A good aatrox will never let you hit him. Use the time between his q's to land your e. A perfectly timed ult wins 99.99% of 1v1's if even.
Q max unless you see a bad cs'er early. Very hard to get onto and if played correctly can dash away from your e and be back on you in .5 seconds. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care.
Camille was my permaban at the beginning of season 11. Then i realized how to fight her. Its all a skill matchup. Use your superior wave clear to farm and try to use e when she engages. If your going to be stunned at least use the time and hit e. If she stay on you a quick ult can end the fight.
Chogath is one of the tanks who can play safe and deal dmg. Can be a struggle to actually kill if the cho is experienced.
Dont fight lvl 1-3. Give up cs if you have to but optimally poke him with q while you cs. Darius is only a threat to you if you are caught early or you're fighting without tentacles.
Dr. Mundo
Putting Mundo here as his fresh look has his play rate up. Anyway, illaoi is a tank destroyer. Mundo is only a threat if you let him spam hit you with q. No cc on illaoi= no passive takeaway. Remember that for junglers
His orange cleans the tentacle slams. A good gp will not let you play lane. Just have to hit your e's and kite around his barrels. Your w can last them so something to remember to ruin the gp chain of barrels if you're quick enough
Adding because ive seen some people have trouble with him. My way of pursueing is just get to lvl 5 without dieing while keeping up as much prio and safety as possible. Always tp back to lane and try to hit e while you use superior wave clear beside his turret. He will try to take your tentacles but zone him with q before you e. If you see him waste his shield be aggressive for 15-20s. You're illaoi at this point! you're lvl 6-7 and 2v1 him and the jungler if played right.
Can't let him poke you for free. Best method is survive to 6. Fight him in Mega form. Illaoi ult wins if you time it well enough through his cc.
Dont take to much dmg from his q spam. and if possible keep him from farming with your q. Big target with lots of health so try to always e between 2 tentacles. will only lose if dieing to ganks and malph gets ahead. If he goes AP matchup becomes a 3. Just more of a skill matchup..
Still havent played around enough gwens. Matchup is a skill matchup as she is very mobile and with w can block a full rotation. Play around her spell block area and dont take unnecessary fights.
xD i prolly dodged if i knew he was my laner. Can win just unfun.
Morde is one of illaoi's biggest counters. If you know why morde counters illaoi. A morde that eats e's will lose. Qss is a Bruiser item now as well so not as much a counter if you know how to play against it.
I find this matchup rough. Nasus stacks off your tentacles with auto+q. And you cant really beat him until 3. try to have as much prio as possible while maintaining river vision. Nasus can solo kill at 6 if allowed to free farm with ult. Comes down to skill matchup imo.
His spell shield cucks you. He has great engage slow and dmg. Best method of fighting is bait his spell shield with q. if he tried to fear you use that time to land e's. Lane is winnable but very volatile pre 6.
Thank god this champ is underplayed. his q has grievous wounds. Illaoi miss e not fun. also has his q to dodge if you dismount him. Skill matchup but havent played enough against him.
Ornn has decent dmg if you get hit by his brittle. Still a tank tho and illaoi LUVS tanks.
A good pantheon knows how to kite your dmg. hard to get away from if you miss e. can also block ult dmg with his shield. Win by playing around his e and avoiding as many stuns from him as possible. Tip: you can cast e when you know hes w'd. Your soul will cast even while stunned. Making up for lost time.
Biggest threat is her ult. She just knocks you away when you ult. Still a tank. and illaoi loves tanks.
Adc tops. Depends on the skill of the player. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care.
Strong Mobilility, strong dmg, and strong healing. Skill matchup. Play around renekton fury while using q to farm. Use E if you know his dashes are down or if he dashes toward you.
Honestly depends on the skill of the riven. Have had games i didnt miss an e. Have had games i didnt land an e. Skill matchup in every way.
Slows, dmg, and stuns. If you can catch them their jungler was waiting for you to. Stay back farm as much as possible and pray for bot diff. Depends on the skill of the player. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care.
Heavy cc and if not ahead by lvl 6 she can 60-0 you and you didnt get to move. Have to be nimble and dodge abilities. Depends on the skill of the player.
Depends on the skill of the player. His R can 100-0 you with fury. Have to kite and avoid uneccassary trades. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care. *Moved to 5 with lethal tempo changes. Harder lane
Dont take uneeded dmg before lvl 3. Urgot is my 2nd most played. His dmg pre 3 with shotgun knees! HOLY! So stay alive and use q to farm. Play off your e's and survive. Common for me to tp back around lvl 5. Urgot lvl 9 can use his w fully auto on your tentacles. So play off your passive more. 1 e into an ult will win the lane. Good lane to come back into as urgots tend to get greedy against down opponents.
