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Ability Order
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
Introduction+Soraka photo and history

Though Soraka was once trans-human, Soraka has fallen since she let the most primal of emotions rule her. Warwick, a mercenary chemist in the service of Noxus, had caused untold suffering and death among Soraka's people. An alchemical genius who took no responsibility for the atrocities he'd caused, Warwick became known as ''the Deathmaker'' by the Ionian people. As Noxian murder and terror pushed ever-forward across her land, unstoppable anger and hatred welled within Soraka. She called down the power of the heavens to curse and forever change the Deathmaker, and she mutated the man into a werewolf - a wild, murderous beast. For this misstep, Soraka lost much of her power, sacrificing her trans-human ascension and sliding several steps down the evolutionary ladder in an instant. Though she is still a champion of the Ionian people, Soraka has joined the League of Legends in hopes of reversing her curse and redeeming herself in the eyes of the stars.
Though having fallen from grace, Soraka is nonetheless determined to once again be one with the stars.
-Excellent team advantage in fights as a healer and support is very difficult to kill your whole team if played strategically and making few errors.
-Excellent restoring mana and life.
-Excellent map control because, as all the gold support is not necessary and spend enough to buy Wards and oracles and Clairvoyance gives good command of the map too.
-Excellent lead in "phase lane," because as a character and does not need restoring farmer farmeo gives all and only the carry handles and mana restore the lane mate and trying to deny exp and gold otherwise zoneandolos and silencers.
-Does not require much gold for your build.
'It's very squishy (low hp and die easily if the focusea well), unless it is well positioned focusea with some "cc" and die easily.
'It's very gankeable in early game.
-Excellent team advantage in fights as a healer and support is very difficult to kill your whole team if played strategically and making few errors.
-Excellent restoring mana and life.
-Excellent map control because, as all the gold support is not necessary and spend enough to buy Wards and oracles and Clairvoyance gives good command of the map too.
-Excellent lead in "phase lane," because as a character and does not need restoring farmer farmeo gives all and only the carry handles and mana restore the lane mate and trying to deny exp and gold otherwise zoneandolos and silencers.
-Does not require much gold for your build.
'It's very squishy (low hp and die easily if the focusea well), unless it is well positioned focusea with some "cc" and die easily.
'It's very gankeable in early game.

)complet with philosofi stone this item

are the secundary items and if is necesary use that items for more armor and magic resisten plus more mana and cooldown
Morello's Evil Tome Banshee's Veil Force of Nature

