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Low range pre 4-mark makes it impossible to get into her range. Even with Your +75 range post 4-mark, it's difficult to get into range without tanking her Q/E and her ult slow. Q is not fast enough to dodge her Q anymore, One plus is being able to Q over her wall if she tries to wall you into her ult, so save your Q if her ult is down. Lane phase is hard and you essentially need to let her free farm. You don't really win in melee even if she misses her Q early, only chance is if she hard overextends away from her minions so that they don't hit you when killing her egg. Matchup really only gets worse as the game goes on and becomes nearly impossible to match once she gets zhonyas. She's a good ban but isn't played enough to justify it.
dwayne never loses - You don't deal enough damage to kill him, and his Q gives him enough MS to poke you with no counterplay. He will just wait for his shield to come up and Q you off cooldown, ult you when his jungler comes, and build full armor. Any lead he gets will stick whether you get a lead or not. Best thing you can do is try to force plays early with or without Malph, but typically away once he hits 6. Mid to late game, Malphite is just Malphite - Ulting before his ult lands is typically bad because you'll be cc'd during it and attack speed slowed the entirety of it. Ulting after is ideal, but you can die in CC pretty easily. It really depends on enemy team comp, but overall malphite will always be a problem. Get an early LDR and hope for the best.
Qyiana sucks to play against at all points of the game, and it never gets better. She will permanently sit in stealth the entire laning phase and you cannot target her ever. She will grab grass, e/q you and w/q again with another grass. Then she'll walk back to tower where she'll... grab another grass. You can't hit her, she'll sit stealth while you're in your ult, at all points in the game she'll sit stealth. Stealth to once shot you, stealth in your ult, stealth until the game is over and you can never touch her. The only saving grace is that most qiyana players are terrible and wind up throwing. I have no info on the matchup, I dodge qiyana on sight.
Extremely difficult matchup at all stages of the game. It becomes much more manageable once you get shieldbow - shieldbow is 100% necessary vs. Tristana. Pre 6, she will jump on you and attempt to all in you with just her jump and bomb. It's possible to win this all in given that she is jumping into your minion wave. However, make sure she does not have bone playing available and try your best to disengage her bomb so that she can't get her jump reset. If it happens that she doesn't kill you from the all in, she can jump away and leave you at 1 hp in lane. Early on she will shove in the wave no matter what because of her E passive, so try to let the wave stay near your tower. This doesn't allow her to jump on you and abuse her early game strength. Post-6 is when it gets hard. She has too many easy ways to deal with Kindred ult so that it's almost not even worth using. She can jump on you and 100-0 you with 1 combo by stacking her E and ulting you away for the last charge. That WILL kill you in CC before you can ult. So, you should use it before right? No, if you ult before, she can just ult you out of your ult and auto you to finish you off. She can also build galeforce - at which point, she never has to use her ult to force your ult unless you have shieldbow completed. Difference is, she rushes galeforce and you don't rush shieldbow thus making it a large amount of time where you're extremely vulnerable. Overall, the matchup remains bad in the 1v1 almost all game. It's hard to sidelane vs her and hard to play vs her in mid. One of the only saving graces is that she auto-pushes the wave with her E so it makes farming more manageable. Not a fun matchup.
Matchup is pretty rough, especially if he snowballs. He rushes zhonyas as a core item, so he always has both engage and disengage while building armor vs Kindred. Early trade patterns for Kindred revolve q'ing in or to the side (such as auto/q/auto) in which case you'll walk into his range where he'll either: - q/auto/w and e away. - e (to cancel your auto/q damage) He can force your ult with his and easily disengage (he can force without using his E), and his E/Zhonyas/Stopwatch will almost ALWAYS be up at the end of your ult, so executing him after is almost impossible. He'll likely be a problem where he'll just run the map because you don't have the ability to walk up and clear the wave without being pressured by his ult forcing yours for free or 1 shotting you if yours is down. His ult CD is much less than yours, and he builds CDR through his build path naturally. Overall a good ban if you don't struggle vs. other champs as he's picked much more.
Jayce is extremely hard mostly because he can freely farm because of your low range. If you get in range, he can jump on you and knock/phase rush away at any point. Your mediocre range also allows him to get into range at almost any time - so he can pretty easily combo you if you try to trade. Not much to say other than try to farm without falling far behind. He'll scale better in sidelane but you will do much better in teamfights. It's hard to gank since your only CC is a slow (which phase rush negates).
