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Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Hello players. Let's just start things off a little simple here. My name is Toriyosh, and this is my first guide. I'm a player of Twisted Fate, and one day with my friends, we decided to play a game together. Now one of my friends, let's call him James, was playing Twisted Fate, but to our surprise, he went AD instead of AP. (This is the dormant interpretation of that event) Now if he actually knew what to build and when to build it, maybe we would've not taken it as a stupid choice.
Sometime in the future, we needed an ADC, and as a joke, I decided to play Twisted Fate. However, he was actually an incredibly good champion, viable in many ways, and is not completely trash. In this guide, I plan on showing to you guys how you can dumbfound your teammates and burst down enemies with AD Twisted Fate.
Sometime in the future, we needed an ADC, and as a joke, I decided to play Twisted Fate. However, he was actually an incredibly good champion, viable in many ways, and is not completely trash. In this guide, I plan on showing to you guys how you can dumbfound your teammates and burst down enemies with AD Twisted Fate.
Offense Tree:
Fury: More Attack Speed, more procs of bonus damage from E
Butcher: Makes last hitting easier
Destruction: Destroy towers faster with your Attack Speed
Deadliness: Attack Damage, but mostly to build into Weapon Expertise
Weapon Expertise: Armor Penetration is always nice
Brute Force: More Attack Damage at Lv. 1
Lethality: Gives more power in your crits, builds into Frenzy
Frenzy: Increases Attack Speed when you crit
Sunder: More Armor Penetration
Executioner: Makes last hitting easier, more damage to low health champions
Defensive Tree:
Durability: More health, builds into Veteran's Scars
Hardiness: More Armor
Resistance: More Magic Resistance
Vetaran's Scars: More health at Lv. 1
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