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Twisted Fate Build Guide by Poca31

Middle Atomic Twisted Fate Build (Oneshot Squishies)

Middle Atomic Twisted Fate Build (Oneshot Squishies)

Updated on June 28, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Poca31 Build Guide By Poca31 10 2 58,394 Views 0 Comments
10 2 58,394 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Poca31 Twisted Fate Build Guide By Poca31 Updated on June 28, 2023
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Runes: First Strike!

First Strike
Perfect Timing
Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


No exhaust
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Ability Order Idk what I am doing

Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Atomic Twisted Fate Build (Oneshot Squishies)

By Poca31
Hello :D

I really like to find builds and synergies to delete my opponents in 1 skill/auto attack, and I've been doing it since preseason 8.

I believe this build has been around since the inception of time but thanks to Riot adding AP scalings on Statikk it became much easier to oneshot squishies.

I don't recommend doing this build in ranked since you are not oneshotting if your opponent builds 1 MR item, which they will probably do in ranked (not to mention ranked teams usually consist of at least 2-3 bruisers/tanks, making this build useless)

I can't stop you if you want to do it in ranked, but at least do it if you are sure that enemy team has at least 3 squishies.

So, what's the math?
115% AP scaling on blue card
50% AP scaling on E passive (4th hit)
50% AP scaling on Statikk
50% AP scaling on Lich bane
15% AP scaling on Luden
10% bonus damage with First strike

I'm not even gonna bother with the base damages of W,E,Statikk and Luden. You can already see that this is very big damage (with full build and runes you should have ~700 AP at min 30)

You might have realised it already but this build isn't for winning your game. It's purely to suprise your teammates and opponents. Getting question mark spammed after a oneshot is the only way I can produce dopamine while playing this game.

And don't forget that you are pretty much a glorified caster minion with a stun until you have 3-4 items. So rush statikk and cull, Oneshot the minion wave with only 1 item, roam, beg your jungler for ganks and you should have 4 items at around min 30.

You can also try this build in botlane or toplane, but I don't suggest doing it as a jungler/support.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Poca31
Poca31 Twisted Fate Guide
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