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Annie Build Guide by Evo4Fun

Middle Backpacked by a Demon Child!

Middle Backpacked by a Demon Child!

Updated on August 1, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Evo4Fun Build Guide By Evo4Fun 1,718 Views 0 Comments
1,718 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Evo4Fun Annie Build Guide By Evo4Fun Updated on August 1, 2014
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Welcome to my First ever guide! This will be focusing on my Main (and first ever played) Champion Annie! Annie is a tanky, burst, AoE, DoT mage with Medium range and heavy CC/Engage for a team comp. Annie is simple to use, but time with this champion will separate you from the good Annie's and make you a great Annie. In lane, Annie has an easy time in most matchups, with long range AA poke, easy farming with Q and an on demand stun to initiate/escape ganks (making Annie a popular lane for your jungler to gank!). The recent changes from Riot (to shut down support Annie's dominance) has given her much better mid-late game scaling (meaning you can win past 30 minutes now! Thanks Rito.) The most iconic part of Annie's kit is Summon:Tibbers and combined with Flash (+ 4 Pyromania stacks for the stun) makes Annie's engage very feared, as you can stun a whole team, followed by your W AoE (kind of like Orianna except you can engage without needing a teammate for transport.) In my opinion Annie is almost OP, as she has an on-demand stun, a mana-less (almost) ability, AoE waveclear, free tank stats and finally a 5-man-engage-SunfireCape-that-can-push-turrets-and-feels-like-your-laning-with-a-support-for-FREE, with HIGH DAMAGES!?!?!? But don't tell Riot, or they'll take my favourite aminal companion away. 'TIBBERS NOOO!'
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Evo4Fun
Evo4Fun Annie Guide
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