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Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
First of all , always start with a Doran's Ring. Because you wont be able to farm that easy , you have to use your spells. Doran's will give you a little Mana Regen. But if you have a Karthus , Cassiopeia , Brand etc. you must start with boots. Because you must escape their skillshots or you will get raped in early.
Remember , Lich Bane is your core item. You will always be pressing Q while attacking. And this will activate the Lich Bane every 2 seconds. So useful for AP Skarner. Also Rylai is a beast item for Skarner. Try to build this 2 items fast.
Remember , Lich Bane is your core item. You will always be pressing Q while attacking. And this will activate the Lich Bane every 2 seconds. So useful for AP Skarner. Also Rylai is a beast item for Skarner. Try to build this 2 items fast.

*At teamfights always take an eye to carries. At the right time you gotta ult one of them to a easy kill.
*Go between attacks everytime , this is not a skill-spammer champion. With a Lich Bane , if you go normal attacks between your spells , that will be really helpful.
*At early farming at mid. If youre taking harass from enemy , use your E spell to mage creeps and use a Q to get them all and some heal value.
*Flash + Ult will be your combination most times. (Practice it)
*Try to using your Ultimate with spell cast system (Shift + R)
*If there is an enemy behind his creeps , Use one Q to creeps , then with W reach the enemy and use one more Q to slow him.
*Go between attacks everytime , this is not a skill-spammer champion. With a Lich Bane , if you go normal attacks between your spells , that will be really helpful.
*At early farming at mid. If youre taking harass from enemy , use your E spell to mage creeps and use a Q to get them all and some heal value.
*Flash + Ult will be your combination most times. (Practice it)
*Try to using your Ultimate with spell cast system (Shift + R)
*If there is an enemy behind his creeps , Use one Q to creeps , then with W reach the enemy and use one more Q to slow him.
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