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Ability Order
Brand Passive Ability
Brand is a very heavy nuke champion based purely on his burst combos and using spells to trigger different effects.
Brand is very squishy however if your team can call SS or you can ward up then you will find it hard to not get fed in mid lane with your early harass. This will mean late game your combos can help bring an entire team to its knees in a team fight.
Basically my rune choice is based purely on the fact that you want to get as close to true damage as possible whilst still hitting a **** load.
Reds - Basically my red choice is pretty standard for any AP nuker champ. Magic pen allows for you to hit for nearly true damage early on in the game. Not know what this means? You will hit for nearly or for what your spell says it will hit as you penetrate all of their magic resistance. Also ablaze actually does not scale with AP and infact hits harder for the more Magic Penetration that you have. This make Magic pen reds a pretty hands down choice to take.
Yellows- Brand has got alot of mana issues if you harass properly you will find yourself often running low on the old blue juice. This is why you take a meki's pendant at the start of the game, but yeah onto the yellows, the Mana regen is amazing and allows you to get nicely fed in the early game setting you up for epic late game.
Blues- AP per level is a boss, although some guides say flat ap is the way to go i feel this can work but brand has enough early game damage and the help that these give in the late game will actually surpass what the flat runes will do for you and in mid game have a slightly enhanced effect as well.
Reds - Basically my red choice is pretty standard for any AP nuker champ. Magic pen allows for you to hit for nearly true damage early on in the game. Not know what this means? You will hit for nearly or for what your spell says it will hit as you penetrate all of their magic resistance. Also ablaze actually does not scale with AP and infact hits harder for the more Magic Penetration that you have. This make Magic pen reds a pretty hands down choice to take.
Yellows- Brand has got alot of mana issues if you harass properly you will find yourself often running low on the old blue juice. This is why you take a meki's pendant at the start of the game, but yeah onto the yellows, the Mana regen is amazing and allows you to get nicely fed in the early game setting you up for epic late game.
Blues- AP per level is a boss, although some guides say flat ap is the way to go i feel this can work but brand has enough early game damage and the help that these give in the late game will actually surpass what the flat runes will do for you and in mid game have a slightly enhanced effect as well.
My item choice is based around the weaknesses of brand as the strength will be still very obvious.
Firstly his mana regen - In a nut shell early game if you play to the best of your harassing ability you will go OOM. This is where the mekis pendant saves your arse it allows you to lane like a boss and sometime i don't have to leave my lane until level 13+ when i realise im hitting like a ***** without the extra AP :P
Once i have the mana problems under control I take boots. Boots allow you firstly to move at a speed that isn't going to get you ganked and also the magic penetration allows you for extra damage with both your spells and scales nicely with ablaze.
From here i try to deal with some of the squish that brand has laid down on the table, by going for a Rylai's Scepter it allows you to gain both AP an epic amount of health and also a slow that not only triggers with your abilities but slows with your dot! This makes this an amazing item for chasing, running, outlasting other champs and ofc AP!
Here I go for a Rod of Ages purely for the extra mana to assist with the Archangels which will soon be built and also the health to try stump out even more of the squish of Brand.
Archangels is next and this Gives you a **** load of AP as well as giving you mana regen which will keep you in team fights with constant damage on the enemy without running OOM
Rabadons is next for the sheer AP that it offers, once you have built this you should have enough AP to completly Pyroclasm the enemy team to ****. This is leaving you near to full build but not quite there.
We could now ever take a Hourglass for armour, AP and a mini trynd or grab the banshees veil to mitigate 1 magic ability every 45 seconds, I go for the veil due to low cool down and the mana and health also helps with mana giving more AP and health trying to dump all the squish.
Firstly his mana regen - In a nut shell early game if you play to the best of your harassing ability you will go OOM. This is where the mekis pendant saves your arse it allows you to lane like a boss and sometime i don't have to leave my lane until level 13+ when i realise im hitting like a ***** without the extra AP :P
Once i have the mana problems under control I take boots. Boots allow you firstly to move at a speed that isn't going to get you ganked and also the magic penetration allows you for extra damage with both your spells and scales nicely with ablaze.
From here i try to deal with some of the squish that brand has laid down on the table, by going for a Rylai's Scepter it allows you to gain both AP an epic amount of health and also a slow that not only triggers with your abilities but slows with your dot! This makes this an amazing item for chasing, running, outlasting other champs and ofc AP!
Here I go for a Rod of Ages purely for the extra mana to assist with the Archangels which will soon be built and also the health to try stump out even more of the squish of Brand.
Archangels is next and this Gives you a **** load of AP as well as giving you mana regen which will keep you in team fights with constant damage on the enemy without running OOM
Rabadons is next for the sheer AP that it offers, once you have built this you should have enough AP to completly Pyroclasm the enemy team to ****. This is leaving you near to full build but not quite there.
We could now ever take a Hourglass for armour, AP and a mini trynd or grab the banshees veil to mitigate 1 magic ability every 45 seconds, I go for the veil due to low cool down and the mana and health also helps with mana giving more AP and health trying to dump all the squish.
Brand is a pure combo champ and can do some serious ****ing harm if he is played properly. Basically there are some diffent combo you can pull off.
Max damage-
This doesn't involve a stun but it is the highest way to dps MULTIPLE targets, You start with your skill shot Sear, you then hit with a Conflag which will spread leaving all with an Ablaze, Now your pillar of LOL will hit them all like a truck as they are all ablaze, pop this and then a pyroclasm and win the team fight!
Stun Stun Stun -
Here you will be getting your stun off and glueing them in place for a beautiful pillar of flame. Start with a conflag, stun them with skill shot sear remember to lead(aim ahead) if you feel it is needed, now they are stunned and you can use your pillar of flame and hit them for more damage and leave them with noway out!
Alot of the time, it isn't worth using your abilites off cooldown and should wait for an entire cycle of cooldowns to produce your amazing burst once again, it is a very effective way to kite too you kite them through pillars, stun them, run from them repeat when your combos are up again!
Max damage-
This doesn't involve a stun but it is the highest way to dps MULTIPLE targets, You start with your skill shot Sear, you then hit with a Conflag which will spread leaving all with an Ablaze, Now your pillar of LOL will hit them all like a truck as they are all ablaze, pop this and then a pyroclasm and win the team fight!
Stun Stun Stun -
Here you will be getting your stun off and glueing them in place for a beautiful pillar of flame. Start with a conflag, stun them with skill shot sear remember to lead(aim ahead) if you feel it is needed, now they are stunned and you can use your pillar of flame and hit them for more damage and leave them with noway out!
Alot of the time, it isn't worth using your abilites off cooldown and should wait for an entire cycle of cooldowns to produce your amazing burst once again, it is a very effective way to kite too you kite them through pillars, stun them, run from them repeat when your combos are up again!
Brand Brand Brand, he is a ****ing awesome mid lane harass champ and can really own in team fights. He is often focues'd down so he cannot unleash hell hence the slight tanky features to the build to try and have you not die, trust me it actually can gain you alot more kills then going for boots, rabadon and stack archangels for pure AP.
Please Vote this up and tell me how to improve my guide, I will be adding more to my guide as and when i have the free time to really have a play around and i will offer some diversity in the build rather then just a this is the way to do it build.
Thanks alot guys <3
Please Vote this up and tell me how to improve my guide, I will be adding more to my guide as and when i have the free time to really have a play around and i will offer some diversity in the build rather then just a this is the way to do it build.
Thanks alot guys <3
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