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Diana Build Guide by BIG BRAIN MAN

Middle BEST Diana MID Build & Runes + Video

Middle BEST Diana MID Build & Runes + Video

Updated on August 23, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BIG BRAIN MAN Build Guide By BIG BRAIN MAN 54 8 248,527 Views 0 Comments
54 8 248,527 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BIG BRAIN MAN Diana Build Guide By BIG BRAIN MAN Updated on August 23, 2022
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Runes: Phase Rush/Resolve

1 2 3
Phase Rush
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Shield Bash
Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Ignite & Flash
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Ability Order Q or W start depends on Matchup

Champion Build Guide

BEST Diana MID Build & Runes + Video


I finished S11 in Master Tier. My accounts are 'Rescue Kat' or 'Cocho' on NA. I prefer the Phase Rush build, but I've looked at what many other Diana players do like this guy, and I'd like to share that with you. You can find high elo players that will go either build. Seems like it is preference but there are reasons for that. Try them out and see what you like better. I'll explain them below.
3:45 Recall

Doran's Ring:

Try to recall around 3:45.
A minion wave will hit mid at 3:30, you want to crash this wave onto the opponent's tower. The next wave will be a cannon wave and you'll have time to return to lane without missing much if executed properly.

Recalling with the intention of buying a second starting item Doran's Ring might sound odd, but it really helps out your laning and it is a really efficient buy. You can clear caster minions with 2 Qs after you recall early and buy Doran's Ring
Theory Behind Runes


Right Click and open a new tab if you want to see these builds clearly

So I'll try not to focus too much on the builds themselves, but rather how items can help synergize with runes to help the Diana player do whatever they want to do.


So basically the idea is to one shot someone and press zhonyas. You're good at making quick picks base off reading another player's macro movements. Build Nightharvester or Rocketbelt. This build also has the best R, if it works.


Hextech Proto-Rocket is so good at staying on the opponent. Build Nightharvester or Rocketbelt. This is a lane-focused rune page. You get your 3rd auto, and QWE the opponent for a free trade. You have a shield base shield and boneplating, they pretty much cannot respond to it. You don't even have to Q honestly. Just EW auto. In teamfights, you can ult and live because you run fast lol.


You take Conq, play for farm and XP. You become strong in the sidelane and nobody can contest you. Very calculated aggression in the laning phase.

You can either get W or Q level 2. W will protect you against poke, Q will let you poke. Just look at what you're against and pick one.

Corrupting Potion:

We are planning on early recalling to buy a Doran's Ring, so this is a great item to play fast, stay healthy, and clear the wave when we need to do it. You get more and more value out of this item whenever you recall.

Doran's Ring:

Recalling with the intention of buying a second starting item Doran's Ring might sound odd, but it really helps out your laning and it is a really efficient buy. You can clear caster minions with 2 Qs after you recall early and buy Doran's Ring

Sorcerer's Shoes:

I would try to build this as my default boots. Don't build others unless you have no other choice.

HEXTECH rocketbelt or Night Harvester

They fill a similar role. Both are good items for sticking onto a target. Just try them both put and see what you prefer.

Rabadon's Deathcap and Shadowflame:

They fill similar roles. They just deal damage and are better if you don't need magic pen.

Void staff

If they have magic resist, build this.

Nashor's Tooth and Lich Bane:

These items used to be better, but after the rework, it isn't as appealing. Nashor is pretty much only decent in a Conqueror Build.

Oblivion Orb:

Cuts healing. You are a burst champion though so you often don't need it. Burst counters healing... because they are dead.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BIG BRAIN MAN
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BEST Diana MID Build & Runes + Video

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