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Ability Order
Bravado (PASSIVE)
Taric Passive Ability
AD Taric
First off, you need something of much use to Taric, Dazzle
. Then get something useful for reducing their armor and increasing your own to give you that extra survivability, Shatter
. Now you are ready for the real reason you can solo top, Imbue
. Max Imbue
first, second, max Shatter
because it gives you that extra armor and damage. And of course remember at levels 6, 11, and 16 get Radiance
. Last but not least, max Dazzle

Your not playing support this game, your playing solo top, so Flash
is a MUST
on the other hand is optional, it's nice though if they have something that heals them or if they are about to get away, just put it on them, I recommend getting Ignite
Other good ones are:
And Teleport
for if you need it for solo top


Other good ones are:

Once you get into the 1v1 battle, you wanna Dazzle
, Shatter
, and basic attack as many times as you can before the stun is over. Also, if you are level 6 or higher, before Dazzling
use Radiance
, assuming it's off cooldown. Then as they come back and try to fight you just keep attacking, and when you get low, use Imbue
, to heal yourself right back up to full(almost), and kill them, if it is a long fight, use the combo in the exact same order, don't stop. except you can Shatter
whenever it comes up because it will reduce their armor so you can punch right through to them. Your Imbue
should keep you alive and you should be able to kill them.

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