Take Doran's Shield and Tenacity Rune. They are extremely important in this matchup - it becomes harder if you don't. Like Orianna, almost any poke pre-6 can be mitigated by DShield and your W passive. Use your Q to dodge her early Qs before lvl 3-4. Play around her E cooldown more than her phase rush. It's more difficult for Syndra to activate phase rush than other champions if her E isn't up. Since you have Q, it's tricky for her to land Q a lot as well. Play the lane to farm, but go for trades to try and bait her E but not all in. Once used, look for a window to engage (if phase rush is down it's better). Rushing Merc treads is a strong tool - combined with tenacity rune, it makes it so that if you get stunned she cannot guarantee a Q during the stun. Along with her ult, merc treads make it able to survive it without using your ultimate. Overall, the matchup is pretty annoying in laning phase and you can fall behind - however it's not that difficult. Once you hit 4 marks it also becomes extremely easy to bait her stun because of increased range to trade from.
Super easy early game matchup. Get perma lane prio and rotate for jungle. Problem comes post-6 when she can 100-0 you with her combo and her ult CD is much lower than yours. The matchup comes down to a skill matchup where you need to dodge her E to prevent her from forcing your ult whenever she goes for an all in. Matchup snowballs extremely hard which makes it harder for kindred, but gets easier once you get Shieldbow. Overall though, it's easily manageable given you don't fight in her shroud with her ult. Typically good to build Wit's End unless she is only AP on the team.
Would say this matchup is hard but not after the divine sunderer build Cass matchup boils down to dodging their Q (clearly) - but even if they land Q you can outdamage early until they put points into their E. Cass also has mediocre/low range for a midlaner that even Kindred benefits from pre-4 mark mid. Grounded is less difficult to manage than you would think - you can either predict it (and q forwards to fight or backwards to disengage) or just wait for her to throw it and walk out. You won't die from it and she'll use a decent chunk of mana. The CD is long, so fighting between her Miasma CD is pretty easy. Q to predict her Q drops and orb walk between autos so it's difficult for her to land her Q. She has no disengage other than Miasma, so if you're on her and she misses Q you can run her down. As for her ult, Tenacity works well if you struggle predicting it. You shouldn't really get 1 shot through it anyways, so you can still ult after, dps her down, and E/ignite to execute out of your ult.
The matchup is rough if he just pokes and saves his E, but it's still not terrible. You'll be likely forced to sit under tower and farm for a while and hope for a jungle gank and that he doesn't 1v2. You don't outrange his turrets until 4-mark, but afterwards you do. Sheen helps you q/auto to kill towers, but puts you vulnerable to being stunned and killed. Build tenacity and try to dodge his stun. If it lands, tenacity will ensure you don't get 1 shot before being able to ult. E/ignite to execute out when he has no stun or cooldowns. You scale hard vs him and it's hard for him to sidelane given that he needs his turrets placed. You snowball hard versus him and he has bad roams, but if he gets a lead it just means sitting mid and farming.
Katarina is pretty easy to deal with in lane. Most of the time, I can muster up to 30-40 cs leads on katarina since they're unable to walk up to farm aside from chucking her qs. In the 1v1, Kindred can exert extreme pressure and keep perma lane-prio. Except this is pretty much nullified by the fact that she gives 0 ***** about leaving lane to pick up 2 free kills even if it costs her 5 waves. The difficulty comes that this champion snowballs EXTREMELY hard. Her ultimate CD is pretty negligible and gets further reduced on random kills she'll inevitably get. Once she picks up even a few kills, she can force your ult freely and disengage whenever she wants. It's still possible to kill her with some CC, but she can likely just 1 shot you when she starts snowballing - allows her to farm the wave and roam for free. Bad and even mediocre katarinas will just try to all in you early and let you snowball - if you snowball, games over for her.
The matchup is not difficult in the 1v1. You can bait her in by q'ing backwards to stop her W damage. Or, you can Q to her initial W position so that she can't take it back. The idea is to not let her get damage without taking any in return, but it becomes more difficult simply because of jungle. She sets up ganks extremely easy with a chain or a double chain post-6. Kindred has no way to get out of her chain range once hit, so you will likely die or be forced to ult. In either case, Leblanc can just take her W back and wait your ult or just tank your damage because her clone will give her time to stall if you try to execute her out of your ult. There isn't much to mechanics of the 1v1 other than preemptively Q'ing to dodge her chain or W and trying not to get ganked.
Farm lane, you out-sustain any damage she deals before your first recall - past first recall you can bait her phase rush and all in her when it's down. If she chooses to sit back and farm, you get prio all lane to rotate and do whatever. Position on the lane opposite the side of her ball, when she goes to put her ball on you - Q towards to fight or backwards to leave. If fighting, if you dodge the Q then she cannot proc phase rush instantly. She'll have to waste her W, and get 2 autos to proc phase. If she doesn't take phase rush, just run her down at almost any point in the lane. Overall, the lane is never bad - at the worst it becomes a farm lane where you can keep prio.
