You read my guide which automatically makes you the better Azir. Not much to say here.
Ever since patch 7.19, your ult can be dashed over, which makes her more of a threat. She has a lot of mobility, and once you waste your Q, she can all in you. Watch out for her charm. If she misses her charm, you CAN all in her. The chances of winning the trade is higher, but she can easily ult out.
Ever since patch 7.19, your ult can be dashed over, which makes her more of a threat. She has a lot of mobility, and once you waste your Q, she can all in you. Keep your ult for her. You can either ult her towards your turret to kill her, or push her away defensively. Though, she can simply jump over it now.
This matchup is kind of a joke. You might not be able to kill her unless she purposely wants to kill herself. But you can't really lose this lane. Push her under turret, and you'll simply gain an advantage due to the fact that she can't farm under turret. Roaming yourself in this matchup might prove to be extremely beneficial for your team.
You just outrange her no matter what. All you have to do is be careful of her stun. She's only a little kid.
Aurelion Sol
Another easy matchup. He's so basic and can't really do much. The only problem is that many Azir's tend to stand still while autoattacking. Don't just stand still in his stars. You want to kite, and make sure he doesn't damage you. He might roam so be careful for that and be aware of where he is.
You just have to be wary of his W. At times, he'll be the one poking you hard. If you're able to push lane, he'll have difficulty farming, and that will be how you gain your advantage.
You really want to be careful of her W. It stops you from doing any sort of dash or blink. Other than that, she isn't an issue. Don't do any extended trades with her because she will always win those. Make short trades and push lane.
What the hell. If played properly, you might get your *** whooped. The moment you waste your Q, he can go in on you and chunk you. But you can easily ult him towards your turret as he only has 1 escape.
Ever since patch 7.19, your ult can be dashed over, which makes her more of a threat. She has a lot of mobility, and once you waste your Q, she can all in you. You want to push lane and abuse her pre-6. And just hope you get a significant advantage. If near your turret and she goes in, ULT HER towards your turret.
He is melee, so it is easy to outpoke him, but once he reaches 6, he's almost unkillable. The worst part is that he can just go through your ult with his blink. Even if you ult him under turret, he just ults himself out. The only times you might be able to ever kill him is when his ult is down. BE WARY OF HIS STUN.
Easy matchup, just try to avoid getting hit by his crow. No one plays Fiddlesticks mid anyways.
A matchup that might seem difficult, but actually isn't that hard. You can abuse him in lane, and always keep your E up for when he goes in on you. You want to avoid his jump and ult. If he wastes his E and is near your turret, ULT HIM.
Tanky. You don't want him to land his dash. Other than that, relatively easy lane. He might be prone to roaming with his ult, so try to either push lane or countergank.
Heimerdinger is one of those champs that just hates being against Azir. You can literally cs off of his turrets.
This is really rare, but you just have to outpoke him. Stand behind minions.
Stand behind minions. You don't want her to hit you, her burst is pretty strong.
Happy feet him. Zhonyas might help for his ult. He has 0 mobility. Push lane HARD, and he's going to cry under turret.
His ult is the only big problem. Abuse him hard pre-6 by pushing lane. Once his 6, be extremely careful.
You have to keep your ult for her ult. Otherwise, you have no other way to stop hers. Be careful of her blink, because she can just ignore your soldiers and your ult.
Nothing to really worry about. I guess care for her ultimate. You might not want to have extended fights with her.
This champ might prove to be a problem. She has a lot of mobility and might just make your ult completely useless. You want to avoid her chains 100%. Because if you get hit by her chains, you're most definitely dead. Farm and try to push hard early game because it's difficult for her to farm under turret.
This matchup is relatively passive. If you see her starting up her blink, you can bait her to your turret and ult her in.
If she wastes her Q for minions, GO IN. She literally has nothing to stop you and you win trades 100%. Otherwise, you'll want to push lane and not get poked by her E. It's difficult for her to farm under turret.
Get his shield out of the way. Once he's 6 you might not want to shuffle him anymore because he can just ult you. His little creatures will be annoying to deal with.
She just has a spellshield. You should never really get hit by her Q if you stand behind minions. It might be difficult to kill her, and be careful as she might not get knocked up by your ult.
I like to consider her as a worst version of Azir. You can easily outpoke her and push the lane.
He has such a small range. Just don't get caught because he has crazy damage and you might die. He might roam a lot, so be aware of where he is. Also, if you think you have the upperhand, you might be mistaken as Ryze can pop a fat shield.
