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Choose Champion Build:
- The Basic Stuff
- Support Azir?? [WIP]
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Always max them like this
Shurima's Legacy (PASSIVE)
Azir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Kassadin is roughly the hardest matchup for Azir due to his kit and because he scales most of the times. If you have to play this matchup you can win the lane but he will most likely nuke the rest of your team. Ban Worthy
Jarvan IV
J4 = Azir's best friend. He ults and you can just kill the enemy inside his ult without taking any damage.
Jarvan IV
J4 = Azir's best friend. He ults and you can just kill the enemy inside his ult without taking any damage.
Champion Build Guide
Welcome to my guide!
You might be wondering some of these questions:
Who are you? -- Hello, people call me Lizard because that is my league of legends name and I enjoy playing this game and I obviously main Azir, my rank right now is Gold 3 and the highest I've ever been was plat 4.
Why did you decide to make this guide? -- I just wanted to try and make my first guide simply because I was bored and had nothing else to do, it can be helpful to some people but this guide is not that good since I am a pretty low rank.
This will look nicer in the future when I figure out how all the stuff on the guide editor are used.
- Fun to play
- You can make gamechanging plays
- Unexepected damage
- No one really hard counters Azir
- Decent wave management
- Can easily escape ganks if you play correctly
- Squishy
- Takes practice to not feed (Hard champ)
- Does bad against most of the meta champs
- ( There isnt anything that special with your passive, just dont waste it on pointless stuff) |
- ( As it was recently buffed and it costs less mana you can use it to poke the enemy or secure cs in lane, do not spam it tho as you will run out of mana) |
- (Nothing that interesting about your W, but keep in mind that once you have 3 soldiers up you will have increased attack speed. You can also use this to get vision in bushes) |
- (This is your "escape" tool, use it only when you want to go for a trade or shift into your tower to survive. DO NOT waste it on anything as it can cost you the game!) |
Fast Save: Shifting Sands and then Conquering Sands right before your e stops.
The Shuffle: Shifting Sands > Conquering Sands > Emperor's Divide
There are many more combos I will add as time passes by!
It is not that good of a guide but I hope I helped you!
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