Don't ever fight when he is overheating unless you have your ult up. Try trading with auto/q/auto but sideways - don't q into him or you'll likely get slowed and popped. Don't all in if he's above 50 heat, you'll get popped. His ult CD is ridiculously low, so he'll likely just push and roam to sidelanes like assassins - you can't follow unless you ult is off CD. Overall, he lacks any form of hard CC to his gank setup is pretty mediocre aside from his ult. Don't get caught off guard by overheat and trade when he walks up to melee minions.
Farm lane - any time you try to trade, he will E/W/Q and phase rush away. Otherwise, he can just spam E/Q to waveclear and leave lane. You will win all-ins vs. Ryze at any given time unless he gets a lead, but he shouldn't given that you're rotating to plays first. If Ryze ever engages on you without phase, you can run him down with ease. Q to dodge any of his Qs and you won't worry about being outdamaged.
Lucian has a base 500 range along with Kindred pre 4-mark. This makes it easy to trade with him since any time he's in range to auto you, you're in range to auto him. The same can't be said for many ranged matchups. Watch out for his lvl 1 shove and lvl 2 rush. If you get caught by his level 2 E/Auto/Q/Auto, it can snowball the lane pretty hard. His Q through minions is pretty easy to predict, but it doesn't deal too much damage early. Just sustain it with W passive. You can dodge Lucian Q with your Q with good timing, this can turn a fight from a loss to a win very quickly. Pre-6 fights are easy to win as long as you don't fight in his minions. Q as auto resets, and save your E for the execute. At 6 and on, take your all ins carefully. If he dashes to disengage, he can W and R you to chase. If he ults, dodge side to side to make it hard for him to track your movement, then Q to a side to get out of the ult. If he ever engages with E, you can kill him easily by running into him and dropping ult, save E to execute. Never engage lucian with your E in lane, he can just W/auto/Q/auto/E backwards before you can get 3 autos off - it's a complete waste of mana and you will lose the trade heavily.
Talon in lane is extremely easy to deal with. Any all in he will not win, the problem lies with the same issue as all roaming assassin mids - he can just drop lane and roam for kills for free and there's little to nothing you can do about it. Once he snowballs, it's easy for him to force your ult with all ins since his ult is much lower cooldown and he can passively build CDR. Once he snowballs, he can just walk up to the wave and W it to clear it. At this point, best thing you can do is catch him out with some CC or bait him in your ult and execute him at the end. If your ult is down, do not engage when he has ult. If he doesn't you still win, but it's more risky for you to engage ever without your ult. Back to early game, poke him out and let him engage and fight in your W. Save your E for execute and you'll win just fine. Try to ping all roams and if possible, roam yourself. Kindred is 325 base MS, so it's hard to follow his roams.
Never struggled vs. any zed except for my friend. Even then, it never feels unplayable. Zed is a pseudo-ranged mid and it's pretty hard to poke him when he just farms with his low CD Q. He'll poke with his shadow, but you should be able to sustain most damage taken up by the time it's back up again. Try to dodge Qs as the damage will add up quickly. Never drop ult before Zed unless you have to - else he will just ult at the end and you will die. Always keep in mind where shadows are that he can tp back to. Pre 6 lane he can't kill unless you take too much poke into an all in. Level 6 and on he has kill pressure and can trade ults. Hard to execute him with E out of ult unless he is unaware of where his shadows are - good Zeds will stay out of Kindred ult range towards to end and finish you with a Q or flash/auto execute. He has no gank setup, just damage - just be careful for the enemy jungler if there is CC. Zed will 1 shot you if CC'd. Try and freeze towards your tower to force him to overextend and waste his W while pushed too far.
In the early lane, you can fight her at any point granted you dodge her bubble. Some Zoes are liberal when using it, some are not. Try to fake her out and bait her bubble, but do not waste summoners until she is close to death or else she will use them against you. She can have a pretty strong level 1 trade with Q/auto/Q/auto with electrocute. Make sure to not get caught by it and try to slow-push to wave to her. She struggles when overwhelmed with minions early, she lacks waveclear. Tenacity rune + merc treads matchup. Makes it so she cannot bubble you into a max range Q guaranteed when at 50% tenacity, she will have to opt for a closer Q to hit instead of max range. She will typically not be able to 1 shot you when you get mercs, so don't waste your ult if caught. Possible to get kills early, but more volatile as the game goes on. You can still kill her in sidelane, but she'll be harder to catch as she gets CDR and waveclear.
