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Ability Order
Cursed Touch (PASSIVE)
Amumu Passive Ability
Start Jungling with the Lizard Elder using Tantrum until the two small lizards are done, then finish him with Smite. Use Potions when you need them. You should now have reached level 2.
The Lizard's Blessing and your Despair should now do the job for the Ancient Golem.
After getting the Golem's crest you should still have enough health to kill the wolf pack, the wraiths and the other golems before going back to base for shopping.
The Lizard's Blessing and your Despair should now do the job for the Ancient Golem.
After getting the Golem's crest you should still have enough health to kill the wolf pack, the wraiths and the other golems before going back to base for shopping.
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