Avoid his Q, because getting hit by it usually makes you lose trades 100%. If he throws his Q and misses, take the chance to trade with him because he really can't fight back at that point.
It's sad that she actually outranges you. She has no mobility though which is a plus. Use that. You probably won't be able to outpoke her, she'll most likely be the one outpoking you.
You're going to want to fight in her circles. Don't get knocked up. She pokes a lot, but you can always outrade if you fight in her circle because she can only throw 1 rock.
Ever since they removed his blink, this matchup just got easy. You'll want to ward to stop him from roaming though. Poke him in lane because he's melee and push so hard that he can't roam. If he does roam, don't try to directly follow him because he could kill you when not in lane if you're not fed.
Twisted Fate
Laning, he is extremely easy. You'd still want to ward as he has point and click CC and is extremely prone to roaming. If he goes missing, warn your team right away, because he's definitely going to gank them.
Just avoid fighting him when he puts his E up, because it actually stops your dash. He's also prone to deleting you. You'll want to poke him and push HARD under turret, so that he has difficulty farming. Late game, if you get caught in his stun, consider yourself dead.
He has literally no mobility whatsoever, and it's easy to dodge his skillshots. If you push lane and poke him, he's going to cry like a little baby. Stand behind minions and be careful of his skillshots and you're good.
He's actually extremely strong, and you sometimes might think you have the upper hand when you really don't. Avoid standing in his stun and poke him out.
He just heals back your poke and can pool away when he feels in danger. This is one of those times where you might as well be farming. Roaming might be good.
He actually outranges you pretty hard. You might find yourself in a pickle sometimes but it shouldn't be hard to stay alive as he relies on skillshots alone. If he wastes his E, his most valuable spell, or misses it. You should 100% all in him if you're able to do so. If possible, push lane hard, because its difficult for him to farm under turret.
He's melee, so you have to poke him hard. Whenever his passive shield is up, you want to auto attack him to trigger it. This will make trading a lot easier, as his passive shield negates a fair amount of damage. You also just have to avoid his tornadoes and the matchup is already won. If he tries to go in on you, make sure you go near your turret to just ult him towards it. One main thing with this matchup is to make sure that you DO NOT WASTE YOUR Q. If the enemy Yasuo is at least decently smart, he'll realise that you're in a weak spot, and he'll dash to you to bash your skull in. It's fine if you're under turret if you're attempting to bait him though.
You basically want to abuse him pre-6, and poke him hard every time he wastes his blink. Unless you have the upper hand, you'll want to stay safe starting from level 6. If you think you're going to have a difficult time, you'll want to rush Zhonya's, or even go Inspiration as your 2nd tree to get the stopwatch.
This guy also outranges you pretty hard. It's annoying but it is easy to dodge. If you can all in on him when he uses his abilities, he's easy. Don't let yourself get outpoked too hard.
Pretty easy matchup. You basically don't want to get hit by his 2nd bomb as it will stun you. Other than that, he is relatively easy to lane against. You just probably won't be able to kill him.
She's so easy to lane against. As long as you don't get hit by her Q, you can never die to her. Although, one issue would be her E (the sleep). Getting hit by it almost guarantees your death, so getting cleanse might actually be the most optimal route in this matchup. Moreover, if you get cleanse, she can't really do much with it when she picks it up. If she picked up ignite for example, after you had used it yourself, you might be putting yourself in a pickle.
Ever since patch 7.19, this matchup got significantly harder, as she can how jump over your wall with no problem. You're still able to stay relatively safe when playing against her. Poke her and farm, and be careful to not burn your abilities too much because Riven has one of the craziest mobility in the game. If she's a good riven and sees an oppurtunity, she will come and smash your face. You might want to search for a chance to ult her into turret.
As you can probably tell by now, I'm not actually a Diamond player. In fact, I'm just a piece of garbage that decided to make a guide on his favourite champion, Azir. But does being a piece of garbage make me bad? Nah man. I'm like, definitely the best. My name used to be Tehqo, but I name changed to Rero recently, and I play on NA.
If you want to see my solid winrate, you can click Here.
