Biggest threat by far to Support Miss Fortune. You are not able to harass him safely with anything except E, and even then he can click W and negate all of your poke. Take Celerity.
Annie does poorly into poke, and AP Support Miss Fortune excels at poking. Take caution for Flash + stuns and this should be relatively easy.
You outrange Karma when her R is down, but she has a massive AoE shield on a 30ish-second cooldown. Try to poke with autos when you know her E is down. Do not get too close, or take consistent extended trades, as R + W will often lock you down enough for ADC to burst and kill you. W if she tethers you immediately. Aery + Celerity recommended, though Comet can work well.
A good Lulu will outrange, harass, negate your poke and R, and still have more mana than you. She has low cooldowns, low mana costs, and low risk. Do not attempt to trade with her until you acquire Liandry's.
She will outtrade you if you take extended trades when her W passive is up, but otherwise you are much safer pre-6 than Neeko. Be cautious of disguise when she hits 6. Celerity recommended.
Try to only poke with E pre-6. If you go in to auto her early, you usually will die. Her R is a huge threat to you and can also stop your R. Try to roam as much as possible, as she cannot keep up with you that way. (Relentless Hunter + Celerity?)
Take Celerity, dodge his Qs and this is a relatively easy match-up, as it is difficult for Amumu to disengage after engaging. Comet or Aery works into him. Be wary of his level 6 Flash combos.
A Q will kill you early, but Lux is a support with one of the lowest base Armor values in the game. Take Aery + Celerity typically.
He cannot do much when his W is down, as he will get harassed with your autos easily. However, if he lands W, he will outtrade you with W + Q. This becomes a hard/extreme matchup when he is paired with Xayah. Be cautious of R-ing when he is about to hit 6 or has ultimate. Celerity heavily recommended.
He has healing and reliable engage when Flash is up, but you generally outrange him and can easily poke him down. Be careful of Flash and Hexflash, try to keep lane bushes warded. Aery is viable here, as is Comet. Poke hard early.
He outdamages you but his stun is unreliable, and you are much faster than him. Click W when you are not taking his AoE passive mark, as Miss Fortune's W maintains its extra speed through DoT.
Be wary of Flash + Q, Flash + R when you are R-ing. Keep lane bushes warded, his Q has about a 20 CD and is very easy to exploit but if you get hit by it, you will die. Celerity recommended. Aery and Comet both viable.
Janna can disrupt your ultimate and negate some of your poke, but Miss Fortune deals much more damage. She cannot do much more than Q you, as you will outtrade everytime she attempts to W + auto you. E on her whenever she ults, and do not be super-aggressive when she has ult. Take Aery.
Nidalee can negate some of your poke, but as support, she relies on Q to go in and do damage. Be careful of lane bushes, tri-bush, and try to rush Sweeper's early.
She scales much harder than you, but you should outdamage her early. Pick up an Oblivion Orb early. Take standard runes.
Using your E to hit both ADC and Support won't work as effectively here due to Sona's W negating a lot of your early poke, but she is a mid-range champion who cannot roam as quickly as you early, or outdamage you. Harass freely with autos before she hits 6. Do not group on top of allies when she hits 6.
This is the ideal bot-laner for AP Miss Fortune Support. Your E gives Seraphine an easy way to root and potentially stun with E. Seraphine provides Miss Fortune with the utility and survivability she often lacks early, and Miss Fortune provides Seraphine with some of the most reliable poke League of Legends has to offer. You both are essentially zone-control mages with high-damage combos.
This lane (obviously) is what Miss Fortune Support is typically paired with, as Ashe provides utility with her slow passive for Miss Fortune, and both are relatively safe and can poke easily. On top of this, her R + your E + R is almost a guaranteed kill.
Miss Fortune's E allows Tailyah to reliably hit abilities. In addition, Taliyah's W and E are both anti-mobility abilities which can save you from champions like Lucian who can burst you down after dashing. Roaming is also very easy for both you and Taliyah, as most champions cannot keep up with your/her out-of-combat mobility.
Vayne is a very self-sufficient ADC that often prefers enchanters or hard engage, and you don't fit that mold. Thankfully, her passive gives her Movement Speed towards enemy champions, which pairs well with your E. Be careful into hard-engage such as Leona.
Your E sets up easy roots for Jhin, and you both poke from long range. This, in my opinion, is better than Ashe. Be careful into ADCs such as Lucian and Tristana, and engage supports such as Rakan and Rell when paired with Jhin.
You both are safe and high-damage early. You just don't provide much for each other.
You only provide him with brief windows to engage with E, and cannot really disengage a Nautilus from him. His R gives you both more AoE zone control, but overall Teemo lacks your range and prefers someone like Yuumi as a Support.
You proc her W passive easily, however you do not provide much more for each other. Your E can be a nice engage/disengage tool for Kalista, as she is already good at sticking to enemies/kiting. Her ultimate gives you an easy way to avoid engage.
His cage + your E/R is an easy kill typically. Try not to Q off minions too much, as that can mess with his stacking.
You do not provide shields, more mobility, or really anything for Zeri. She prefers extended trades, and AP Miss Fortune Support prefers poking. Do not pick these together, this is griefing.
This is the ideal bot-laner for AP Miss Fortune Support. Your E gives Seraphine an easy way to root and potentially stun with E. Seraphine provides Miss Fortune with the utility and survivability she often lacks early, and Miss Fortune provides Seraphine with some of the most reliable poke League of Legends has to offer. You both are essentially zone-control mages with high-damage combos.
This lane (obviously) is what Miss Fortune Support is typically paired with, as Ashe provides utility with her slow passive for Miss Fortune, and both are relatively safe and can poke easily. On top of this, her R + your E + R is almost a guaranteed kill.
Miss Fortune's E allows Tailyah to reliably hit abilities. In addition, Taliyah's W and E are both anti-mobility abilities which can save you from champions like Lucian who can burst you down after dashing. Roaming is also very easy for both you and Taliyah, as most champions cannot keep up with your/her out-of-combat mobility.
Vayne is a very self-sufficient ADC that often prefers enchanters or hard engage, and you don't fit that mold. Thankfully, her passive gives her Movement Speed towards enemy champions, which pairs well with your E. Be careful into hard-engage such as Leona.
Your E sets up easy roots for Jhin, and you both poke from long range. This, in my opinion, is better than Ashe. Be careful into ADCs such as Lucian and Tristana, and engage supports such as Rakan and Rell when paired with Jhin.
You both are safe and high-damage early. You just don't provide much for each other.
You only provide him with brief windows to engage with E, and cannot really disengage a Nautilus from him. His R gives you both more AoE zone control, but overall Teemo lacks your range and prefers someone like Yuumi as a Support.
You proc her W passive easily, however you do not provide much more for each other. Your E can be a nice engage/disengage tool for Kalista, as she is already good at sticking to enemies/kiting. Her ultimate gives you an easy way to avoid engage.
His cage + your E/R is an easy kill typically. Try not to Q off minions too much, as that can mess with his stacking.
You do not provide shields, more mobility, or really anything for Zeri. She prefers extended trades, and AP Miss Fortune Support prefers poking. Do not pick these together, this is griefing.
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