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Sion Build Guide by ardanas

AD sion guide

AD sion guide

Updated on December 1, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ardanas Build Guide By ardanas 4,497 Views 6 Comments
4,497 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ardanas Sion Build Guide By ardanas Updated on December 1, 2011
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Well welcome to my AD sion guide. i will show you guys how i build sion and why i think AD sion can be realy anoying for the enemy players. First off all lets say that they can be realy powerfull in both teamfights as solo fights.
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Pros / Cons

So here we go and talk over the pros and cons.
- because of your high AD you will healyourself and your team mates realy much with you ulti. wich other words you cannot be taken down unless your stunned or supressed.
-Early AD boost because of Enrage
-A ranged stun
-Fast if you follow the item set.

- your shield and your stun wont deal very much damage because you dont got any AP
- because you dont got AP your shield wont be a very good damage absorb.
- Sometimes games dont take long and you wont have fun cuz you own to much :P (this can also be a Pro).
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Why choose sion

AD sions can really annoy enemy champions because they can heal tons of hp at lvl 18 and when your fed, the nice of AD sion is that he deals nice damage and almost is invinible if he got his ulti popped. and an extra benefit is that he deals pretty much damage because his enrage abilty already gives a ad boost so that will realy be a benefit on other AD melee champions.
As summoner spells i take ghost and exhaust because a slow in combi with a increased speed and your stun will do very good for you. you can alo choose a combi like ignit and flash, i think their handyer on early game but for later game i think you regret choosing that combi instead of ghost and exhaust.

If you scroll up you can see the masteries i took for sion.
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My masteries are 21/9/0 because of the extra defense is pretty handy and cooldown reduction and the armor pen is pretty handy to.

Some other players maybe take other masteries but i think these are the best.
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Well probebly it wont be a suprise that i choose ad items as a AD sion. I start with boots of speed and 4 hp pots. those hp pots are nice and the boots are just handy and why choose ad items in early game if you already start with enrage wich gives you 45 AD. after that we go for black cleaver. because of the handy armor reduction and because of the damage and attack speed is a nice combi for your ulti. just go for bf sword and then just instantly go for black cleaver. after that we go for 2 bfs and after that we change those 2 (same like with the black cleaver). in for 2 bloodthirsters. then we go for infinitys edge, (you can also choose to begin with infintys edge). because of the crit rate and high AD and the epic effect of it. Then we go for phantom dancer, because of the 55 attack speed wich is great. the movement speed and the crit right is handy to.

In total you end with 366 AD (without enrage). and 62 Crit change wich is realy high.( if your fully runed and mastered). you can look all stats on the top of the page.
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Well this whas my guide already, it whas my first guide of lol and i hope you enyoyed it and got something on it. feel free to give hints and tips to improve te guide and plzz leave a comment :)

Hope i see you guys in game!
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