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Aphelios Build Guide by Poor Lost Souls

ADC Aphelios ADC (Low Elo)

ADC Aphelios ADC (Low Elo)

Updated on January 20, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Poor Lost Souls Build Guide By Poor Lost Souls 5,314 Views 0 Comments
5,314 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Poor Lost Souls Aphelios Build Guide By Poor Lost Souls Updated on January 20, 2021
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Runes: Conqueror

1 2
Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Basic ADC Sums
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Ability Order Abilities


Attack Damage

Attack Speed


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Champion Build Guide

Aphelios ADC (Low Elo)

By Poor Lost Souls


The Hitman and the Seer;
Aphelios has access to an arsenal of 5 Moonstone Weapons, created by his sister Alune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as his main weapon and one as his off-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.
Aphelios begins the game with Calibrum as his main weapon and Severum in his off-hand, with Gravitum, Infernum and Crescendum queued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.
Weapons spawn with 50 Moonlight for ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast his Q abilities. Abilities that cause Aphelios to attack do not cost additional Moonlight on top of their ability cost. Once his main weapon is exhausted of Moonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue and Aphelios equips the next available weapon from his reserve.
Aphelios cannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game with Phase and gains access to Q abilities at level 2. He gains access to Moonlight Vigil at level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead, Aphelios may spend his skill points to gain either 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 bonus attack damage, 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36% bonus attack speed or 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 lethality.

Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle;
Aphelios gains 100 bonus range while Calibrum is his main weapon. Each attack made by Aphelios will consume 1 Moonlight per attack.
Enemies damaged by Calibrum via an ability are marked for 4.5 seconds, revealing them for the duration. Aphelios's next basic attack against a marked target uses the current off-hand weapon and gains 1800 range.
This attack will consume all marks, dealing 15 (+0.2 per bonus attack damage) bonus physical damage per mark to the initial target (at level 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9). If Calibrum is the current off-hand weapon, the empowered attack uses the main weapon instead.
When Calibrum is assigned, Aphelios can use Moonshot.

Severum, the Scythe Pistol;
Basic attacks with Severum don't use projectiles. Each attack made by Aphelios will consume 1 Moonlight per attack.
Severum's attacks heal him for 3−20% of damage dealt (depending on level).
Healing from Severum in excess of Aphelios' maximum health is converted into a shield that absorbs up to 10−140 (+6% of maximum health) damage (depending on level) and lasts for up to 30 seconds.
When Severum is assigned, Aphelios can use Onslaught.

Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon;
Gravitum applies a 30% slow that decays over 3.5 seconds. Each attack made by Aphelios will consume 1 Moonlight per attack.
When Gravitum is assigned, Aphelios can use Binding Eclipse.

Infernum, the Flamethrower;
Infernum shoots a firebolt at the target enemy unit, dealing physical damage to all enemies it passes through. Upon reaching the primary target, the firebolt splits into a cone with 4 missiles behind it that deals physical damage to enemies. The firebolt deals 110% physical damage to the primary target and 75 / 100% of that damage to secondary targets (depending on level), reduced to 23 / 30% damage against minions (depending on level). Each attack made by Aphelios will consume 1 Moonlight per attack.
Critical strikes spray 6 missiles in a 50% wider cone that deals critical damage.
When Infernum is assigned, Aphelios can use Duskwave.

Crescendum, the Chakram;
Basic attacks with Crescendum hurl the blade at the target, which lingers for 0.25 seconds before homing back to Aphelios. He is unable to declare basic attacks until he retrieves Crescendum, but the attack timer is reset once caught. Each attack made by Aphelios will consume 1 Moonlight per attack.
Whenever Aphelios casts an ability that would require him to throw Crescendum, he instead throws a spectral Chakram at his target that similarly returns to him. Aphelios accumulates the Chakrams he catches, up to 20, which last for 5 seconds or until Crescendum is out of Moonlight. Attacks against champions will refresh the lifespan on Chakrams.
Basic attacks with Crescendum hurl all temporary Chakrams at his target, dealing 0-164% of Aphelios' attack damage as bonus physical damage which depends on the number of Chakrams hurled, this can go up to a maximum of 130-223% total attack damage. The bonus damage from Chakrams can critically strike.
When Crescendum is assigned, Aphelios can use Sentry.
Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle = Moonshot
RANGE: 1450

Aphelios fires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing 60 / 76.7 / 93.3 / 110 / 126.7 / 143.3 / 160 (+0.42-0.6 per bonus attack damage) (+100% of ability power) physical damage to the first enemy hit (at level 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13).
Each use of the ability will cost 10 Moonlight + 60 Mana.
Cooldown: 10 / 9.7 / 9.3 / 9 / 8.7 / 8.3 / 8 (levels 1-13)

Severum, the Scythe Pistol = Onslaught
RANGE: 550

For 1.75 seconds, Aphelios gains 20% (+10% per 100 ability power) bonus movement speed and autonomously performs up to 6 (+3 per 100% bonus attack speed) attacks over the duration to the nearest enemy, prioritizing enemy champions.
Attacks alternate between Severum and his current off-hand weapon, each dealing 10 / 13.3 / 16.7 / 20 / 23.3 / 26.7 / 30 (+0.21-0.3 per bonus attack damage) physical damage (at level 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13), 25% on-hit damage and can critically strike. This will consume Moonlight from Severum regardless of whether the attacks are used.
Each use of the ability will cost 10 Moonlight + 60 Mana.
Cooldown: 10 / 9.7 / 9.3 / 9 / 8.7 / 8.3 / 8 (levels 1-13)

Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon = Binding Eclipse

Aphelios expunges all enemies affected by Gravitum's slow, dealing 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 (+0.26-0.35 per bonus attack damage) (+70% of ability power) magic damage (at level 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13) and rooting them for 1.25 seconds.
Each use of the ability will cost 10 Moonlight + 60 Mana.
Cooldown: 12 / 11.7 / 11.3 / 11 / 10.7 / 10.3 / 10 (levels 1-13)
Effect Radius: Global

Infernum, the Flamethrower = Duskwave
RANGE: 650

Aphelios unleashes a wave of energy in a cone, dealing 25 / 31.7 / 38.3 / 45 / 51.7 / 58.3 / 65 (+0.56-0.8 per bonus attack damage) (+70% of ability power) physical damage to all enemies hit (at level 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13) and locking on to each of them. After a delay, Aphelios then fires a volley of basic attacks from his current off-hand weapon, one at each locked-on enemy, dealing 100% physical damage, affected by critical strike modifiers, and applying on-hit effects at each locked-on enemy. There is no range limit for locked-on targets.
Each use of the ability will cost 10 Moonlight + 60 Mana.
Cooldown: 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6 (levels 1-13)

Crescendum, the Chakram = Sentry

Aphelios deploys an untargetable lunar sentry that arms after 0.35 seconds, lasting for up to 20 seconds. The sentry attacks if an enemy gets in range, reducing its duration to 4 seconds and becoming targetable. Deploying a new sentry reduces the eldest's duration to 4 seconds. A sentry has 6 health and take 3 damage per ranged basic attack and 4 damage per AoE ability.
The sentry autonomously attacks the nearest enemy in range with a clone of Aphelios' current off-hand weapon, dealing 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 / 85 (+0.35-0.5 per bonus attack damage) (+50% of ability power) physical damage (at level 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13). The sentry can critically strike and benefits from Aphelios' attack speed and critical strike chance.
Each use of the ability will cost 10 Moonlight + 60 Mana.
Cooldown: 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6 (levels 1-13)
Target Range: 475 Effect Radius: 500
Aphelios switches between his main weapon and off-hand weapon.
Aphelios has no third ability.
This slot shows the next weapon Alune will give him.
Weapon order begins fixed but may change over game time -- when a weapon is out of ammo it goes to the end of the order.
Moonlight Vigil, Calibrum;
Aphelios casts forth a lunar spotlight that stops upon illuminating an enemy champion. Alune smites the area centered on the illuminated enemy, dealing physical damage and locking-on to each enemy hit. After a delay, basic attacks will begin raining from the sky based on Aphelios' current main weapon, one upon each enemy locked-on by Moonlight Vigil.
Calibrum: Applies an empowered mark that deals 40 / 70 / 100 additional physical damage per mark (at level 6 / 11 / 16).

Moonlight Vigil, Severum;
Aphelios casts forth a lunar spotlight that stops upon illuminating an enemy champion. Alune smites the area centered on the illuminated enemy, dealing physical damage and locking-on to each enemy hit. After a delay, basic attacks will begin raining from the sky based on Aphelios' current main weapon, one upon each enemy locked-on by Moonlight Vigil.
Severum: If at least one enemy is hit, Aphelios heals for 250 / 375 / 500 health (at level 6 / 11 / 16).

Moonlight Vigil, Gravitum;
Aphelios casts forth a lunar spotlight that stops upon illuminating an enemy champion. Alune smites the area centered on the illuminated enemy, dealing physical damage and locking-on to each enemy hit. After a delay, basic attacks will begin raining from the sky based on Aphelios' current main weapon, one upon each enemy locked-on by Moonlight Vigil.
Gravitum: Enemies are slowed by 99% for the same duration.

Moonlight Vigil, Infernum;
Aphelios casts forth a lunar spotlight that stops upon illuminating an enemy champion. Alune smites the area centered on the illuminated enemy, dealing physical damage and locking-on to each enemy hit. After a delay, basic attacks will begin raining from the sky based on Aphelios' current main weapon, one upon each enemy locked-on by Moonlight Vigil.
Infernum: Attacks splashes in a circle instead of a cone, dealing 50 / 100 / 150 (+0.25 per bonus attack damage) in physical damage instead (at level 6 / 11 / 16). Attacks splash in a 400 unit circle instead of a cone, dealing 85% of that damage. Enemies will take damage from overlapping areas.

Moonlight Vigil, Crescendum;
Aphelios casts forth a lunar spotlight that stops upon illuminating an enemy champion. Alune smites the area centered on the illuminated enemy, dealing physical damage and locking-on to each enemy hit. After a delay, basic attacks will begin raining from the sky based on Aphelios' current main weapon, one upon each enemy locked-on by Moonlight Vigil.
Crescendum: 4 additional spectral chakrams return to Aphelios from the first enemy hit, for a total of 4, on top of those from other enemies hit.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Poor Lost Souls
Poor Lost Souls Aphelios Guide
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Aphelios ADC (Low Elo)

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