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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by Zasrana Hyenaa



Updated on February 20, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zasrana Hyenaa Build Guide By Zasrana Hyenaa 154 12 372,187 Views 10 Comments
154 12 372,187 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zasrana Hyenaa Nunu & Willump Build Guide By Zasrana Hyenaa Updated on February 20, 2025
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1 2
Font of Life

Cheap Shot
Relentless Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



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Champion Build Guide


By Zasrana Hyenaa
Currently the - BEST Nunu & Willump BUILD FOR CLIMBING!

Difficulty - Easy

When Hybrid? - Every time. Honestly its the best build rn imo and there is no need to play other builds if your goal is to climb.

How to build? - Go for Liandry every game, after that build ideally Mercury boots (Steelcaps - vs a lot of ad, and sorcs when ahead is good option too. After that you will have to choose between these components for your 2ND item you need to choose between Thornmail, Unending despair, Kaenic, Frozen Heart, Dead Mans etc.. (For more info check the notes in the build in "Situational" slot). When you finish your second item always go for jaksho and for your fifth item you again choose one of the items I talked about. Last item is for mejais (If you are not ahead at all and wont get stacks sell mejais and build one of the items i talked about again xD)
Currently the - 2ND BEST Nunu & Willump OPTION

Difficulty - Medium

When AP? - When they are mostly squishy and when you dont have any coutner matchup.
Currently the - 3RD BEST Nunu & Willump OPTION

Difficulty - Easy

When TANK? - In high elo games when you need tank (Still id prefer hybrid), or when you see 5ad or 5ap in enemy team


Easy to play
Q + SMITE = Steal
Early ganking
Multiple options - tank,ap..
Great engage
Can solo baron in 20min


Team dependable
If behind he is super weak
Can be punished very easily
Weak late game
Huge macro needed

I love to start on red most of the time.. why? You can path anywhere

(Blue side)
Red buff Crimson Raptor Gromp→ TOP/MID
Red buff Ancient krug Crimson Raptor→ MID/BOT
Red buff Crimson Raptor Ancient krug→ BOT

(Red side)
Red buff Crimson Raptor Gromp→ BOT/MID
Red buff Ancient krug Crimson Raptor→ MID/TOP
Red buff Crimson Raptor Ancient krug→ TOP

Early you have to choose who do you want to give lvl 3 gank and path for it (also think where from which camps you want to go so your whole clear wont get ruined) After lvl 3 gank always go back buy items and run for your camps or you can just take Rift Scuttler and then run home

You can also start from blue (but I almost never do that)

(Blue side)
Blue buff Gromp Greater murk wolf Crimson Raptor→ MID/BOT/RED
Blue buff Greater murk wolf Gromp→ TOP/MID
Blue buff Greater murk wolf Red Buff→ BOT/MID

(Red side)
Blue buff Gromp Greater murk wolf Crimson Raptor→ MID/TOP/RED
Blue buff Greater murk wolf Gromp→ BOT/MID
Blue buff Greater murk wolf Red Buff→ TOP/MID
(Written in 2024)
You want to always lvl 3 gank - if its bot you can even gank from lane if you tell your bot to not push becouse if you gank from lane 99% you can kill somebody or waste 2 Flash... If u gank from parts of the lane you can kill somebody or waste at least 1 Flash so its on you depending on the situations. If you are not ganking bot then just gank mid/top ALWAYS PING IT you need to act with your team like its bunch of kids and take them by hand so they can carry you later becouse it would be shame if they wouldnt follow cuz they didnt see. (Written in 2024)
Gank as mutch as possible. If your team is winning but your ganks are not or they are absolutly useless then go from active to reactive. Ganking is kinda easier for nunu in season 14 you just gotta figure out the paths how to gank depending on the situation but its really easy just use the first thing you see as best.. (Written in 2024)
Dont worry you can miss some but only if you make something on the map worth for it.
On low elo and even on high elo from lvl 5 you dont need to be scared to sneaky take drake but you need at least Oracle Lens.. or Control Ward If ur team is not totally poop they will make pressure.

Voidgrub are really good imo.. Even if you just go by and dont want to risk to kill them or if you just dont have time to do so then go use your Snowball Barrage + Consume + Smite and you should oneshot one grub! Then you can either come later to take at least one more or both.. Or just give it to enemy jungler and on next spawn do the same thing so they cant spawn the Voidmite! But ofc if you can take all 6 do that! It will be really usefull later in the game.

You need to track enemy jungler to see his position and trade his jg / take drake/ Voidgrub/ Rift Herald or gank. You can steal everything if you have enough information but never ping your team to go steal with you (only if you want some movementspeed spell or something) Becouse if you steal its 90% times suicide mission for drake. Always calculate your Smite x Consume. Just dont forget your main kit is insanely good early ganks and taking objectives...
(Written in 2024)
If you win gank or see enemy Recall from lane then you want to help and push the lane along with the laner asap so the next waves gets crushed under tower and your laner will have time to comeback to lane before enemy laner come back to push the wave. And this thing means a lot for your laner even if he dont know it himself and try not to steal much minions just make him last hit you can take 2minions most of the times before he get mad.

!!! Dont push waves when it makes your wave later freeze under enemy turret becouse it might mess up your laners lane and he will get really mad

(if your laner recalled before or died then freeze/reset the wave for him)
(Written in 2024)
When you are playing league as a jungler you want to look at the map always like on a chessboard (With nunu this is even more important).. And one of the few things you need to constantly check is the INFO about enemy jungler and constantly track him.

So how do you do that exactly? Is actually pretty simple. When the game starts you can already predict a bit where he might start depending on his champ but the main info will be watching enemy laners go to lane.. If we see enemy botlane already farming but toplaner just came to his lane then it means he helped leashing enemy jungler. And it goes the same way for botlane..

Now if enemy team either fakes or dont leash at all you just gotta predict him. When you see him you gotta start tracking him becouse you will see his buff cds which will tell you where he started..

Everytime you lose sight of him try to get more info on him like checking his jungle if there are camps or when you see him ganking top or something it means he cleared the jungle side just right now and he will path to the other side if on that side there is not any objective he would like to take.

! Since this is just mobafire guide and I dont want this to be long I wrote only basics but you should really learn how to track enemy jungle and watch some more video guides about tracking enemy jungler its important if you want to be good!
(Written in 2024)
SEASON 15 - Nunu & Willump is very good pick, but if you want to climb I would recommend you playing skarner becouse its better version of nunu rightnow

[IRON - PLAT : "Hybrid [GOLDEN NUNU] (Broken)"
[EMERALD - DIA 2- : "Hybrid [PENTALESS] (Broken)"
[DIA 1+ : "Hybrid [PENTALESS] (Broken)"

Best build RN - "Hybrid [PENTALESS]"
Im nunu otp 1 Million+ pts. 18yo (Challanger 812 lp peak rn)

I created my first EUW account and reached Diamond with 70%WR with vlad/nunu only then I stopped playing xd..

Also check out my twitch where I stream

If you want you can add me on euw - "Bud Spencer#04040"
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