The main reason as to why I label my azir guide as "aggressive" is because that's really what it is. All these other guides are telling you to get barrier or exhaust, when the true way is to get ignite. Make the early game yours, but solo-killing your enemy mid-laner. With this guide, you won't need to cower in fear from your lane opponent. No more csing until mid/late game to become relevant. Other than that, a lot of people believe that Azir is the hardest champion in the game. Even the guy with the top Azir guide says so. I want to break that mentality. If you get the grip of Azir, you'll realise how brain dead easy he is. I'm flattered to know that you think I'm good, but let's be real. There are other champions with higher skill caps than Azir. You just need a little bit of time. >Back to Top
Ah yes, those naughty new runes. Riot is once again blessing us with the preseason hammer. And here we are, lost wondering what runes to take. To start this off, I'll go through the trees and runes you shouldn't take before explaining the ones you should take.
Precision has to be the biggest bait ever created for Azir players in the history of league of legends. It shows you two keystones that seem great. Those keystones being Press the Attack and Lethal Tempo. Great on paper maybe, but terrible practically.
Precision seems like a viable option in lane when looking from a poking point of view. Is it actually good? No. It's not a keystone that benefits Azir as much as others, and the kind of those a poor job. This is the type of keystone you would get for champions that actually auto-attack like Irelia or Vayne.
Lethal Tempo on the other hand, is what I was referring too when I was calling the precision tree a bait. You get 1.5s of time to bypass the attack speed limit. It sounds amazing, because Azir is a dps mage who relies on attack speed. Hence the reason why you build Nashor's tooth. I will be 100% honest here, it isn't as good as you think it is. 1.5 seconds isn't that much, and it doesn't take much effort to leave Azir soldier range.
EDIT: They changed how lethal tempo works. It is now a little more viable and is good for longer fights. Although at the moment, the best keystone to take in the precision tree is still conqueror.
From the Domination tree, there only seems to be 1 viable option for Azir. That option being Electrocute. Is there a reason why we're not taking it? I mean, it is Thunderlord's replacement after all.
Here's the thing: Electrocute is actually not that bad. It's pretty okay for poke, and gives you a decent amount of burst when doing your combo. The problem is that you don't gain much benefit from the rest of the Domination tree. The rest of the stuff in that skill tree is mostly aimed for assassins and doesn't benefit Azir as much as the other trees. That might be the biggest downside, but it's totally up to you if you want to take this route.
EDIT (2022): Hail of blades is now decent, it is good for poke and allows you to land 3 soldier auto attacks pretty fast. It is still not as good as electrocute when it comes to poke damage, especially during the laning phase.
Okay be serious here. In what world would you take Resolve on Azir. It sounds like absolute garbage. There is no actual real benefit in taking this skill tree as it display no real advantage towards Azir and his kit.
The inspiration tree sounds interesting but it isn't actually good on Azir. This is mostly a skill tree aimed towards supports, although there are some champions out there that are capable of benefiting from this page.
Here's the main issue with Inspiration:
If we exclude Unsealed Spellbook, you only have Glacial Augment and Kleptomancy left. Glacial Augment is interesting as it applies a sort of Rylai's slow on your first attack. But you don't want it on your first attack. You want it on every single one of your attacks. Once you actually acquire yourself a Rylai's, this keystone renders itself useless. In Kleptomancy's case, you can't actually get the keystone's bonuses because your soldier auto-attacks don't actually count as auto-attacks. If they did, then on-hit Azir would actually be a thing.
Now here comes the mighty Sorcery page. This has to be the best page for Azir by far. Summon Aerie, is the best keystone for him in this page as it applies on your soldiers and on your shield (which activates everytime you dash now). It's basically a win win. For the rest of the tree. The stuff is really situational and up to your preference. The Ultimate Hat gives you more opportunities to cast your ultimate. This can prove to be quite useful as your ultimate is one of your most important feature. Nullifying Orb is also pretty good to take when you're against an AP mid laner. It negates some of the damage they do. For the 3rd slot, I'd take anything other than Celerity. Just forget Celerity ever existed and you should be fine. Last but not least, Gathering Storm should be the last one, as it helps you scale better into the late game. And the late game is where you strive.
EDIT 2022: I would no longer run this page, although it is still pretty decent.
What is this? Another Doran's ring when I've already gotten one at the beginning of the game? Yeah you got it right. I highly recommend taking a 2nd Doran's ring after your first back. This is something that many midlaners doing when behind. It gives them extra health and mana, for those times when you can't afford any core item parts yet. But here's the thing, your first item as Azir, if you want to make yourself relevant is Nashor's Tooth. When you build Nashor's Tooth, you lack the mana or mana regeneration to complete tasks. That's where the double dorans kicks in. Doran's Ring has a passive that replenishes mana after killing minions. After having built 2 of them, the passive stacks and you get a decent amount of mana back. This coupled with your wave clear will just make managing your mana a little easier.
