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Recommended Items
Runes: Normal Runes
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order Normal Skill Order (E>W>Q)
Fury of the Dragonborn (PASSIVE)
Shyvana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champions that can outrange Shyvana's long range poke before she hits level 6 are strong counters to her.
Champion Build Guide
I am FFHK, and I am a player from wood ELO that has been playing Shyvana Support for quite a while now. I think I currently have a 75% winrate on this, but I'm not sure what it is at the moment. If you need help with this build, message me on Discord: FFHK!#8339.
When the dragon is up, it is your job to help your jungler secure vision around it and to defeat it. You are a jungler by trade, so use Shyvana's bonus damage against dragons and burst it when you know the enemy jungler is dead or near the top lane. Also, for the love of god, use the Oracle Lens on the pit if you don't already have a control ward in place.
Especially with Mountain Dragons, objectives are the most important part of Shyvana Support. She gains Armour and Magic resist for every dragon her team kills, so use that to your advantage when building Tank. Later on in the game, you can solo dragon when the enemy jungler is away. Do so if you can do it safely.
Tank Shyvana excels at teamfighting. If you are in an even teamfight, just fly in and roll your face across the keyboard. If you can afford to, initiate the fight behind the frontline, send out an E into a group of enemies, and then charge forward with W and Q. Focus down ADCs because you can kill them with one or two Es from long range. Afer you have Gargoyle, use it when diving in.
You are both an artillery mage and a peel tank as far as teamfights go, so reposition when needed. Continue focusing junglers and ADCs and maintain objective vision around this time. As Shyvana, you need to keep getting dragons. You are also great at stealing objectives due to your high burst. I've gotten solo quadra kills on dragon before where I've just shot a few Es in from off-screen and burst them down.
Do this until you can end the game.
Spam E and go flying. lizard.
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