Amumu: Is annoying pick since he can steal your objectives becouse of his cc lock.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to have vision around pit so you can see him.. In teamfights if he Q some of your engage champs try to sidestep them and you might dodge the ult.
Elise: One of your biggest ****eres since she can jump away from all your spells and she also have cc to stop you from ulting.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to dodge her CC when running towards her.. You must insta stun her so she dont run away and do it only when you have someone in team who can oneshote her after CC..
BelVeth: Is extremly op in season 14.. Rn I ban it every game.. She can destroy you early and if she gets ahead she will destroy you in mid and late game too.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to stalk her and counter gank every time she ganks becouse you cant let her take anything
Diana: Is kinda even pick lately becouse she doesnt build that tanky anymore.. But if she is ahead she might be problem.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: No way she can steal your objectives.. You can destroy her early becouse she has no power.. But still you shouldnt let your guard down
Ekko: Is kinda op lately.. If he is good he can carry almost any game
How to play vs: Dont get baited into his W.. dont overchase him.. and be aware of his passive in team fight so you dont get ulted into void
Evelynn: She will oneshot you almost every time be careful of her.. She can steal your objectives too with that massive demage.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Its easy to predict her cc and its easy to catch and kill her early so try to stomp her.. Focus on tracking her and tell your team where she is constantly cuz if she gets ahead its over at least for you
Fiddle: Its even vs you but people dont know how to play vs it so if they dont help you catching him etc. he gets ahead and in late his r is too powerfull unless your team knows how to predict him so its more like a major then even.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Ping everywhere you think he might be ulting from so your taam is aware of him and make loads of vision
Gragas: Is ok pick vs you but he can oneshot you sometimes I dont even get it every gragas is random......
HOW TO PLAY VS: He can ult you from objective so prefer killing him first in counter ganks he is x times stronger
Graves: If he gets ahead its pain but again not much players know how to use him to the fullest so its even-major level.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Dont contest him that much over your jg if your team doesnt follow just let him take it and try to farm something in his jg or gank
Hecarim: Too powerfull champ in late.. But in early you are kinda stronger. But the main problem is that your lanes will most likely int and lose enemy ganks too hard so he get fed.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Stomp him in early game and every objective is free btw..
Ivern: Any good ivern otp can absolutly stomp you and take your cs.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: You can Q his ulty and it deals ton of dmg.. Dont chase him.. Objectives steals should be free.. If he steals your jg you just gotta accept it and trade it somewhere on map try to take his jg or gank
Jarvan IV
Jarvan: In season 14 he is litlle bit weaker but still op so take care.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: You can start ulting in his ult.. be careful of his knock up.. Its easy to trade things vs him on map so trade a lot
Karthus: Free win......
HOW TO PLAY VS: You can 1v1 him any time.. try to catch him everywhere you can.. if you can track him then go for his camps always he cant match you
Kayn: Can dodge your r, dash, cc your ult, oneshot, can run away. So its op vs you.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Its not that hard but his whole kit counter your otherwise just play normally
Khazix: Can steal objectives from you.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Its turbo easy to kill him since he is squishy and if you are scared he will steal objective then start ulting on like 3K objective health and then QF smite it.. he cant jump or he will die
Kindred: The champ I hate the most its the only champ that is really worth dodging. (people play well kindred only from like dia+ so If I was low elo I wouldnt dodge but its still extreme counter so be careful).....
HOW TO PLAY VS: dodge or pray
Lee Sin
Lee: is the most underrated champ. Its turbo op rn no one plays it.. If its some Lee wannabe it will be even if its some otp its Extreme.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: He can R you from pit so be carefull and over all he is a lot stronger then you so he can 1v1 you almost any time.. Try to play as team and dont go solo that much
Lilia: Her ult can be annoying sometimes.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: You cant really catch her with W since movement speed counter you but if she ults you then try to click w in the last second before it stuns you so you can send mini ball on her and knockup cancel her stuff..
Maokai: Can dodge your w and can cancel your ult.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Just play normally but keep in mind that he can dodge your w and can cancel your ult
Master Yi
Yi: I mean its allright but if someone feeds him you lost.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: When you are rolling his ball on him cancel it a bit before it hits so he cant Q on you.. Wait for his Q before ulting unless you need the shield
Nidalee: Its easy vs her unless its really good otp then its unwinnable but no one know how to play it so its ok to win vs her (If you counter gank her early she is free kill).....
