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Recommended Items
Runes: Assassin
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Just Use This, It Always Works
Assassin's Mark (PASSIVE)
Akali Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Guess what? He can poke you down and heal all damage you manage to poke him with. Also he can just walk away whenever he goes invulnerable.
Sorry if this happens to you. He's not common enough to ban though.
Has heals, shields, move speed, damage, and roots. Everything you need to succeed.
Cat. Has heals, shields, move speed, damage, and roots. Everything you need to succeed.
Champion Build Guide
Q: You shoot out kunai in front of you. This is your range as Akali. You use this to poke and farm. (If you hit someone with the tip of the hitbox, it will also slow. You can see this hitbox when holding the ability down.)
W: Put down a smokescreen. You gain a big movespeed bonus, refresh your energy, and also are invisible while in it.
E: Flip backwards and throw a shuriken forwards. You can recast to dash to the target it hit doin more damage and allowing to kill them.(You can use this over walls, and it will proc your passive very easily. It will also leave a marker if you put down a smoke screen and throw it into it. You can dash to the marker by using E again.)
R: Flip behind your oppontent and deal damage. After a short time, You can use it again to dash in any direction and deal massive execute damage. (You can use the dash as a finisher or an escape if needed.)
CC is your worst nightmare, dodge it all costs and if the enemies have loads of it, it may be worth bringing cleanse or even QSS.
Main Combo: This is your bread and butter.
Use R to dash onto your target, and use E the second you pass them so that you cannot miss it. The E will proc your passive when you flip out of the circle, so dash back in and auto them. Use your Q to deal extra damage to them, or even slow them if they run. While you are using your Q to deal extra damage use your W to gain more energy and movespeed to make sure you can proc your passive as much as possible. The moment you can use your R again, use it assuming they are low enough to be killed by it. Congrats, you just murdered your first person!
There are ways to change the combo to make it do more damage over time, but seeing as this is meant to be a very basic guide to get you through your first Akali matches, I will not go over them her. Just note that if you can use passive more, then do it. It does so much damage during fights. Also try to auto attack as much as possible to use Lichbane. (You may also build Nashor's Tooth if you are struggling to auto in between abilites. Nahor's will also help increase damage from your passive.)
Note that unsing Rocketbelt or Flash to easily dodge is a good idea assuming your E is on cooldown. Try to use Rocketbelt to get in and Flash to dodge if possible becuase the projectiles from Rocketbelt to pretty good damage.
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