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Recommended Items
Runes: Arcane Comet
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Icathian Surprise (PASSIVE)
Kog'Maw Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
All of these options (and others that fit the description) pose a threat to Kog'Maw as his limited mobility leaves him vulnerable to any champion that can close the gap on him and possibly burst him down. Positioning is key in many fights but one wrong move with these types of champions can spell death very fast.
Any champion capable of keeping the fight locked down and away from you is ideal as your abilities are easier and safer to land. Tanks are able to hold the frontline and allow you to keep your distance, while a decent amount of spellcaster and engage supports enable you to land your abilities in sequence since most supports have access to at least one form of crowd control. Try to sit behind terrain as much as possible and don't forget to watch your surroundings.
Any champion capable of keeping the fight locked down and away from you is ideal as your abilities are easier and safer to land. Tanks are able to hold the frontline and allow you to keep your distance, while a decent amount of spellcaster and engage supports enable you to land your abilities in sequence since most supports have access to at least one form of crowd control. Try to sit behind terrain as much as possible and don't forget to watch your surroundings.
Champion Build Guide
Kog'Maw is usually played in the Bottom Lane, as he is most vulnerable on his own. With the help of a support, he can more easily make it to late game with his item power spikes.
With Mid Lane Kog'Maw however, you have the advantage of Range.
With his (R) Ability,
Living Artillery, instead of his (W) Ability,
Bio-Arcane Barrage, Kog'Maw becomes a much more Safe champion. Kog'Maw is still very easy to kill once the gap is closed, however that opportunity becomes less frequent.
Kog'Maw's Range with his
Living Artillery is a big reason as to why AP Builds can still work on him. If you position correctly, nobody can lay a finger on you, and you'll be dishing out surprising amounts of damage.
Using Quick Cast with Indicator for
Living Artillery is one of the biggest recommendations I can give for your gameplay.
Accuracy is more important than Speed
Being able to chain your
Living Artillery into multiple hits is a major asset, and easily acquiring targets, as well as leading your shots will massively boost your performance. At distance especially, it is difficult to understand where your shot will actually land, so having an indicator is a massive help.
The delay might seem daunting at first, however try not to focus on that. Instead, focus on how amazing your Accuracy is becoming. Once you get the feel for the delay between casts, you will hardly notice that there was even a delay to begin with.
Kog'Maw has a very straight forward combo in his kit, actually, his entire kit is extremely straight forward. It is important however to combo his moves correctly.
Your primary combo will be as follows:
Void Ooze[E]+
Caustic Spittle[Q]+
Living Artillery[R]
This seems fairly easy, and that would be correct.
When you use your E,
Void Ooze, you can quickly press your Q key to use
Caustic Spittle at the same time.
This is called Buffering
Caustic Spittle is slightly faster than
Void Ooze, meaning that when you buffer both inputs, the Q will connect to the target first, and apply the maximum amount of damage that is possible.
Continuing on with your abilities, your R,
Living Artillery can also be buffered together with these 2 abilities as well, making this a surprisingly simple, yet powerful combo tool.

Kog'Maw is one to play around with many different items in this form, and has surprising flexibility. For the most consistent items, I would recommend these 3 items to start
These 3 items in conjunction can work wonders for Kog'Maw. It offers him:
Added Sustained Damage
Added Sustained Damage
Slows to help stay on target
Slows to help stay on target
Mixed Damage
Mixed Damage
Tank Management
Tank Management
Kog'Maw excels with Sustained Damage gained from Liandry's Anguish
. You don't want to focus as much on how much initial damage you can do, more so, your damage comes from consecutive hits on your target, and the damage continues to stack on as the poking and fighting continues on.
This is not to say that Kog'Maw lacks any sort of burst options either. This is where Muramana
comes in.
This item gives you a pretty nice powerspike. You are allowed to use your abilities a lot more freely thanks to the massive pool of mana you have just gained, however most of it's value comes from it's passives.
Both Your (R),
Living Artillery and Basic Attacks value greatly from this item. Your
Living Artillery specifically gains some extra damage from 2 different passives, that add straight Attack Damage, and bonus Physical Damage to abilities. People may overlook this item for Seraph's Embrace
however, in testing I found the item to do less damage than the Muramana counterpart.
One last note would also be that your basic attacks do still hold value with this champion, especially since your W,
Bio-Arcane Barrage provides some extra max health damage. Muramana will also deal extra basic Attack Damage based on maximum Mana. If you find yourself in a predicament that makes it hard to land
Living Artillery, or if your cooldowns are up, using
Bio-Arcane Barrage or just your basic attacks can be a good last ditch option.
Lastly, Rylai's Crystal Scepter
is a fairly safe and reliable option as a third item. It offers a decent amount of Ability Power, some health for those sticky situations, but best of all, it offers a zero cooldown slow on all of your abilities. Kog'Maw especially benefits well with this item as he's able to trigger the slow, and have enough time to land the next slow without the slow running out.
More Slows = More Hits
More Hits = More Slows
Alternative Mythic Options: Luden's Tempest
and Everfrost
These two items are both strong options on Kog'Maw, however they are a more situational buy. It comes down to a matter of opinion in this case, but Liandry's Anguish
is a more consistent item in most games.
Luden's Tempest
is a very, very good item for Kog'Maw into any Squishy team compositions. With a poke based Rune such as
Arcane Comet or even
Summon Aery, as well as good use from the earlier mentioned Buffer Combo, the amount of burst damage you can do is enough to consistently chunk their health to half or below.
is definitely the more "situational" item of the 3 choices, but it offers the most in Utility. This item unfortunately provides the least amount of damage output of the other 2, however, in conjunction with 2 utility based Spells like
Exhaust and
Flash, and an item such as a Cosmic Drive
, which provides even more escape and kiting potential, this can be a very safe choice to go.
Luden's Tempest