Don't fight her when she has 5 stacks and is slow pushing the wave. If the wave is frozen or slow pushing and she has 5 stacks, all you can do is ping jungle to help break freeze or let it slow push. Use your Q to dodge her E. Don't drop your E on her until she uses her last gap closer on you (if she lands E, wait until she dashes twice). At the end of the day, you'll likely have to bait her into overextending, dps her down, and execute her at the end of your ult. When pushing the wave, make sure to never let her freeze for free.
Always rush mercs - you can run her down pre 6 with tenacity at any point. Tank the stun and slow her when she stuns you, she can stun then shield movespeed away and now she has to wait to charge another stun before walking back up. Once she's 6, she won't be able to 1 shot you in stun with mercs/tenacity. You will need Shieldbow to survive her burst once she gets an item or two, so don't build any other mythic vs. her. She can flash on you at any point - so Gale/Kraken are just a waste of gold. If she gets a lead, she'll be able to ult you on repeat to force your ult - try not to fight. She's immobile, so all ins leave her vulnerable afterwards. If possible, you can force her CDs then ult and execute her after. If she does snowball, it becomes a farm lane at worst. Overall, should be fine side-laning vs. her, just make sure you don't let her snowball with jg. She has reliable cc like TF, but she's immobile and can die quickly by overextending for a trade.
Pretty free matchup - tenacity hurts ahri a ton. Build tenacity and facetank her charm. Denies her 2nd q to hit you and you can q into her range. Once on ahri, pre 6 she has to flash or die. Post 6 you can get her ult pretty easily. Her combo can't 100-0 you can you can sustain any damage you take with your W passive. Perma lane prio, easy to split against, and you outscale.
She can almost never go in on you pre-6 (like any assassin), and she has no disengage. Once she engages, you can ult if needed and execute her out of ult with your E, she needs to ult to push your ult no matter what. She'll likely farm lane with Q and use W for any poke - the cds early are longer and deal less damage than a lot of other assassins mid and he has no hard CC (barring the short knockup from her ult) making it easy for you to hold ult until she uses hers. Wit's End is also a good third item vs. her so you may not even have to drop your ult with it + shieldbow.
Galio is super easy for Kindred, especially in the 1v1. You Can react to Q his E since it has startup, but it still guarantees his taunt. Unfortunately, this is why the matchup is a bit rough sometimes. You're low range - especially pre 4-mark so getting taunted means the enemy jungler can just gank you freely. The matchup in lane overall is free, he'll just spam Qs from range and wait for jungle to gank. He'll give up waves to R to his jungle or sidelanes, and Kindred struggles to follow these plays (given 325 base MS). He can get a lead that way, but the lane will never snowball to where you can't still play the 1v1. Don't stand in his Qs as they culminate in the lane, and dodge his E damage/knockup with your Q. Build tenacity for his taunt, and try your best to save your ult for when his is down. If he ults on top of your ult, it will be rough.
Neeko is relatively low range like Kindred, and can pretty easily outdamage her given that you get in range. Dodge her root (she has to throw it through minions to be useful) - or just don't line up behind minions for her to root through. Tenacity pretty much makes it possible to run her down through her combo, and any poke she'll deal you can sustain with your W.
Relatively easy, almost never picked though. His passive 30-18 (lvls 1-11) seconds during laning phase - you can easily poke this off with a q into range and 1 auto. Over the next 30 seconds you just have to do this again to stop it from refreshing. You can pretty much force into his range any time the shield is down. Your Q can 1 shot his minions, and he has pretty mediocre range and poke. Any poke you can heal with W passive and he shouldn't be able to push the wave if he uses his dot on you. Pay your taxes and buy a QSS so that he can't just flash ult you for his jungle or teammates. You will likely gain a lead in lane, it would suck for him to flash and claim a bounty because you're trying to tax evade.
Extremely easy matchup, he can never all in you at any point of the game unless he's extremely fed. If he goes for a trade pre-6, he will have no disengage after his E. Either use Q diagonally forwards to try and dodge his E, but chase him down after he engages. He doesn't have the damage to kill you pre 6 unless minions are also damaging you. Poke him down, but save your W for when he trades back. Post-6, it becomes a bit tricky. It's a bit of a mindgame of whether he will ult first or not. If he ults first, treat it like you would anything else and execute him out of your ult. If you need to ult first, Throw your E on him but only activate one of the marks. Once it's ending, auto again to refresh the mark duration but maintaining 2 stacks, he'll drop your ult. Now just wait until it ends and keep your distance so he can't W you to heal when it ends, Q/auto and you win. Overall, ignite cuts his healing if he's low and know that his CD to grab your ult is double your ult CD.