This saves you from having to build Morellonomicon. As Morello used to be an extremely important item for Azir. You loose too much potential attack speed when you build it first, although it gives you the mana you really want. If Azir still had his CDR --> Attkspeed passive, Morello would still be a core item. But in my opinion, it's just not enough right now for Azir's current state. Crossed this section out, as it is no longer really relevant, but still a good read if you're still interested.
Doran's Ring When to build a second Doran's Ring?
I would definitely have to say that Doran's Ring is an item you get when you can't afford anything else (when you're behind) or when you've gained a significant advantage over your lane opponent early (eg. First Blood). At the moment, getting a 2nd Doran's isn't only valuable in those specific scenarios. You should only really buy another one during the early early-game as 60hp and 50% base mana regeneration is quite a decent amount at the beginning of a game. For now, I recommend always rushing Fiendish Codex as your first item.
EDIT 2022: Getting a 2nd Doran's ring is no longer necessary. You should always rush your LOST CHAPTER. As fiendish codex is no longer part of the path towards Luden's nor Shattered Queen. Moreover, getting your mythic is now much more important. Fiendish Codex THE REAL FIRST BACK ITEM Fiendish Codex is one of the two items that builds into Nashor's Tooth. It is by far, the superior item to rush in order to build Nashor's as your first completed item. It is much more beneficial to get this item before getting a Stinger, as it offers CDR and +30 AP. The problem with building a Stinger first is that you don't actually have any significant damage to deal. You can have all the attack speed in the world, but if you're just poking your enemy, he won't die. Moreover, it's extremely cheap and builds off of a 435 gold Amplifying Tome.
There are situations where you'd actually get Stinger before Fiendish Codex. You build this item first whenever you take the decision to buy 2 Doran's Ring. The reason as to why you do this is because the AP from those 2 Doran's Ring's acts as a substitute to the Fiendish Codex. Hence the reason why at this point, you would get Stinger.
This is the core of your build. Some items may be interchangeable depending on your situation but it should usually follow this same path. I'll go into detail with my opinions of every item of the guide. Berserker's Greaves These boots are basically the ones that give you attack speed.
These boots are what you'd take when you really feel like having more attack speed. They used to be commonplace among Azir players, but I feel that these boots are quite lackluster at the moment. They only offer attack speed, when your W Arise! already gives you attack speed. Coupled with Nashor's Nashor's Tooth as swell, I just feel that these boots aren't as necessary as they used to be. Sorcerer's Shoes The almighty magic penetration boots.
These are the superior boots. Currently, Azir doesn't need more attack speed once he gets Nashor's Tooth. The magic penetration is what he needs, as it increases his damage. In fact, in Azir's case, penetration is far more superior than raw AP. Nashor's Tooth This is Azir's most important item. It's the item that grants his attack speed and CDR.
The reason as to why this is Azir's most important item is because of his kit. Azir's kit revolves around his soldiers, and his soldiers can't provide damage for your team without the DPS acquired from attack speed. Getting this item is basically you reaching an important powerspike.
EDIT 2022: Nashor's tooth is no longer necessary unless you remove the attack speed rune that you should have from the precision tree. Rylai's Crystal Scepter You slow people with your spells.
This item is almost indispensable. Just like Nashor's Tooth, this provides and important powerspike for Azir. Nashor's Tooth coupled with Rylai's Crystal Scepter's slow is just so good. Enemies tend to walk out of your soldier's range fairly easily when you're not slowing them. When you have Rylai's Crystal Scepter, you'll be able to keep your soldiers on them longer. Void Staff So much P E N E T R A T I O N
Getting magic penetration on Azir is actually better than getting raw AP. You usually want to get Void Staff right after completing Nashor's Tooth and Rylai's Crystal Scepter. The item helps you shred to everyone. By this point, the enemy tank must have already started building MR, and their ADC probably has next to no MR whatsoever. Zhonya's Hourglass What you'd use after engaging, or to save yourself from dying.
The item offers Armor which is quite helpful. If they have any AD champions on their team that seem to prove a problem, it might be a good idea to get Zhonya's Hourglass.
Although I did put this item in "core items", I'd say that this one is the most interchangeable one. Rabadon's Deathcap The ultimate late game item. Boost your over all AP.
