are too many options without a powerful core build. You also don't put optional items such as GA, Frozen Mallet, Wits End, and so on which are all effective on Nid. Multiple builds are great, but with your guide, it is rather confusing on which to go.

The guide is rather 'messy', with a lot of colors and words, and no simplification. A guide that is detailed as yours needs to be more aesthetically approving in order for people to actually read it. Either that, or you should cut down on your information.

I'd suggest simplifying your builds while putting more emphasis on WHAT you need, rather how to build it or who it counters.

Gladly upvote if there is any change! Although, likewise, I'm afraid my vote will be a downvote if nothing happens.
JollyCheong (1) | September 7, 2012 8:42pm
Voted +1
A really nice and detailed guide, will try this build wheni'm free.
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