His ghouls block your e. Very hard lane to come back when down. Survive and play the better split pusher game. Depends on the skill of the player. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care.
Can be a counter but like morde they have to know why. Easy to play off his clone. I like q max in this lane for poke and wave clear. Havent lost to a wukong since season 10.
Not as common but adding anyway. One of the few tanks who i feel can 1v1 illaoi. great cc healing and dmg. Depends on the skill of the player.
im'a Dodge. Adc tops. Depends on the skill of the player. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care.
Slippery snake. Usually goes phase rush. Play for teamfights unless you see the enemy cant cs. Skill matchup but good illaois dont care.
The hardest part is not letting her proc your vitals. Bait her repost best you can. Illaoi e CD is less than fiora's repost. I normally q max. Hug a wall as tight as possible if she ults to protect 4th vital. if you hit e into ult should be super ez.
Can be beaten easily but if irelia has any skill you will have trouble hitting e. Lethal tempo rune makes lane unplayable and just have to farm to 6.
Easy lane for illaoi if you dont int pre lvl 3. You win the 1v1 fight if you play smart and outclear him. Once 6 go full aggro and make it hard for him to tp for teammates.
Did you chase singed and die? all this matchup is. If he wants to proxy kinda let him. Wait for jungle gank to try and pick up some kills. His throw is very easy to time so ulting his cc is not hard.
Becomes hard to kill at 6 obvi. Unless a jungler wants to punish kayle early just freeze the wave and make kayle his as much xp and farm as possible. The longer you delay her spikes the easier the game is for your team.
Tahm Kench
Used to think this matchup was hard but literally just get to lvl 3 and play around e's. Grasp w's Really add up into his healthbar and normally can get an early kill or get prio in lane. Do not get eaten by tahm ult under his tower without flash and its almost always a gg.
A melee with giga healing. Warwick 90% will destroy you if you try to fight him pre 3-6. Executioners first item. Everytime. After 6 i try to bait warwicks to ult me and just ult. No need to hit e first.
im'a Dodge. Adc tops. Depends on the skill of the player. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care.
Hes the 1v1 king. Literally afk farm with q's. try to poke with q if possible. But focus on getting to 6 and not getting caught by trundle pillar.
Illaoi wins 1v1's if you dont fight with his passive stacked. If youre gonna get stunned by his counterstrike- use the time to throw an e. make up for the lost animation time. Play safe pre 3/6
I hate this champion as there is a bug that makes your spirits like 4 seconds. Does alot of dmg with a full roation. Avoid unneccessary poke and play off e's DO NOT STAND IN HIS ULT IF YOU ULT.
If you fall behind early you will lose so play safe. Dont get hit by unnecessary autos. After 3 he almost always comes to you to hit an e and play the minigame when goes back. Make him miss as much cs/xp as possible.
Shieldbow? Or eclipse? Graves will always hard shove waves. Farm with q. Hard to lane against without jungle pressure early. Adc tops. Depends on the skill of the player. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care.
Similar to riven actually. Depends on the skill of the player. Ive soloed lvl 3 many times. Also been **** on jayce many times. Just dont get hit by his gate Q. Also you can ult his knockback if you time it right. Wins 100% of the time.
Dont get bushed cheesed. has a solid 4 seconds of ez cc at lvl 6. But still a tank. And if inting sion than ur usually just getting super fed. Illaoi can match sion split very well.
Any hard cc junglers illaoi can hit e off of. Quick path junglers that can 1v1 ar optimal as illaoi is weak pre 3. Illaoi can assist and hopefully results in first blood.
Ive never gotten a pentakill on illaoi. But the moments i came close i was fed with a yuumi.
Heavy engage supports work well if illaoi goes tank buster. Their front line dies quickly and a good illaoi knows how to follow hard cc. I promise
Any hard cc junglers illaoi can hit e off of. Quick path junglers that can 1v1 ar optimal as illaoi is weak pre 3. Illaoi can assist and hopefully results in first blood.
Ive never gotten a pentakill on illaoi. But the moments i came close i was fed with a yuumi.
Heavy engage supports work well if illaoi goes tank buster. Their front line dies quickly and a good illaoi knows how to follow hard cc. I promise
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