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Rammus General Guide by Rustygun01

Support All you need for a win [King Rammus]

Support All you need for a win [King Rammus]

Updated on January 28, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rustygun01 Build Guide By Rustygun01 1,511 Views 0 Comments
1,511 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rustygun01 Rammus Build Guide By Rustygun01 Updated on January 28, 2014
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The only chapter you need

Let's just start with the item build explanations:

Pink ward - Buy it and put it in the single, circular bush in the top river near mid. Try to encourage your mid to do the same for bottom river.

Ancient Golem - Its main purpose is tenacity. If you get enough money to buy both giants belt and chain vest before you even get Kendlegem then get them!

Sunfire Cape - Enough said!

Banshee's Veil - It's a pretty solid item. I get this over spirit visage everytime on Rammus. There's rarely ever a reason to get spirit visage (only when up against a stacked AP team.)

Randuin's Omen - Use it's active after taunt runs out or as soon as you activate your ult in team fights.

Warmong's - is warmong's.

Thornmail - is for those hard hitting champions (I'm talking about you Tryndamere!)

Liandry's Torment - Only get this is you absolutely NEED to carry and the enemy isn't stacked on MR.


If the game gets to 55+ minutes, replace your boots with Merc Tred's and Ancient Golem with an item that will help you win the game!

Use flash to initiate/catch people off guard. If you're using it to get away then you're probably losing.

Give up on ganking Pro Le Blanc, Careful Gragas, Smart Fizz, or any other champion that is going to waste your time.

Feed your carries! If your top lane has advantage, gank and make his/her life easier.

The jungle is not your domain; do not stay in it the whole game.

Do not gank a lost lane. [0/5 Teemo might b**ch about it but you won't be able to do much anyways.)

Do not 1v1!

Caution your teammates if you are not with them and they are going into a fight.

ALWAYS ping your intentions for your team before you initiate.

LISTEN to your teammates pings.

Listen to your gut, don't go into a fight you're going to lose. Even if your team is crying about how bad/stupid you are, you are in it to win it; you are not in it to prove how wrong your teammates are.

Be friendly, have fun, play smart!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rustygun01
Rustygun01 Rammus Guide
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