Yasuo is much easier of a matchup than you'd think. Many of the small lane trades he takes benefit Kindred more than him, you can walk up to auto his shield off whenever, just save W for when he engages and uses windwall. When he throws windwall, drop W so that the windwall is near the edge, walk to the other side of your W circle and wait. If he stands in the windwall, your W will continuously bite him for free damage. If he walks past the windwall, you win in melee range. Never fight when your W is down. Even post level 6 you can win by baiting him in to overextend in your ult and execute him after. Something to note, it is possible to get your ult off between the point his ult damage hits and throws his q. It's tight timing, but spamming it is possible. The problem with yasuo begins when midgame comes around and team fights start. A teammate with a knockup can easily bring him on top of you and force your ult, then disengage with windwall. Given your long ult CD, this tends to be a problem and he can snowball hard from it. Just be aware what knockups exist on the enemy team and try to not let him get in range for free.
Farm lane, pretty standard. No CC, he will just sit back and chuck bombs all lane. Almost never killable, he can disengage with satchel or his slow bombs. Don't let him push to tower since he destroys towers and can execute them with his satchel if low enough. Just farm and sustain damage taken with your W and try to rotate elsewhere on the map.
Farm lane, not much you can do to try to kill him. He'll stay back from far and poke and/or waveclear from range. Don't let him autoattack you for free - it gives him double mana back from his passive. Q'ing into him to get closer typically helps because it makes his stun duration shorter, so if you are going to fight then you can tank the shorter stun or try to dodge it altogether (in which case you likely won't be in range). W can help sustain any poke you take from him in lane. Just push and roam since it's hard to even get in range.
Pretty free matchup - low range like kindred. Use your Q to dodge his E in lane to prevent him from getting passive hp stacks. His Q shotguns, so keep your distance at mid-range. You outdamage him hard at almost all point of the game except if you ult and he can pop his ult at the end - if you prime your E you can still trade kills anyways unless he gets Zhonyas.
Twisted Fate
Stack tenacity + mercs and you can train TF down at almost any point in the game. The ONLY thing he can do is waveclear and roam or setup ganks for his jungler. He never has solo kill pressure. He'll sit back and red card the wave and Q - hard pressure him if he ever pulls a card aside from gold if you can. Biggest thing to watchout for is jungle ganks - even with his stun being only .5s -> 1s at ranks 1-5 with 50% tenacity. He'll still max Q first for waveclear, if he doesn't then he won't even have that. At the worst it becomes a farm lane and try to follow his roams.
Another tenacity/Mercs matchup like most mages. Because you're 500 range, he can just cage you any time you engage. You can still dodge freely, but you probably won't ever kill him in lane since he'll just farm with Q. Only problem comes when you get stunned from his cage and jungler comes. Matchup is pretty straightforward, just don't get caught in cage and railed by jungle. The 1v1 kinda sucks since you're just letting Veigar free farm, but that's how it is. Use your prio to roam and make plays that Veigar can't follow up on. If you ever get a lead, you can easily force onto him and maul him. Overall an easy matchup, just not a kill lane.
Aurelion Sol
Low damage early, needs to use his W near the wave to waveclear - meaning he doesn't come close to winning trades. Tenacity allows you to chase down even after tanking his Q, especially uncharged Q. Free matchup to either zone him off CS or roam if needed. He doesn't start to come online until after 1 item, and it's easy to gain a huge lead beforehand. Can freeze, push, sidelane, or roam. He cannot contest you anywhere without jg. Even with jg, he's pretty worthless.
Not much to mention - you always win in range of corki and his W cd is long. He struggles early a lot and doesn't come online until 2-3 items. Even then you still win, but not as easily. Free matchup to farm or do whatever you want, any poke he would deal can be sustained with your W heal.
Ekko has really nothing he can do in laning phase vs. Kindred - if he engages and tries to run away with his movement speed you can drop E and chase him down. All he can do is sit back and push waves with his Q - if he does then push and zone him off exp while his Q is on CD. He'll likely give up CS for rotations, so try to always rotate first - it won't matter much either way. If he snowballs it might suck a bit, but he isn't that oppressive unless he gets like 10 kills. Once he gets 1 item + boots, he'll be able to engage and disengage with his passive MS - just be aware. His combo can only 1 shot when ahead or a few items without any MR - Shieldbow negates this and pretty much denies him from going all in then ulting out.
Easiest matchup you can imagine on Kindred - they will likely permaban kindred for the rest of the night. They also might build seekers/bramble/tabis because they're enjoying their life too much against Kindred mid. It's as simple as it sounds - poke them whenever they walk up for cs and try to ping your jungle for dives pre and even sometimes post 6. Your damage is more than enough to 1 shot him lvl 3 on and if he ever ults into you to trade post 6, he should die. Try to amount as much of a lead as you can, freeze when possible because he won't be able to walk up to clear minions. If permitted, you can push and poke him under tower, but you'll be vulnerable to ganks.
