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Graves General Guide by wtf.GloRY

ADC Bang Bang Bang is equal to Dash Dash Dash

ADC Bang Bang Bang is equal to Dash Dash Dash

Updated on December 31, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author wtf.GloRY Build Guide By wtf.GloRY 1,512 Views 0 Comments
1,512 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author wtf.GloRY Graves Build Guide By wtf.GloRY Updated on December 31, 2012
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Introduction to Graves

Hi, I'm wtf.GloRY from the Philippines servers. I've been playing League of Legends since last year. I've already knew the role of Attack Damage Carry/Ranged for quite some time now. And I'm here to share you my knowledge about my main Champion, Graves.

Graves is high-bursting AD Carry. He has lots of resistance from early to late game, he is usually effective in ganks since he can burst down opponents pretty quick, I'll explain to you that later throughout the guide.
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Buckshot's Mechanics
It makes 3 lines, if an enemy champion is in melee range, if you use your Q against your opponent while in melee range it will deal full damage than splitting the damage to 3 parts.

Quick Draw Tips
It makes you jump over small walls. Once casted, every basic attack lowers its cooldown by 1 second, plus Quickdraw gives you a small Attack Speed buff, so you can refresh the cooldown pretty quick.

Collateral Damage Tips
Do not use this right in the middle of the gank where champions are still in high amounts of health. Try to be behind your bruisers and tanks while in a gank or be at the sides of the gank so you can pull of the ultimate without any hesitation. This is either will hurt your team since you pulled it off pretty early or it will make your team win since you pulled the killing blow pretty well.
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Best Support to be with you

1.) Soraka
This support will give you good mana and health sustain while laning.
2.) Lulu
Lulu's slow and Whimsy spell, will give Graves the ability to burst down the opponent pretty quick.
3.) Alistar
Well, Alistar goes with other champs very well and one of them is Graves. Alistar's headbutt > pulverize combo goes well with the Buckshot of Graves.
4.) Sona
I might not consider this champion to be good with Graves, but a good sustain and movement speed buff is plus.
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Pros / Cons

Pretty tanky because of his True Grit passive
High burst damage
Can survive ganks pretty well

Easily gets focused
Long cooldowns from spells
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Farming and Laning

Well, farming-wise, there's no problem at all if you know how to last hit well, and do not allow your support to steal your last hits since its a very vital thing especially as an Attack Damage Carry.

In laning with Graves, positioning is important since one wrong move will totally hurt you and your team. Do not overextend especially if your support is not in your lane. Zone out your opponent as often as you could. Its that simple.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author wtf.GloRY
wtf.GloRY Graves Guide
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Bang Bang Bang is equal to Dash Dash Dash

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