HOW TO PLAY VS: dodge or pray
Noctrume: His cc is annoying and my teammates never know how to play vs him so he gets easy fed but it should be even matchup.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: You need to get his shield off first so if you roll ball on him you can stop rolling before it hits and spam E him so it knocks him up.. And he can R on you to objective if you didnt clear vision so always oracle it
Olaf: You cant cc him becouse of the ult and he deals dmg asf.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: He cant steal any objective vs you so its easy.. If he ults make sure u try to run away first but if its like 1v3 then fight him
Poppy: easy matchup but in late she is turbo tank that is super usefull and can R you away from objective.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: She can R you from objectives and can dash cancel your r but otherwise just play normally
Rammus: Its easy.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Just dont really fight him 1v1 and play like enemy dont have jungle and you should win
RekSai: Annoying champ.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: She can fight you 1v1 at almost any point in the game so dont fight her..
Rengar: Not that hard you can cc him when he jump on you but still he is assasin so your team will get oneshotted if they are bad and he can solo carry.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Dont try to fight him in jungle.. Objectives should be free and track him a lot so you can tell your team his location
Sejuani: its easy......
HOW TO PLAY VS: You can catch her well you can kill her solo (not in late) and its easy to dodge her R she will be usefull only in teamfights and objectives are free for you
Shaco: Its op vs you......
HOW TO PLAY VS: He can run away with q from any of your spells and he can fear you from your ultimate so keep that in mind but otherwise you should be able to one shot him and take objectives easily only if your team ints him a lot then its problem
Shyvana: Is easy matchup but if its some otp it might be even.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to catch her with your team and its free kill and objectives are free too otherwise just play normally
Skarner: This champ still exist?.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Dont let him ult you under his turr otherwise just play normally ig??
Trundle: The pillar blocks your engage super annoying and can 1v1 you while you cant escape unless you r or someone helps you......
HOW TO PLAY VS: Just play normally and try to avoid him if possible instead of matching him try to traid anywhere on map or try to steal his objectives since its free BUT he can pillar you away so be careful
Udyr: I never played vs udyr in last 4 months so I dont really know but he has cc dmg and he is tanky so be careful.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Just be aware of his cc and movement speed otherwise play normal
Vi: She has a lot of cc and dmg......
HOW TO PLAY VS: Almost never chase her since her q cd is overpowered and you cant really 1v1 her becouse of it.. When taking objective she can r you and it will be hard so try to zone her away from it ideally or setup it somehow.. if you have some turbo carry like zeri twitch then peel them from her point click cc
Viego: Is very easy rn.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: He has cc and be aware of his passive thats all play normaly
Warwick: Poop jungler rn but good ww might give a bit trouble.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: if he is good build antiheal and try to peel your carry he can be max annoying with his ult otherwise
Xin Zhao
Xin: I play league for 8years and I still dont know xins spells so cant tell.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: you should be able to oneshot him with team.. try to dodge the spear spell or he will dash on you and kill you..
Zac: Too tanky.. Too mutch healing.. Good ganks etc. its ok for you cuz u wont meet him until late game so just focus on yourself and ganks.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Just play normally.. you can W while he is charging his jump and cancel it and you can cancel it even in air with w.. he cant steal objectives from you
Briar: annoying deals a lot of demage to you.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: She can r on objective to you so make sure you sweep first.. dont try to fight her without team or she will kill you (I didnt play vs her in season 14 yet so I cant say how strong she is rn)
If you have diana mid she can provide good ult for you where all you need to do is either just ult or you can.. Flash + W + E + R..
Your double W gives him the best adventage and its great to gank him a lot.. In late if you struggle vs some champ in back line you dont have to be scared to flash W on him you yasuo can R follow..
If you play supp nunu or hybrid with knights vow you can focus ganking him and win any game.. Dont forget to peel her a lot!
Try to early gank this beast and you should get kill all the time.
very good if ur feeded or have bad adc so you just roam around map with your kitty.. The best build for this duo is AP so you can oneshot together
E is insane for your gank you will probably waste enemy flash with gank at least..
Amazing to gank since he has his E + DMG and early if he use GHOST the kill will be guaranteed
If you play supp nunu or hybrid with knights vow you can focus ganking him and win any game.. Dont forget to peel her a lot!