Something people do not know is that Liss ult is considered a STUN. This means it gets mitigated by tenacity - stacking tenacity rune + mercs makes her ult from 1.5s to .75s - like ahri, she doesn't have the damage to actually 100-0 you especially if you build mercs. At most, she can lock you down for her jungler, but mercs negate this. Along with her mediocre range, it's pretty easy to get in range. Her auto range is 550, so walking up to auto is not difficult. Her Q is pretty short range and dodgeable, and you can just sustain the damage with your W anyways.
Free matchup, she doesn't have enough poke to kill you - so just sustain any E poke you take with your W. Building tenacity helps for any Q you might tank, but isn't necessary. She'll likely just sit back and waveclear, but you can pressure her when she walks up for minions. Overall, she's extremely easy to deal with and gives little to no trouble in or out of lane. Super squishy, you can choose to push and roam easily or just garner a lead in lane.
Weak earlygame, no cc, high cooldowns, and low range. You can abuse vladimir hard in lane. You get prio in lane whenever you want, he has no waveclear. Either push for prio where he can never follow or just fight him in lane. Trades make it easy to get his pool since he can't insta activate phase rush. Even if he does, he'll likely still have to pool to not take a huge chunk of damage - but at the cost of 20% of his current HP. Either way, you will win the trade. If his pool is ever down, early dives are extremely easy with ignite. For all-ins, ignite cuts his ult and Q healing. His low range makes it easy to get in range and stay in range whenever. You should amount a CS, or exp lead leaving lane - the 1v1 is almost never bad unless he snowballs, but it's pretty difficult given how poor his earlygame is.
Extremely easy matchup at all points of the game. Early, you win the all in at any point - even in his minions. He has little to no gank setup without his 3rd Q, which is very telegraphed and dodgeable with your Q. If He ever fights without using his E from far away, it is a free kill or flash at any point in the lane. Poke him with auto/q/auto and save your W for all ins. If you react, you can Q to dodge his ult since it has a small startup period. Post level 6, he can all in you but it won't 1 shot you unless you're behind. Even then, use your ult and you should be fine. Sometimes the lane gets annoying if they run fleet/second wind/dshield because they just perma farm and never trade - in that case you don't kill him but have perma lane prio no matter what. Very easy matchup overall.
Kindred is supposed to be a jungler, right? It's really hard to say, but Kindred mid has some glaring advantages over jungle. You're an exceptional duelist, but so are most junglers. Given that jungle is an extremely snowball-based role, and Kindred suffers the most when falling behind, it's almost counter-intuitive to play Kindred in the jungle.
Jungle more than any other role is extremely unforgiving. Kindred's midgame is already their weakest point in the game, and they naturally fall behind going into midgame because of pacing. Other junglers farm faster than Kindred, have higher movespeed for rotations, and have stronger gank potential.
Kindred mid covers some of these weaknesses more than jungle by far:
- You don't get penalized for the lack of base movespeed in midlane, since you're not rotating around the map as much. Yes you're roaming, but ~10-20 movement speed is not the difference between rotations if you rotate first.
- You almost guarantee that you can get lane priority for jungle in any given game. Kindred suffers heavily from lack of lane priority. If you can't get lane prio, then become lane prio.
- Kindred's ult makes them an exceptional duelist in lane and gives them gank protection that they normally wouldn't have. Ulting under or near a tower is going to put a lot more pressure on the enemy than somewhere in the jungle.
- Almost unfair lane sustain, Kindred's W is one of the sole reasons that lane Kindred is playable. It gives immense lane sustain for free, and makes most poke you take in lane negligible. Something I'll emphasize later, taking seemingly bad trades is more beneficial to Kindred due to this.
- You only need to assist on marks, so helping your jungler secure enemy camps or scuttle crabs nets a huge advantage to jungle while simultaneously getting you to 4 marks.
- Being an exceptional duelist, you're also extremely strong in the early 2v2 with mid/jungle. You provide burst, a bit of soft cc, and sustained dps.
Summoner Spells
Flash + Ignite always.
Flash is standard. Don't try to be different and take Ghost because you have your Dance of Arrows. You will regret it.
Ignite always for synergy and executes out of Lamb's Respite. It also provides vision, which is extremely useful.
Teleport loses your lane prio. You don't have kill threat on an enemy so they won't respect you or your 500 range.
Exhaust is a longer cooldown than ignite, and it always feels underwhelming when I use it. I prefer Ignite although I think Exhaust can be used versus assassins.
