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Ability Order
Brand Passive Ability
.:: Coming Soon
- Le Build sera disponible également en français(Plus complet)
- Noob key fact
You will Mid(90%): (Keep a Higher Lv)
Very High Dmg: (741 AP + 190 AD + Magic Penetration 29|49%)
Very Low CoolDowns: (Ult:45 sec), Sear: 3 sec, -32% Total Cooldown reductions)
High Survivability: ( 25 Spell Vamp, 20 Life Steal)
Easily focused
Lots of "Brand OP" comments
Low Mana: (Quick Run, Teleport, blue buff is primordial)
Squishy Early Games
E(1)Q(2)W(3) R(4)
Hextech Gunblade(Active): Hit for 300 Magic Dmg and Slow a target champions by 50% for 3 sec.(60sec Cooldown)
Hourglass(Active): Stay in a stoasis(Invulnerability) for 2 sec.(90sec Cooldown)
My own Key Biding for Brand is:
Spell Summoners:
Items 1 et 2:
You have to know Brand dots and his effectiveness when the opponent is ablaze
Blaze(Passif): Dealing 2% of their maximum for 4 second
Sear: Stun for 1,5 sec
Pillar of Flame: Doing more dmg
Conflagration: Doing AoE damage spell
Pyroclasm: The Fire ball will move more quick to his target
Go Mid
Early Game, Teleport use a complete skills sequences (E-Q-W-R) when you hit lv 6. Use yourto harassing your enemy.
Mid Games, One Word. Blue Buffyou will become a real AoE Nukes Damage. Kill the Dragons to get your.
Late Games, to win or to give your team some extra gold and get your level 18 first. One Word Blue Buffstun it, and use(Active)is, a good way to wait your cooldown for stun it again, and again.
.::My Own Perfect Sequence::.
E(3) Q(1) F W(2) R(4) A
E(3) Q(1) W(2)
Thanks To Views, Comments and Votes!
It's Really appreciate
Sorry for some bad spelling i only speak french here haha
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