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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Attack Damage
Attack Speed
Threats & Synergies
The biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control (especially stuns, snares, knock-ups). Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and Spinning Axe(Q). If you canât win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him. Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldnât look to fight him unless he drops an Axe(Q).
Champion Build Guide
My name is Max, but you can call me Dixon as well. I'm from Ukraine so English is not my native language and I can do some mistakes (I'm sorry for that). However, you can also write me comments and I'm able to answer you in English, German, Russian and Ukrainian languages since I understand all of them, but in different levels of knowledge. đ
I started to play League of Legends in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is Platinum 2 (soloQ) and đDiamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server (top 5% best players at the server).
I would like to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make a lot of League of Legends content in English:
You will also find my streams on Twitch by following this link:
I'm not a hardcore high elo player, but I enjoy this game and share this passion with all the people who find my content as interesting or useful.
I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!
Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!
Have a nice reading! đđ¤

1. The different weapon combinations available to you make you a very versatile ADC who can adapt to nearly any given situation (provided you don't fall back massively in the game).
2. The AoE damage on your Infernum Ultimate

3. You excel in extended trades with slight variations depending on your weapon combination. Combined with the sustenance from items and your Severum, you can easily turn the tide of a fight if you manage to survive the enemy's attempt to kill you at the start of a fight.
1. You're quite immobile which can make you a prime target for chain CC and assassins. You rely on extended trades, so taking you out quickly will give the enemy team a huge advantage (especially if you have your Infernum

2. Some weapon combinations are really bad on you and don't synergize well. This can lead to periods where you can't retaliate as effectively as your counterpart. Avoid fighting until you get a favorable weapon combination.
3. You are item reliant during the mid-game. If you are camped constantly early on, you won't be able to farm freely and will have a hard time as the game goes on. Also, the enemy team will look to fight you when your Ultimate

Many tanky champions are still sustain reliant, such as

This rune is a safe option for your champion. Additional movement speed helps your champ to keep safe distance between you and the enemy, so you can kite them more successfully or to be able safely move back after walkning up to last hit a minion. Extra healing from this rune can also be the reason why your champ survived with 1-3% HP in a fight.

The runes provides your champion with a shield that can be a matter of life and death for your champion when you are attacked by an enemy with high burst damage. The shield can be the reason that your champ will survive a hostile combo and so you would be able to counter act somehow like giving him some damage back and destroying him, disable him by any CC abilities or to make

This rune is perfect in team fights since you can get a lot of extra healing and also to earn some additional amount of money that can help your champion to take a slight gold lead and to enable you to be one step ahead in items. This rune saves champions quite often in situations when they would be rather be dead after the last hit by enemy tower.

The rune simply increases you attack speed and so you can deal more damage by your auto attacks.

The rune increases your damage to champions that have more maximum HP than your champion. Take this rune when you don't plan to buy items for HP or when the enemy team has lots of tanks.

The rune gives your champion some sustain which is especially useful during the early game and the rune scales also with AD and AP items so it can become a reason in the late game why your champion survived a fight with 1-3% HP.

This rune gives a lot of item haste for your champion. Take it if you plan to buy a lot of items with active or passive cooldowns in their kit.

Flash is the most frequent choice of all players in League of Legends. Such popularity of the spell is caused by the fact that

The spell allows you to instantly restore part of the health and even heal your ally. The spell also grants a bonus to movement speed. Although the bonus lasts only 1 second, sometimes it is enough to quickly catch up an enemy or to escape a deadly attack. Please note that

This spell can be used to save a life when low on health and under attack. It is commonly used to get an early first blood by healing oneself for more than one's opponent expects. It is also a skill used for "baiting," where you make your champion appear weaker than it actually is, to lure your enemies out of position or to get them to tower dive you. A similar baiting tactic is also commonly used with

Cleanse is a good option against enemies with dangerous and disgusting CC abilities like

Exhaust is an extremely powerful tool for disabling champions who mainly autoattack, as well as any champion that can deal a high amount of damage. When your team is chasing an enemy and he is getting away, using