Super good support to gank since he can save you and follow you though his E.. He can also R enemy into your ult + If you are about to gank he can E and then W enemy team which makes it impossible for them to outplay yall
when he gets his cc early his dmg will spike with the burst.. so if you can just gank him he will W and most likely one shot the champ together
He can Q for your gank.. He has cc on aa so its super for you to ult around him too and the main thing... HE HAS POINTCLICK CC ULT bot is turbo great to gank with him just like rakan:)
She makes a lot of dmg with her ult and also she makes them go into one spot.. Its the same like diana if u can R everyone like that or Flash + w + e + r for the best dmg and combo
His follow up, chase, dmg and setup for ganks are really great try to abuse it a lot since it can be free lane for you
She is one of the few toplaners who can follow you really quickly and make a lot of dmg too.. It feels great to gank her since Riven players are usually skilled and get the lead for the whole top though one winned gank
Rn in season 14 he is really broken and has great follow up for you.. Try to abuse ganking him for free lane.. You can let him take herald eye too since he can use it really well..
Draven X Nunu doesnt really have sinergy rn BUT this champ is really broken right now and if you can camp him then do so since he can carry your whole game.. Try to feed him as much as possible
Super good to gank since she can follow you up and block some dmg with her W + Usually she plays with engage supps that are good for your ganks
He can provide great roams with you if he is good but even if its low elo and he stays on his lane you can gank him well becouse of his cc, dmg and R.. If you reach lvl 6 together you can probably get free double on bot if they dont have some super tanky engage champs
If he roams with you he is super good for you and + if he q e r someone then the guy will probably die since they cant really run away from your R... Also click on lantern!
He has E + W point click cc for your gank and after that you can lock him in cc so Ryze can provide his dmg without missing spells which makes him a bit better then usual
She gives you a lot of SPEEEEED + She has good spells for your ganks even tho she is enchanter so its good to gank too
If you have diana mid she can provide good ult for you where all you need to do is either just ult or you can.. Flash + W + E + R..
Your double W gives him the best adventage and its great to gank him a lot.. In late if you struggle vs some champ in back line you dont have to be scared to flash W on him you yasuo can R follow..
If you play supp nunu or hybrid with knights vow you can focus ganking him and win any game.. Dont forget to peel her a lot!
Try to early gank this beast and you should get kill all the time.
very good if ur feeded or have bad adc so you just roam around map with your kitty.. The best build for this duo is AP so you can oneshot together
E is insane for your gank you will probably waste enemy flash with gank at least..
Amazing to gank since he has his E + DMG and early if he use GHOST the kill will be guaranteed
If you play supp nunu or hybrid with knights vow you can focus ganking him and win any game.. Dont forget to peel her a lot!
Super good support to gank since he can save you and follow you though his E.. He can also R enemy into your ult + If you are about to gank he can E and then W enemy team which makes it impossible for them to outplay yall
when he gets his cc early his dmg will spike with the burst.. so if you can just gank him he will W and most likely one shot the champ together
He can Q for your gank.. He has cc on aa so its super for you to ult around him too and the main thing... HE HAS POINTCLICK CC ULT bot is turbo great to gank with him just like rakan:)
She makes a lot of dmg with her ult and also she makes them go into one spot.. Its the same like diana if u can R everyone like that or Flash + w + e + r for the best dmg and combo
His follow up, chase, dmg and setup for ganks are really great try to abuse it a lot since it can be free lane for you
She is one of the few toplaners who can follow you really quickly and make a lot of dmg too.. It feels great to gank her since Riven players are usually skilled and get the lead for the whole top though one winned gank
Rn in season 14 he is really broken and has great follow up for you.. Try to abuse ganking him for free lane.. You can let him take herald eye too since he can use it really well..
Draven X Nunu doesnt really have sinergy rn BUT this champ is really broken right now and if you can camp him then do so since he can carry your whole game.. Try to feed him as much as possible
Super good to gank since she can follow you up and block some dmg with her W + Usually she plays with engage supps that are good for your ganks
He can provide great roams with you if he is good but even if its low elo and he stays on his lane you can gank him well becouse of his cc, dmg and R.. If you reach lvl 6 together you can probably get free double on bot if they dont have some super tanky engage champs
If he roams with you he is super good for you and + if he q e r someone then the guy will probably die since they cant really run away from your R... Also click on lantern!
He has E + W point click cc for your gank and after that you can lock him in cc so Ryze can provide his dmg without missing spells which makes him a bit better then usual
She gives you a lot of SPEEEEED + She has good spells for your ganks even tho she is enchanter so its good to gank too
When Hybrid? - Every time. Honestly its the best build rn imo and there is no need to play other builds if your goal is to climb.
