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Ability Order
Brand Passive Ability
it makes him very strong at AP and AD in the last game.
At the start you will have to buy doran rings and as you can see 2 or more.
it will help for your early game.
try to farm a lot because you need this money.
don't waste all your mana at the start.
1 - against minions:
Pillar of flame and then Confligration
2 - against champ:
Configration - sear - pillar of flame - ult
3 - remember your ult is very strong and can kill anyone at the mid and early game. Try more watch who you ult at the last game.
4 - use sear to farm too
5 - watch your mana!
6 - take blue
7 - after using all your skills RUN AWAY!!! the chances you will kill someone after using all of your skills is low. you have also ad so yes if the enemy have a low amount of health you can stay but if there still at least 30% health RUN AWAY!!!
Pillar of flame and then Confligration
2 - against champ:
Configration - sear - pillar of flame - ult
3 - remember your ult is very strong and can kill anyone at the mid and early game. Try more watch who you ult at the last game.
4 - use sear to farm too
5 - watch your mana!
6 - take blue
7 - after using all your skills RUN AWAY!!! the chances you will kill someone after using all of your skills is low. you have also ad so yes if the enemy have a low amount of health you can stay but if there still at least 30% health RUN AWAY!!!
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