375 Health, 375 Mana, 50 Magic Resist. UNIQUE Passive: Blocks one negative spell every 45 seconds.)
(english version)
Consecration Soraka increases magic resistance of nearby allies by 16 points.
Starcall Soraka knocks a star to hit enemy units to make them a damage (60/90/120/150/180) (+ (0.25 per point of AP) and in turn lower their magic resistance 8 points, and can be stacked up to 20 times.
Mana Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
CD: 3 sec
Spell Range: 630
Astral Blessing
-This skill is used to lower magic resistance to nearby units to your ally magician down faster, it can be used to detect invisible enemies around.
Infuse Active: Soraka restored (60/120/180/240/300) (+ (0.9 for AP points)) of life and adds a bonus armor by 4 seconds.
Mana Cost: 90/110/130/150/170
CD: 10 sec
Spell Range: 650
-This skill has little CD in mid, late game and apart from restoring an incredible amount of HP to allies champions, also gives them lots of armor. Your partner to have some magic resistance and / or armature inflicts damage cures almost all the enemy team .-
Active: Soraka restored (25/50/75/100/125) mana allied units and the same amount so itself.
When cast on an enemy unit, the Silences by (1/1.5/2/2.5/3) second (s) and makes damage (50/100/150/200/250) (+ (0.6 per point of AP) ) and magic damage.
Mana Cost: 0
CD: 15 sec
Spell Range: 725
-This skill is very useful because it has little CD and primarily serves to silence the enemy mages usually are those that use skilled zone to end all your equipment or support also to silence the other hand, is quite common to steal a for attempting to kill an enemy silence not to use the flash out of fighting range, as this skill inflicts a lot of damage. It is widely used to cut the cast of Ultimate enemies .
Wish Active: Instantly restores (200/320/440) (+ (1.3 AP per point)) so life itself and all your allies.
Mana Cost: 200/275/350
CD: 120/110/100
Spell Range: Global
-This skill is very difficult to determine when to use it not to waste it in early, mid game (first 20 min) can be used to save an ally who was caught by the enemy team in the jungle or some ally who is in a difficult position to win a fight to turn things on their behalf, or for when the enemy is sent to make things for them towerdive look very ugly. Need to test when I say use it often wasted to save an ally is already known that it cures more will die or tmb used to heal is wasted just like that, or is wasted when not active at the time fair and supportive team in a 5v5 fight, die each and Soraka is obsolete .
(spanish version)
Consecration Soraka aumenta la resistencia magica de los aliados cercanos por 16 puntos
Soraka hace caer unas estrellas que al acertarle a unidades enemigas les hace un daño de (60/90/120/150/180) (+(0.25 por punto de AP) y a su vez les baja 8 puntos de resistencia magica, y puede ser stackeado hasta 20 veces.
Costo de mana: 40/50/60/70/80
CD: 3 sec
Rango de Spell: 630
Astral Blessing -Esta habilidad se utiliza para bajarle la resistencia magica a las unidades cercanas para que tu aliado mago los baje mas rapido, tambien se puede utilizar para detectar enemigos invisibles alrededor.
Infuse Activo : Soraka restaura (25/50/75/100/125) de mana a unidades aliadas y la misma suma asi misma.
Al castearlo sobre una unidad enemiga, lo silencea por (1/1.5/2/2.5/3) second(s) y hace un daño de (50/100/150/200/250) (+(0.6 por punto de AP))como daño magico.
Costo de Mana: 0
CD: 15 sec
Rango de Spell: 725
-Esta habilidad es muy util ya que tiene poco CD y sirve sobre todo para silenciar a los magos enemigos que por lo general son los que utilizan skilles zonales para acabar con todo tu equipo o tambien para silenciar al support contrario, es bastante comun robar un kill por intentar silenciar a un enemigo para que no use el flash afuera del rango de pelea, ya que esta habilidad inflinge un monton de daño. Se utiliza mucho para cortar el casteo de ultimates de los enemigos.
Wish Activo: Instantaneamente restaura (200/320/440) (+(1.3 por punto de AP)) de vida asi misma y a todos tus aliados.
Costo de Mana: 200/275/350
CD: 120/110/100
Rango de Spell: Global
-Esta habilidad es muy dificil de determinar cuando usarla para no malgastarla, en early, mid game (primeros 20 min) se puede utilizar para salvar algun aliado que fue atrapado por el equipo enemigo en la jungla o a algun aliado que esta en una posicion dificil de ganar una pelea, para invertir las cosas a su favor, o tambien para que cuando el enemigo se mande a hacer un towerdive las cosas para ellos se vea muy fea. Digo de saber determinar cuando utilizarla porque muchas veces se desperdicia para salvar a algun aliado que ya se sabe que por mas que lo cures va a morir o tmb se malgasta utilizandola para curar asi porque si, o se malgasta cuando no se activa en el momento justo y favorable en una team fight 5vs5 , mueren todos y Soraka resulta obsoleta.

Mana Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
CD: 3 sec
Spell Range: 630

-This skill is used to lower magic resistance to nearby units to your ally magician down faster, it can be used to detect invisible enemies around.