It made be tempting to build this item early, but don't. For Azir, Rabadon's Deathcap is strictly a late game item. It is the only time you benefit from it the most.
You'll always want to prioritize penetration over taking Rabadon's Deathcap. Once you complete most of your items, this one really gives you a significant increase in damage.
Your DPS might as well turn into burst damage at this point.
Situational Items
Liandry's Torment This is the ultimate tank shredder.
You'd mostly get this if their team is extremely tanky. Although it is still good against squishy champions, since it has flat magic penetration. Banshee's Veil This is the only good magic resistance item for Azir.
If you find yourself having trouble against a bursty AP champion mid lane like Lux, Syndra, LeBlanc, this might be a good item for you. Change it for Zhonya's Hourglass. Rod of Ages I personally don't think of this as a good item for Azir
It offers you a hefty amount of health and a lot of mana. The problem is that it takes time to scale up, and doesn't benefit you as much as the other items. If you really think you'll get spanked in lane, you can build this. It's safe.>Back to Top
Shurima’s Legacy
Azir raises the Sun Disc from the selected marked ruins after a brief delay. The Sun Disc functions like a standard turret but gains (15% AP) bonus attack damage. It also grants Azir any gold it earns. The Sun Disc's health decays over 60 seconds and loses 100 armor if Azir dies or moves too far away.
This passive is extremely useful. You usually want to place it when you’re grouped up and ready to siege a turret, or if you want to defend a certain objective (like your nexus or inhibitor). Moreover, you can also use it to distract the enemy. You can apply pressure by sieging with the turret while the rest of your team tries to obtain another objective. It’s easy to do since Azir could zone multiple champions at once.
Conquering Sands
Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to dash toward the target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies they pass through and slowing them by 25% for 1 second. Enemies hit by multiple soldiers do not take additional damage, but are slowed by an additional 25% per soldier beyond the first.
Conquering Sands is the ability you use the reposition your soldiers. You usually use it to poke the enemy, but you can also reposition your soldiers in zoning areas to stop them from entering a certain place.
PASSIVE: Azir permanently has bonus attack speed. This bonus is doubled for 5 seconds if he summons a soldier while there are already two on the field. He also has a stock system for this ability; he stores a Sand Soldier periodically, up to a maximum of 2 stored at once. ACTIVE: Azir summons an untargetable Sand Soldier at the target location for 10 seconds, expiring twice as fast while within range of an enemy turret, and expire instantly if Azir moves too far away. When Azir attacks an enemy in a soldier's range, the Sand Soldier attacks in his stead, dealing 60 - 160 (based on level) (+ 60% AP) magic damage to all enemies in a line. Multiple soldiers can strike the same target, with each soldier beyond the first dealing 25% damage. Azir can only command soldiers when near them. Secondary targets hit take 40% / 70% / 100% damage./i]
In lane, you never really want to have more than 2 soldiers placed. Having more than 2 is kind of useless, as it is a waste of mana. In teamfights however, you always want to have 3+ soldiers as it will boost your DPS significantly.
Shifting Sands
Azir shields himself for 1.5 seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing magic damage to enemies he passes through. If Azir hits an enemy champion, he gains a charge of Arise!. Note: This no longer knocks up. You only have a dash and a shield. The video shows that they get knocked up because it’s slightly outdated. A nerf was put in place to remove Azir’s knockup.
The main thing about this ability is its dash. It is used with the help of Conquering Sands to extend the reach of the dash. Will expand on this further in the combos section.
Emperor’s Divide
Azir calls forth a phalanx of soldiers from behind him, charging forward in the target direction. Enemies impacted by the charge are dealt magic damage and knocked back. When the soldiers finish their charge, they stand as a wall for 3 seconds, acting as impassible terrain for enemies. Allies and Azir can freely pass through the wall. Note: Azir’s wall no longer knocks people up when they attempt to dash over once already in place. A nerf was put in place to let enemies go through after the first cast. The video is outdated.
The versatility within this ultimate is crazy. You can both disengage and engage with it. The main combo involving this is the Shurima Shuffle, which I will go over in detail in the combos section.>Back to Top>Will expand on this later<
Drift King Azir was a prominent Azir main in the past. He has a very useful series called “Summoner School” where he teaches how to play Azir. These are the fundamentals, and these videos are what helped me learn Azir when I first started a long time ago. I’d only recommend watching these 3 videos, because the other videos regarding Azir are outdated. This should help if the info I give isn’t enough.
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Will expand on this further with the help of some videos..
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