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Ashe Humor Guide by beenut

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Updated on November 3, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author beenut Build Guide By beenut 1,574 Views 0 Comments
1,574 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author beenut Ashe Build Guide By beenut Updated on November 3, 2013
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this build is just something ive been messing around from time to time in normal games and it is pretty fun to use in my opinion. (so not my fault it completly fail in ranked) compared ti the normal adc ashe in the bot lane, this set is focused on cooldown reduction and the spamming of her Volley that becomes essentially her new basic attack and her ult that now has a very small cooldown and is slightly bulkier then any normal adc.

(ps: this is my first build so yeah, dont be too harsh on the comments)
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Pros / Cons

-if she misses her ult, it comes back pretty fast.
-can take more hits then a normal ashe
-volley comes back after almost each basic attacks with this build
good team fight pottential
-easily countered by silence
-still very squishy early game until frozen mallet or warmog armor is complete
-lacks a bit of damage in exchange of some tankiness and cooldown
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in the first 10 minutes or so of the game, her main goal is to build her main damage and mana substain which is her maramuna and trinity force. from there, you give her ionian boots and you choose for either zeke's herald for a bit more health and some life steal and slightly more cooldown or either high damage with black cleaver. after that, you either build a warmog armoror a frozen mallet for slight damage and slow without mana, depending on the enemy team, of course. finally depending on if the enemy is ad or ap based, you pick either banchee's veil or randuins omen. also, if the need of an other item is more important to your team then one of those shown here, you can always trade them as long as it isnt the maranuna or the trinity force.
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the runes are the classic for adc but with quints of cd to be closer to 40% if you buy zekes herald, which is the max cd you can have (if you didnt know)
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Team Work

just a memo for this part. in team fight or not, dont be afraid to use your ult even if theres a big chance youll miss. remember that your ult comes back each 40 to 50 seconds depending on which item you bought.
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well, to complete this, first, this isnt to be taken seriously since ive never used it in ranked game but only in normals so this isnt garentied to make you win. also, i would like feedback since this is my first build and i want to improve.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author beenut
beenut Ashe Guide
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