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Tristana Build Guide by Bluprint

Bluprint's way to the competitive Tristana

Bluprint's way to the competitive Tristana

Updated on August 1, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bluprint Build Guide By Bluprint 3,100 Views 0 Comments
3,100 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bluprint Tristana Build Guide By Bluprint Updated on August 1, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hey guys finally here's a useful Tristana guide.
I play Tristana pretty often and can proudly say, that I can finally play her. She's similar too many other AD Carrys, like Ashe, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Corki and those guys...

There are two very important things to remember, if you play an AD Carry.
The first thing is: GET YOUR ****ING LAST HITS!
The second thing is: Positioning! I know this sounds strange to some readers, but exactly this point decides, if you're an good AD Carry or not. You should always stay in the Background to Attack from there, because if you initiate with a Champ like Tristana, you will be instant dead.
If this happens, you've failed.

And some Credits for this guide goes to the most amazing LoL Player, Candy Panda.
My way to play Tristana is very influenced by him, thanks for that.
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The Runebuild is in my Opinion the best way to play Tristana, because it provides her some Survivability with still having enough damage in the early game to harass.

The Armor Runes are pretty nice for the laning Phase, because usually you lane against the opponent AD Carry & Supporter. Their Damageoutput bases on Autoattack and some Abilities.
And because of this, you should have this runes.
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Theres nothing really to say about my Masteries.
They are 24 6 0, so they provide you with strength and some more survivability, because of the Magic Resistance and the additional Armor.
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Ok, I'm too lazy, so I won't put their any Pictures.
But here it goes:

At first, buy your Doran's Blade, since it provides you with 100 Health, which is really nice.
Besides that, you'll get a 3% Lifesteal and additional Damage.
All of this enlarges your Ability to stay in the Lane. If your Supporter is good enough, you can stay the whole time in your Lane, because of your additional Mana Regen by your runes.

So your second goal are either Berserker Greaves, or Infinity Edge.
But remember, if you own 1xDoran's Blade, 1xInfinity Edge and your Beserker Greaves about 20 Minutes, GOOD! If you farmed well, so get 2xDoran's Blade and then your Shoes. 3xDorans Blade are in my Opinion too many.

If you don't own these items about 25 Minutes or more, you failed. So just like I said at the Beginning, get your ****ing Lasthits!

Your Next goal will be 2xPhantom Dancer's, remember to get an Elixier of Agility which provides you 8% Critical Chance. With 2xPhantom Dancer's, your Masteries and the Elixier, you've got a Critical Chance of 95%, which means that only 1 Hit of 20 Hits isn't a Critical one.

After those Phantom Dancer's you've got several ways to build yourself.
If the Opponent Team owns strong Burst Champs like Annie or Brand, you should buy Banshee's Veil.
Otherwise go on with Last Whisper.
After that Last Whisper, you've got several options:
I usually get at least one Blood Thirster, but if there are really fed Caster's I recommend the Quicksilver Sash AND The Banshee's. To get those items, sell your shoes. You're still pretty fast with your Phantom Dancers (390 Movement Speed).
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Skill Sequence

The Skill Sequence is pretty easy to explain.
Get 2 Points in your E to be able to clean up Minions Waves pretty quickly.
Your W is the first skill you max. It's nice for jumping on the enemies face to deal damage and to slow the enemies champ. If he runs back do your E on him to deal Damage with your DoT, your E is also nice for Harassing.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bluprint
Bluprint Tristana Guide
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Bluprint's way to the competitive Tristana

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