Summoner Spells for
Kog'Maw are pretty straight forward for the most part, However, there is always strategy to be made in these kinds of choices. For the most part, you will want to focus mostly on your utility. Anything that can keep you alive will be key to a successful setup. Here are a few spells I would recommend:

The big elephant in the room for this character would most likely be his lack of mobility. Positioning is a key component to winning almost any fight, and especially when you are playing any kind of ranged carry, it is important for you to stay away from anybody who can lock you down.
Flash is one of the most important things to have in your kit. Whether it would be a Flash behind a wall to avoid the frontline of a fight, a Flash to the side to dodge a stun, or a Flash towards a running opponent to land that one last, max range
Living Artillery, this is the only part of his kit that I would never recommend to change.

The rest of Kog'Maw's spell options can be changed depending on what matchup you have, but in most cases I recommend
Exhaust. With the same idea as
Flash, this spell will serve a very similar purpose of safety and repositioning. When an opponent gets too close to you, having
Flash, and/or both is going to be a big help. Especially when a melee character gets onto you, not only will they have trouble staying onto you, but their damage will be reduced as well. This spell also has the added utility of helping lock down any overextended opponents, and can actually make a significant difference in fights. If I were to choose one Summoner Spell that is a good, all-around consistent choice, this would be it.

Cleanse is something I would highly recommend into any hard crowd control team compositions, or any lane matchups with long lasting, stuns, snares, roots, etc. I specifically like to take this spell into matchups such as
Zoe, as her sleep spell can absolutely ruin your day, or if the enemy jungler locks you down with any crowd control, such as a
Morgana, this spell can get you out of these sticky situations. This Summoner Spell is of course a bit situational, but in those times you may need it, it may just save your life.

Barrier and
Exhaust fill very similar roles, and can be very interchangeable.
Barrier is a key spell in dealing with Burst damage threats. such as
Fizz, and
LeBlanc. All of these champions are designed to kill you in one combo, so being able to absorb that damage can be the difference between life and death.
Kog'Maw has surprisingly good flexibility with his Rune Pages, and can be heavily experimented with, however I've managed to narrow my options down to 3 selections for this guide in question:
Arcane Comet Page

Sorcery Tree offers the best options overall for
Kog'Maw. It mixes damage output with a bit of cooldown and mana sustainability. Using Arcane Comet with
Scorch can help Kog'maw keep a good distance between himself and his opponents, while at the same time, provide some nice extra damage in any fights you engage into.
Presence of Mind mixes well with
Manaflow Band and the extra damage from
Coup de Grace can be a nice extra to your executing
Living Artillery.
Fleet Footwork Page

Fleet Footwork is a great rune to be used for safety and sustain, and the rest of the rune page is meant to give
Kog'Maw a little more poke.
Manaflow Band and
Presence of Mind give him a nice bonus of Mana to help him stay in a lane and in fights just a little bit longer. Kog'Maw has a very weak laning phase but his scaling and item choices make it easier to opt for more early game oriented rune pages, This Rune Page focuses mostly on being able safely farm, and being able to hold your own until the later parts of the game. Kog'maw benefits a lot from his items, So try to stay as healthy in lane as possible. Those items will eventually be worth it.
Phase Rush Page

This Rune Page follows the same trend as the main ones I have listed, and can honestly be a Go-To for you as well.
Phase Rush is really nice for most fights since it offers a nice escape.
Kog'Maw is able to quickly proc this Rune, however it's reliability is down to how well you can hit your skillshots.
Transcendence is an odd one for some but I believe that you should never focus on just using your R,
Living Artillery, and this applies to the other Runes listed, if you can apply it to them. Kog'Maw offers a ton of burst with his other abilities and added Ability Haste can go a long way, Especially since you still use your (W),
Bio-Arcane Barrage a lot in engagements where it may be hard to hit your other abilities. having it on a low cooldown means you aren't a sitting duck all the time when you're missing your abilities.
Side Note - Secondary Rune Pages

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