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Brand Build Guide by Zunthe

Brand - Burning Beast

Brand - Burning Beast

Updated on October 3, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zunthe Build Guide By Zunthe 2,203 Views 0 Comments
2,203 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zunthe Brand Build Guide By Zunthe Updated on October 3, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



If you want a powerfull and invencible Brand just make sure to follow every single step of this guide. Good luck and have fun ;)
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Skill Sequence

Make sure to follow the sequence as I refered it. You will want to start with the Pillar of Flame because it's Brand's most powerfull spell and can also deal AOE damage, being a good source of damage for the first blood. If you are on a 5v5 make sure you go to the middle, Pillar of Flame will bother a lot your opponent not allowing them to farm, you can approach them more and to successfully make Pillar of Flame you have to make sure that you put your opponent on the border of the circle so he won't have a chance escaping backwards. Your second spell to choose would be Conflagration because this also makes great AOE damage when applied after Pillar of Flame because it will make damage to all nearby enemies of a ablaze target. Again, if you are on 5v5 you apply Pillar of Flame and then Conflagration to do more damage. This combo is very good to farm minions aswell. The third skill is Sear because it puts targets already ablaze stunned. At last but not least, it's Pyroclasm, great ultimate that, of course, you shall increse it's level everytime possible. Try not to use this spell 1v1 because it won't damage as much, also try not to use it near minions because it can bounce from minion to minion wich will be very upseting.
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In normal case, in the middle 1v1, farming use:


Team fights:

-> -> ->

1v1 not in lane:

-> -> -> If needed use , but it's not a good option to use it 1v1
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For the beggining buy Doran's Ring so you can get good mana regen and more health to stay more time on the lane. After it you have to buy shoes, so buy Sorcerer's Shoes for the more spell damage.Since you don't have much AP make sure you buy Rabadon's Deathcap for greater AP and great damage, with this you opponents will run with fear. Then you must buy Rod of Ages, this one is the most important one of the build, because it gives you Health, Ability Power and also Mana. If the match isn't over yet you will want to buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter and you will be invencible. If you still have time Morello's Evil Tome is the item you want to buy With this you get all 6 items but you can now sell Doran's Ring and buy what you want but you won't have much time.
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Summoner Spells

For Brand the only 2 spells that work well are:

-> with Brand's passive it will do huge damage and no one will escape alive, but make sure you use it when the target is low hp.

-> Flash fits in every single champion, but it's the best way to escape, so if ou are low hp you can escape with it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zunthe
Zunthe Brand Guide
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Brand - Burning Beast

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