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Taric Build Guide by Jargleman

AD TARIC IS LEGIT!!!!!!!! AD Taric FULL GUIDE *In Progress*

AD TARIC IS LEGIT!!!!!!!! AD Taric FULL GUIDE *In Progress*

Updated on August 22, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jargleman Build Guide By Jargleman 15,113 Views 0 Comments
15,113 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jargleman Taric Build Guide By Jargleman Updated on August 22, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


AD Taric

This is kind of a new approach to Taric, The Gem Knight. I've played some 1v1's and some bot games and gotten many kills and won every game. This is a unique way and through this guide I'll unlock you the secrets of AD TARIC. And yes, this build is completely serious, if Soraka can play the AP role, Taric can play the solo-top/tank role. You can do major damage but still play safe until you have Phantom Dancer, because you won't have enough attack speed before getting it.
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Skill Sequence

First off, you need something of much use to Taric, Dazzle. Then get something useful for reducing their armor and increasing your own to give you that extra survivability, Shatter. Now you are ready for the real reason you can solo top, Imbue. Max Imbuefirst, second, max Shatterbecause it gives you that extra armor and damage. And of course remember at levels 6, 11, and 16 get Radiance. Last but not least, max Dazzle.
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Summoner Spells

Your not playing support this game, your playing solo top, so Flashis a MUST
Igniteon the other hand is optional, it's nice though if they have something that heals them or if they are about to get away, just put it on them, I recommend getting Ignite.
Other good ones are:
Exhaust,Ghost,And Teleportfor if you need it for solo top
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I use the runes that I do for the extra tankyness, hence the Seal of Resilience and the Glyph of Shielding. And also the Quint of Fortitude for health. The Marks of Strength are for getting that extra AD advantage early.
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I use the Masteries that way because that is how AD's are built, plus that small amount of tank-ness and health from it helps. But the runes are more focusing on tank and not the Masteries, the Masteries are for the damage output and things like that.
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Fighting As AD TARIC

Once you get into the 1v1 battle, you wanna Dazzle, Shatter, and basic attack as many times as you can before the stun is over. Also, if you are level 6 or higher, before Dazzlinguse Radiance, assuming it's off cooldown. Then as they come back and try to fight you just keep attacking, and when you get low, use Imbue, to heal yourself right back up to full(almost), and kill them, if it is a long fight, use the combo in the exact same order, don't stop. except you can Shatterwhenever it comes up because it will reduce their armor so you can punch right through to them. Your Imbueshould keep you alive and you should be able to kill them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jargleman
Jargleman Taric Guide
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AD TARIC IS LEGIT!!!!!!!! AD Taric FULL GUIDE *In Progress*

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