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Evelynn Build Guide by Gsel7

Jungle Assassin Evelynn

Jungle Assassin Evelynn

Updated on July 21, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gsel7 Build Guide By Gsel7 1,389 Views 0 Comments
1,389 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gsel7 Evelynn Build Guide By Gsel7 Updated on July 21, 2013
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Early game Evelynn needs the first 3-5 blues to keep her mana up as when she clears camps she is mana hungry when spamming E and Q. However lategame her mana gets under control and the AP carry should be donated the blues.
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Evelynn ganks like no other jungler. You need a different mindset and cannot use your skills right when you exit a bush. Most of the time you can waltz right into a lane and wait right on the edge of your vision circle, being wary of the enemy's movement. Just wait for your teammate to attack and then use W if you need to get in fast and E then just spam Q. If you are behind the enemy then do not use W and save it in case they CC you or flash. Evelynn is also very good at early game pressure by ganking directly out of Red if you get a smite less blue. If an enemy did put a blue in the bush leading into a lane. It is also very effective to do a lane gank, these are very effective in top and bot lane where you can run into lane and then into the bush as long as there a no champions nearby.
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Team Work

Make sure you do give some kills to your carries because your main job is to creep in from the side or behind a fight and assassinate a Carrie by using "W + DFG + Ult + E + Spam Q" and then using W to run away again. Your team has to be able to fight without you as you do not last long in fights you only kill their main damage dealer. Also try not to go into fights head on unless it is unavoidable such as at the enemy's first base turret
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Pros / Cons


- Amazing lategame
- Very easy and effective ganks
- Can Assassinate Carries during teamfights or if they stray away from their team before a fight


- Very squishy
- Quite item dependent
- Rest of team needs to not feed
- Weak early game
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gsel7
Gsel7 Evelynn Guide
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Assassin Evelynn

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