How to build? - Go for Liandry every game, after that build ideally Mercury boots (Steelcaps - vs a lot of ad, and sorcs when ahead is good option too. After that you will have to choose between these components for your 2ND item you need to choose between Thornmail, Unending despair, Kaenic, Frozen Heart, Dead Mans etc.. (For more info check the notes in the build in "Situational" slot). When you finish your second item always go for jaksho and for your fifth item you again choose one of the items I talked about. Last item is for mejais (If you are not ahead at all and wont get stacks sell mejais and build one of the items i talked about again xD)
Early you have to choose who do you want to give lvl 3 gank and path for it (also think where from which camps you want to go so your whole clear wont get ruined) After lvl 3 gank always go back buy items and run for your camps or you can just take Rift Scuttler and then run home
You can also start from blue (but I almost never do that)
You want to always lvl 3 gank - if its bot you can even gank from lane if you tell your bot to not push becouse if you gank from lane 99% you can kill somebody or waste 2 Flash... If u gank from parts of the lane you can kill somebody or waste at least 1 Flash so its on you depending on the situations. If you are not ganking bot then just gank mid/top ALWAYS PING IT you need to act with your team like its bunch of kids and take them by hand so they can carry you later becouse it would be shame if they wouldnt follow cuz they didnt see. (Written in 2024)
Gank as mutch as possible. If your team is winning but your ganks are not or they are absolutly useless then go from active to reactive. Ganking is kinda easier for nunu in season 14 you just gotta figure out the paths how to gank depending on the situation but its really easy just use the first thing you see as best.. (Written in 2024)
Dont worry you can miss some but only if you make something on the map worth for it.
On low elo and even on high elo from lvl 5 you dont need to be scared to sneaky take drake but you need at least Oracle Lens.. or Control Ward If ur team is not totally poop they will make pressure.
Voidgrub are really good imo.. Even if you just go by and dont want to risk to kill them or if you just dont have time to do so then go use your Snowball Barrage + Consume + Smite and you should oneshot one grub! Then you can either come later to take at least one more or both.. Or just give it to enemy jungler and on next spawn do the same thing so they cant spawn the Voidmite! But ofc if you can take all 6 do that! It will be really usefull later in the game.
You need to track enemy jungler to see his position and trade his jg / take drake/ Voidgrub/ Rift Herald or gank. You can steal everything if you have enough information but never ping your team to go steal with you (only if you want some movementspeed spell or something) Becouse if you steal its 90% times suicide mission for drake. Always calculate your Smite x Consume. Just dont forget your main kit is insanely good early ganks and taking objectives...
(Written in 2024)
If you win gank or see enemy Recall from lane then you want to help and push the lane along with the laner asap so the next waves gets crushed under tower and your laner will have time to comeback to lane before enemy laner come back to push the wave. And this thing means a lot for your laner even if he dont know it himself and try not to steal much minions just make him last hit you can take 2minions most of the times before he get mad.
!!! Dont push waves when it makes your wave later freeze under enemy turret becouse it might mess up your laners lane and he will get really mad
(if your laner recalled before or died then freeze/reset the wave for him)
(Written in 2024)
When you are playing league as a jungler you want to look at the map always like on a chessboard (With nunu this is even more important).. And one of the few things you need to constantly check is the INFO about enemy jungler and constantly track him.
So how do you do that exactly? Is actually pretty simple. When the game starts you can already predict a bit where he might start depending on his champ but the main info will be watching enemy laners go to lane.. If we see enemy botlane already farming but toplaner just came to his lane then it means he helped leashing enemy jungler. And it goes the same way for botlane..
Now if enemy team either fakes or dont leash at all you just gotta predict him. When you see him you gotta start tracking him becouse you will see his buff cds which will tell you where he started..
Everytime you lose sight of him try to get more info on him like checking his jungle if there are camps or when you see him ganking top or something it means he cleared the jungle side just right now and he will path to the other side if on that side there is not any objective he would like to take.
! Since this is just mobafire guide and I dont want this to be long I wrote only basics but you should really learn how to track enemy jungle and watch some more video guides about tracking enemy jungler its important if you want to be good!
(Written in 2024)
SEASON 15 - Nunu & Willump is very good pick, but if you want to climb I would recommend you playing skarner becouse its better version of nunu rightnow
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