Mana Cost: 90/110/130/150/170
CD: 10 sec
Spell Range: 650
-This skill has little CD in mid, late game and apart from restoring an incredible amount of HP to allies champions, also gives them lots of armor. Your partner to have some magic resistance and / or armature inflicts damage cures almost all the enemy team .-
Active: Soraka restored (25/50/75/100/125) mana allied units and the same amount so itself.
When cast on an enemy unit, the Silences by (1/1.5/2/2.5/3) second (s) and makes damage (50/100/150/200/250) (+ (0.6 per point of AP) ) and magic damage.
Mana Cost: 0
CD: 15 sec
Spell Range: 725
-This skill is very useful because it has little CD and primarily serves to silence the enemy mages usually are those that use skilled zone to end all your equipment or support also to silence the other hand, is quite common to steal a for attempting to kill an enemy silence not to use the flash out of fighting range, as this skill inflicts a lot of damage. It is widely used to cut the cast of Ultimate enemies .

Mana Cost: 200/275/350
CD: 120/110/100
Spell Range: Global
-This skill is very difficult to determine when to use it not to waste it in early, mid game (first 20 min) can be used to save an ally who was caught by the enemy team in the jungle or some ally who is in a difficult position to win a fight to turn things on their behalf, or for when the enemy is sent to make things for them towerdive look very ugly. Need to test when I say use it often wasted to save an ally is already known that it cures more will die or tmb used to heal is wasted just like that, or is wasted when not active at the time fair and supportive team in a 5v5 fight, die each and Soraka is obsolete .
(spanish version)

Soraka hace caer unas estrellas que al acertarle a unidades enemigas les hace un daño de (60/90/120/150/180) (+(0.25 por punto de AP) y a su vez les baja 8 puntos de resistencia magica, y puede ser stackeado hasta 20 veces.
Costo de mana: 40/50/60/70/80
CD: 3 sec
Rango de Spell: 630

Al castearlo sobre una unidad enemiga, lo silencea por (1/1.5/2/2.5/3) second(s) y hace un daño de (50/100/150/200/250) (+(0.6 por punto de AP))como daño magico.
Costo de Mana: 0
CD: 15 sec
Rango de Spell: 725
-Esta habilidad es muy util ya que tiene poco CD y sirve sobre todo para silenciar a los magos enemigos que por lo general son los que utilizan skilles zonales para acabar con todo tu equipo o tambien para silenciar al support contrario, es bastante comun robar un kill por intentar silenciar a un enemigo para que no use el flash afuera del rango de pelea, ya que esta habilidad inflinge un monton de daño. Se utiliza mucho para cortar el casteo de ultimates de los enemigos.

Costo de Mana: 200/275/350
CD: 120/110/100
Rango de Spell: Global
-Esta habilidad es muy dificil de determinar cuando usarla para no malgastarla, en early, mid game (primeros 20 min) se puede utilizar para salvar algun aliado que fue atrapado por el equipo enemigo en la jungla o a algun aliado que esta en una posicion dificil de ganar una pelea, para invertir las cosas a su favor, o tambien para que cuando el enemigo se mande a hacer un towerdive las cosas para ellos se vea muy fea. Digo de saber determinar cuando utilizarla porque muchas veces se desperdicia para salvar a algun aliado que ya se sabe que por mas que lo cures va a morir o tmb se malgasta utilizandola para curar asi porque si, o se malgasta cuando no se activa en el momento justo y favorable en una team fight 5vs5 , mueren todos y Soraka resulta obsoleta.
first pick W
for u can heal ur team then at lvl 2 pick E
(always use E on ur team mated because if u used on urself the recover mana is few but is u used on one or u team mated the mana that u get is more than when u used on urself)
keep casting ur spells on ur team mated and u if u are in danger and if u going to kill a enemy use E on the enemy for silent him and get a free easy kill or just for save ur team To lvl 1 at 6 use W,E,W,E,W then pick u ult R
get u W at the max lvl then upgraded E and end to upgraded Q

keep casting ur spells on ur team mated and u if u are in danger and if u going to kill a enemy use E on the enemy for silent him and get a free easy kill or just for save ur team To lvl 1 at 6 use W,E,W,E,W then pick u ult R

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