All other summoners suck and should never be used.
There aren't many combos to know on Kindred.
Standard Auto/Q/Auto followed by your Wolf's Frenzy. Save your Mounting Dread for when you will execute them off the third auto.
The most useful combo is comboing your Lamb's Respite with your Mounting Dread and Ignite. This can net you kills from seemingly impossible situations. Just force yourself onto them with Dance of Arrows, and drop your Wolf's Frenzy when they're in melee range. Drop Lamb's Respite when low, and bring them to 10% hp. Drop Mounting Dread and prime it with 2 autos, ignite, then Dance of Arrows and auto to execute almost anyone out of your ultimate.
Be careful of an enemy using invulnerability such as Stopwatch, Zhonya's Hourglass, or other effects such as Tryndamere's Undying Rage.
I take one primary rune setup every game -
Conqueror + Triumph + Legend: Tenacity / Legend: Bloodline + Last Stand |
Conqueror outclasses Press the Attack in almost every single scenario - it's a placebo rune used by inexperienced players. There are only 3 matchups I will ever take Press the Attack in - those being Lucian, Tristana, and Teemo. That's because these are extreme duel-heavy marksmen and a lot of the lane can be decided very early. It's better to play it safe and not put yourself far behind because of a weak levels 1-3.
Triumph gaps every game. Presence of Mind isn't necessary because you will never go oom once you get Essence Reaver. Overheal is placebo unless you build a ton of healing - which you don't.
Legend: Tenacity is extremely strong, since one of your biggest inherent weaknesses is getting CC'd and not being able to ult. You're an ADC with a no-die ultimate. You're squishy, and if you get CC'd before being able to ult, it can be game changing. If the enemy team doesn't have any hard CC, Legend: Bloodline is my preferred substitute since you don't build much of any healing aside from 10% on Immortal Shieldbow.
Last Stand is one of the strongest minor runes on Kindred, and oftentimes gives ridiculous numbers on it, even outdamaging many keystones some games. If you're low, you will always get the 11% damage bonus so it synergizes extremely well with Lamb's Respite. Coup de Grace is horrible, don't ever take it. Cut Down is meh, but the HP difference comes into play so late in the game that I don't find it worth it - the numbers are never high on this rune, so I don't see much benefit from it.
For the secondary page take:
Conditioning + Unflinching/Overgrowth
As of season 12, I've been running the resolve tree secondary for one simple reason: it's just better in every way lol. Conditioning provides immense late game power syngergizing well with the current build and unflinching prevents you from getting merked by cc.
Always start Doran's Blade except for high range mages - this includes but is not limited to Syndra, Azir, or Xerath. Against these champion, take you MAY take Doran's shield.
Kindred possesses extreme early game duel potential. With ignite, you can duel almost any champion in the entire game at level 2-3. This means you're guaranteed to get lane prio for crab at 3:15. Typically, both junglers will full clear towards one side of the map - although some don't. Depending on enemy mid/jungle and your jungle, you need to manage the wave differently.
There's a few different ways to manage the wave that I follow each game.
If your jungler is full clearing and the enemy jungler is as well -
- You can last hit the first two waves and slow push the third/fourth wave in while fighting your laner if they contest the wave. This goes for enemy junglers such as Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn, Morgana, Kayn, etc.
If you're prone to early ganks, you can either -
1 - Don't fight your laner. Using your Q will indirectly push the wave early, which will make it difficult to dodge early ganks since you'll be pushing to their tower.
2 - Ward the enemy jungle early and hover the side of the lane you have warded. In this case, you can trade your laner, but always keep in mind that you'll likely get ganked and do not overextend on trades.
The crab at 3:15 -
- If the Mark of the Kindred spawns on the side of your jungler, walk over and help him kill the Rift Scuttler , making sure you tag it within 6 seconds of it dying.
- If the Mark of the Kindred spawns on the opposite side, see if your jungler needs help at their Rift Scuttler first. If they do, help them because they'll be able to rotate to the opposite side after. If not, just go up and prevent the enemy jungler from taking your Mark of the Kindred if possible. If you can't stop it, then just stay mid.
Your objective is to keep lane prio and pressure your laner. Poke with Dance of Arrows by Auto/Q/Auto since your Q is an auto reset. Try to save your Wolf's Frenzy for extended trades, as that is the main source of dps from Kindred. Fighting without Wolf's Frenzy will almost always lose you the fight. Sustain any damage taken in trades with Wolf's Frenzy passive.
Keep in mind, Wolf's Frenzy passive heals based on Kindred's missing HP, so often times a trade that seems bad will be better for Kindred than the enemy. If you take 40% of an enemies HP in lane from a trade and they take 60% of yours - you'll have much more sustain than them with your Wolf's Frenzy passive. Just sustain back up and trade again.
