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Runes: more mana
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Altough you can doge his combos with your E, he can easily burst you down. Always pay attention and remember to only use your e when you have to. Poke him pre lvl 3. I usualy ban him.
Champion Build Guide
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Ok SO i was looking for some interesting and fun picks since ad thresh/bard, ms Jhin, Fiddlemiddle, ap rakan mid, ap nunu, are bad and i think i found my new favourite pick. It uses 100% out of glacial augment Before i start I'll mention that he can be played at mid. AP Glacial Augment Ezreal guide: |
-Enemies wont be able to to touch you
-Big amount of utility
-Not that big amount of dmg
-Its hard to farm

•Starting items:

•First Back

Note: If you die early ( like me on the ss) buy cheaper items.
•Core items

Note: Try to build Lich Bane And Hextech Glp-800 at the same time to make the best use of

•Example fullbuild

1. Poke him before he gets lvl 3. Bofore his lvl 6 try to poke him after he uses his W
2. Rember that when zed uses his R he always appears behinf your back. Remember to time your abilities perfectly to get a free hit on him.
3. You can swich

4. You can always get free 12 armor when choosing runes
Major Threats

1. Try to doge her stun and pull off WE combo at the same time. That will be a good trade.
2. Dont underestimate her damage, especially when when she has electrocute.
3. Zonhya`s hourglass is ok
4. When its clear sje want yo Q you poke her from range with your WQ combo. You can also use WE combo to poke her trough minions.

1.He is very bad at the beggining of the match. Poke him with your abilities and your aa. Abuse him as much as you can before he reaches his lvl 6 powerspike
2. Try to doge his R with your E
3. Good Fizz players will try to bait your W/E and then doge it with their invulnerability. Dont waste your abilities like that.
4. It's hard for him to get near you when you slow him. Always look for opportunities to sneak some q'es and aa here and there.

1.When she E's you, slow her and E away
2.Try to predict if she comes back to her W or not and Q there
3. You can pick Magic Resist runes
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•Try to proc your W with E while in laning phase. Thats a lot of damage! •Try to always keep a safe distance between you and your enemies. Your Q works like an autoattack so it procs the glacial passive. •Your autoattacks still do a lot of damage in the early game. Dont forget to use them. Try to bully melle champions early. •Your R cooldown is so low that you can use it to activate your W on enemies. Its a really good poke. Remember to slow them beforehand. Ortherwise you might miss. •Your W restores mana. Being agressive pays off! •Sheen + Hextech revolver = good poke •I swear to god it can be viable. |

Note: I know, i know.Everything was low. The thing is im a 4fun gamer and im not good at the game. Im not using 100% of AP Glacial Augment Ezreal`s power. I believe you will make a better use of him.
Thanks /b]
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