LoL Best Bard Support Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Bard Support on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Bard Support builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 6 Guides
Tard | Tank Bard | Support | Because Damage Is For *******
Bard, the reaper of pain
comprehensive guide to being a real Bardstard. [Diamond]
Bard: Playmaker of the Century
[6.12][Masters] A Guide to the Wandering Caretaker
BWOOONG - Bard's Guide to being balanced
How to don't be report with Bard
Not So Beta Bard in Bot
Bard the Actual Wandering Caretaker
[S6] (Patch 6.6) Bard, Roaming Support/ Pseudo-Jungler
[S6] AP Bard Support build/guide (CDR, Attack Speed, and AP)
[S6] Bard, The Wandering Hot Air Balloon
*Trumpet Sound*
Bard : The wandering ****taker
WUUUUUUUB <-(seriously that's what he says)
Bard Effective Pressure Applier (Support S6)
[S6][5.22] In-Depth guide for Bard
S6 (Latest Patch): Trolling Bard that never dies (Support Ta
Season 6 Builds