Kindred destroys objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald extremely fast, so try your best to ping your jungler to do objectives early. With a few marks, it's even faster and you can solo it if necessary. Once you get Essence Reaver, you melt turrets extremely fast. Keep your Dance of Arrows attack speed buff up and abuse Sheen procs with your Dance of Arrows.
Matchup-specific lane strategies are explained in the matchups section. Different strategies exist for different matchups, so understand what each matchup entails before thinking about what to do.
Mark of the Kindred can be obtained both through champion takedowns and camp takedowns. Keep in mind, you only EVER need 4 Mark of the Kindred on Kindred. That goes for any role, since at 4 Mark of the Kindred you get +75 bonus range. Every succeeding 3 marks (7, 10, 13, etc.) only give 25 bonus range. The risk is not worth the reward from 4 onwards - free marks are free, but never risk a play for them post 4 mark.
Mark predicting is a strategy that I use extremely often to obtain marks - which pretty much boils down to understanding what camps can spawn marks at any given time along with jungle tracking. I won't go in depth with tracking the enemy jungler, since that's not something that's champion-specific to Kindred.
Mark of the Kindred has a 45 second respawn timer once a mark is killed. This means if, for example, a mark on Gromp is killed, you can almost guarantee that the next Mark of the Kindred will spawn as a 50/50 on either Crimson Raptor or Rift Scuttler . If one of them dies, then the mark is guaranteed to spawn on the other. Typically, once the mark disappears on the map, I add 1 minute to the timer and subtract 10 seconds.
At 0 Marks, Mark of the Kindred can only spawn on Rift Scuttler .
At 1-3 Marks, Mark of the Kindred can spawn on Rift Scuttler , Gromp , or Crimson Raptor .
At 4-7 Marks, Mark of the Kindred can spawn on Blue Sentinel , Red Brambleback , Ancient Krug , or Murk Wolf
At 8 or more Marks Mark of the Kindred spawns on Dragon , Rift Herald , or Baron Nashor .
Typically, you will obtain Mark of the Kindred through champion takedowns in early skirmishes, solo kills, or Rift Scuttler . Sometimes, you will get a mark on Crimson Raptor if your jungler invades, but not often. I hardly ever recommend invading Gromp for a mark unless you're following your jungler for other reasons, you'll always always lose a wave of minions since it's far from mid.
There's almost never a game I don't get 4 marks, I get marks much more frequently than I ever did in jungle - and when I don't get marks in jungle it feels infinitely worse to play than mid.
Mid-Late Game and Teamfighting
Like other mid laners, you'll wind up side laning to push waves and rotate for teamfights. Depending on the matchup and situation, you could opt to continue split pushing and attempt to pressure that way. Typically, you should shove a wave and then rotate to group with your team.
If the enemy mid is still clearing a wave bottom-side, try to force a fight while you outnumber them - but be careful is the enemy mid laner has Teleport.
I also like to use Oracle Lens after pushing a wave to see where the enemy team has a Stealth Ward. A good strategy is to catch an enemy on rotation where they don't have vision - sitting in their jungle where they don't have vision to catch them rotating can often net you a free kill.
For teamfighting, you are an ADC but don't necessarily play like one always. You should not be afraid to jump in melee range ready to use your ultimate. A good way to play teamfights is to either kill a priority target then use Lamb's Respite so that you outnumber the enemy team OR force a priority target to stay in your Lamb's Respite and then execute them with Ignite and Mounting Dread.
You shouldn't be afraid to play up on Kindred or the enemy will capitalize on it and bait your Lamb's Respite out easily. Lamb's Respite is an offensive tool more than a defensive tool. Keep that in mind and use it.
It's hard to really say how to play teamfights since it depends on the enemy team comp and a ton of other variables. You shouldn't ever play teamfights the same way, but keep in mind that you don't want to play where you're just running away and using your ult to survive only.
Getting Camped
Welcome to Kindred Mid where your jungler will likely not sympathize with your struggles and the enemy support will gank you from topside (XD). Often times when you're getting camped you'll have to rely on your team getting ahead, but if you get the opportunity you can actually 1v2 or 1v3. Despite how it may seem, your jungler will likely show up if you ult and it seems possible that you may win so take advantage of that and don't be afraid to play aggressive. I've won games numerous times because of the enemy team sacrificing resources to camp me and kill them anyways. If you snowball off getting ganked repeatedly, the game is as good as won because your team is already ahead from the ****** jungler sitting in your bush all game. Follow up with a L + ratio + bozo in that chat and you'll feel so good trust me. Nothing feels better than this.
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