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Ability Order
Cursed Touch (PASSIVE)
Amumu Passive Ability
Early Game(0:00-19:59)
Okay, by now, (early mid-game) you should have your boots, Rod of Ages, Rylai's, and maybe part(s) of your Deathcap. You can probably mess guys up, but at this point you may need help, atleast try to get as many assists as possible or kills, yeah, kills work too.
Once you hit the 25:00-30:00 mark, you should be able to dish out a bunch of damage and should be relatively tanky, having boots, Rod of Ages, Rylai's, Deathcap, and parts to a Warmog (or maybe a whole Warmog's by now if you're fed enough.)
Once you hit the 25:00-30:00 mark, you should be able to dish out a bunch of damage and should be relatively tanky, having boots, Rod of Ages, Rylai's, Deathcap, and parts to a Warmog (or maybe a whole Warmog's by now if you're fed enough.)
If you got this far, it's GG for the enemy.
So yeah, basically just build him like this and late game he WILL NOT DIE no matter how hard the enemy tries! He is especially good for team fights with this build, but still AMAZING in 1v1 or sometimes even 1v2, he will deal INSANE damage with his bandage toss and his crying AoE.
So yeah, basically just build him like this and late game he WILL NOT DIE no matter how hard the enemy tries! He is especially good for team fights with this build, but still AMAZING in 1v1 or sometimes even 1v2, he will deal INSANE damage with his bandage toss and his crying AoE.
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