After Apheliosâs first back, he would have picked up his first damaging item. He can look for more favourable trades with the enemy once he has purchased his first component item. When

Focus on farming early on so that you can get your first item as soon as possible. Save your Severum ammo if you can as the Weapon Abilites will be useful for trading in the lane if your Support initiates a fight. You may play around your Support/Jungler and set plays for them with your Gravitum Weapon Abilites. At no point, should you get too close to the enemy (even if they are CC'd). When equipped with the Infernum, you will become a gank target as you will automatically push the wave. Do your best to not let that happen and ask you Support to thin out the wave evenly so that you can farm properly.
MID GAME (strong):

Now you can start saving up on your Infernum ammo as the Ultimate

LATE GAME (strong):
Apheliosâs late game is also strong. Although while youâre good in the late game, it is important that you do not over aggres as

You should get at least one defensive item depending on the enemy team comp and fed carry as you will be a prime target. Always keep an eye out on your flanks and prioritize saving yourself. Don't get caught out trying to farm a side lane at this point. Neutral objectives are important at this point so always try to stay near the lane where the objective is about to spawn in the next few minutes. If you manage to find a pick on someone, don't hesitate to use your Ultimate

Stand outside of the minion wave as

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And don't forget to visit and check my YouTube channel! Maybe you will like it! đ
Born during a rare lunar convergence, when the physical moon was eclipsed by its reflection in the spirit realm,

Mirroring the celestial event that heralded their birth, the two children knew they had been marked by fate

The Solari who ruled Targon considered the Lunari heretics, driving them into hiding until most forgot the Lunari even existed. The Lunari were left to the shadows, dwelling in temples and caves far from the Solarisâ sight.
The pressure to be exemplary weighed heavily upon Aphelios. He practiced tirelessly with mystical moonstone blades, spilling his own blood in training so he could spill that of others to protect the faith. Intense and vulnerable, he bonded deeply with his sister in lieu of any other friendships.

Without Alune, Apheliosâ faith wavered.
Desperate for purpose, he undertook a ceremonial journey into darkness where Lunari were said to discover their pathsâtheir orbits. He followed the moonâs light to a pool where rare noctum flowers bloomed beneath the waterâs surface. Though poisonous, the flowers could be distilled into a liquid that opened him to the nightâs power.
Drinking the noctumâs essence,

Soon after, an ancient temple, the Marus Omegnum, began to come into phase from the spirit realm for the first time in centuries. Lunari from across the mountain gathered, emerging from hiding to witness the balance of power shift as celestial cycles in the heavens turned.
The fortress accepted only one occupant, gifted in magic, each time it appeared. This time it would be Alune, her orbit guiding her to the temple.

But as the fortress passed through the veil in a luminous display of magic, a harsher radiance filled the night. Somehow, the Lunari had been discovered even as the celestial cycles turned in their favor.
An army of Solari descended upon them.
All seemed lost, the Solari purging the Lunari heresy with fire and steel. Even

But as the battle raged, Alune traveled deeper into the templeâand when she reached its heart, her full potential unlocked. Through the noctum,

Like the moon of stone and its spiritual reflection, Apheliosâs skill and Aluneâs magic converged.
Those Solari would not live to see the sun again.
As her power flared, Alune pushed the temple, and herself within, back into the spirit realm where it would remain safe from the Solari. From inside, amplified by the templeâs focusing power, Alune was able to project her magic anywhere, so long as it found a focusâlike the poison coursing through Apheliosâ veins.
Only now did they understand their destiny.

Together, they would be the weapon the Lunari needed, bound by pain and sacrifice. Only apart could they be togetherâtheir souls brushing across the veil, distant, yet impossibly close, converging into something they could not understand.
To protect the survivors of the attack who retreated back into the shadows of the mountain, Apheliosâ training as an assassin has been given reach by Aluneâs magicâhis blades now an arsenal of mystical weapons, perfected by Alune over the course of many missions together.
Now that the power balance of Targon is shifting, and the Solari know the Lunari still endure,

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