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Ability Order
Brand Passive Ability
Introduction: Brand
A Guide for
This is as fancy as it gets. Honestly, I didn't know how to do anything on guide building a few hours ago.
I hit 30 not too long ago (like 15ish games ago, got from 27 to 30 over the period of a weekend with a 2exp boost things) so I'm not the most knowledgeable player.
Server was down, so I thought why not make a guide to help out? I mean I always refer to the guides on Mobafire, so why not give back?
So my background story. Skip if you want?
While I was a low level, I bought Brand with all the IP I earned since I needed one stable, "go to" champion. I needed a stable champion since I couldn't keep trying new ones, basically because I played with my friends that got me to play.(who were all 30 and some rage hard).Since then, I pretty much only played Brand until I was around level 25. You know, so I wouldn't cost the game that often. I got better though. Around 20 I started doing fine against level 30 teams. I gotten, well I think I've gotten good with Brand so I decided why not? in sharing my experience and whatever knowledge I have on him. (Also because I see some really bad Brands when he's free and even when he isn't)
So enough of me and my stupid background story, here's the end result. After a long, long (and hard harharhar double entendre) time of laboring through this, I present you, a guide for Brand, the champion that torches things. If you like First Blood, Trololo Kills
*edit* I'm going to start playing Brand more often now...though it's not a great idea considering my computer lag spikes every few seconds. Just gonna try some things and get some results to better improve this guide.
Amazing Burst
Great low health killer
Awesome AoE (when done right)
Really good early game (Easy FB)
Gets the kill even if they get away.
Short cool downs
Targeted a lot
No escape-ability
Skills cost a lot of Mana
Kinda useless when everything is on cool down
*edit* oh yeah, you might get KS'ed a lot. (Your
Blaze would kill them, or your
Pillar of Flame is still casting, but I've had a lot of experiences where people would last hit them before you would've gotten the kill)
Brand is great early game, since he can harass quite well and score that FB. His damage is also fantastic. However if you use his skills too often or incorrectly, he'll oom pretty fast and be an easy target.
His ability in getting kills is the one thing I really love about him. His passive does % damage overtime (2% per second for 4 seconds = 8% of their health! provided no mr) after he uses a skill on the target. Which really does wonders when they're at that little slim amount of health and have backed away from you. It's also a great way to harass and weaken enemies for the kill.
However, though he has wrecking ball damage(when played right), he has no way of escaping or survivability during hairy situations. Of course, if you it's one opponent, you could stun him and run like hell, or flash away from dangerous things, but lets say you're in a team fight and someone was being stupid, causing your team the fight and the logical thing was to run. Well, while the remainder of your team falls back, you have no means of getting away (pretend flash was on CD). Getting away fast is not the only problem, but you are also likely to be the first target. People love the to target Brand.
So overall
Brand is... Squishy, high dps, no running away skills, low CD, not a tank, not a polar bear, a threat (which means TARGET), and well, I don't want to think. You know that stuff above and in the other parts.
Amazing Burst
Great low health killer
Awesome AoE (when done right)
Really good early game (Easy FB)
Gets the kill even if they get away.
Short cool downs
Targeted a lot
No escape-ability
Skills cost a lot of Mana
Kinda useless when everything is on cool down
*edit* oh yeah, you might get KS'ed a lot. (Your
Brand is great early game, since he can harass quite well and score that FB. His damage is also fantastic. However if you use his skills too often or incorrectly, he'll oom pretty fast and be an easy target.
His ability in getting kills is the one thing I really love about him. His passive does % damage overtime (2% per second for 4 seconds = 8% of their health! provided no mr) after he uses a skill on the target. Which really does wonders when they're at that little slim amount of health and have backed away from you. It's also a great way to harass and weaken enemies for the kill.
However, though he has wrecking ball damage(when played right), he has no way of escaping or survivability during hairy situations. Of course, if you it's one opponent, you could stun him and run like hell, or flash away from dangerous things, but lets say you're in a team fight and someone was being stupid, causing your team the fight and the logical thing was to run. Well, while the remainder of your team falls back, you have no means of getting away (pretend flash was on CD). Getting away fast is not the only problem, but you are also likely to be the first target. People love the to target Brand.
So overall
Brand is... Squishy, high dps, no running away skills, low CD, not a tank, not a polar bear, a threat (which means TARGET), and well, I don't want to think. You know that stuff above and in the other parts.
This is a pretty generic(Brand) mastery. Everyone's different, so this might work well for some and not so well for others. What I did before I got to 30, was 10/0/x having a point on
Burning Embers
or, improve ignite. This helped me when I was lower level, since after bursting and igniting them, while on CD, I would have more AP. Early game, a free 10ap is pretty nice, especially if you have no runes. Nothing special about my masteries. Again, it's an example. You could go for more max mana or something if you want.
or, improve ignite. This helped me when I was lower level, since after bursting and igniting them, while on CD, I would have more AP. Early game, a free 10ap is pretty nice, especially if you have no runes. Nothing special about my masteries. Again, it's an example. You could go for more max mana or something if you want.
Awesome when you're short a little extra damage.
For running the hell away, pulling a stun off that guy running back, or positioning yourself for sexy kill time.
My two favorites. Helps me get FB and gets me out of a death. Delicious :3
I mean yeah,
I believe these are all considered S-Rank runes except the Glyph (A-rank) by Searz standards. (Rune tips - What secondary and primary means and more.)
Magic Penetration. Good for AP. MR got you down? Well this is like anti-MR. (Mag Res.) So let your fire burn more (both passive and active)
Going OOM stinks. Let this little buddy help you out by increasing your MP5
You can never have enough AP. You could swap this with CDR, but for AP, this is the best for Glyphs in my opinion(also cheaper).
I once had AP/lvl but decided that flat HP runes would be better(though much more expensive), since it means more early game survivability. And let me tell you, trading those AP/Lvl for Flat HP was a good idea. I can be a little more aggressive, crazy, or just live longer due to them. Also, it works well with my other page.
Magic Penetration. Good for AP. MR got you down? Well this is like anti-MR. (Mag Res.) So let your fire burn more (both passive and active)
Going OOM stinks. Let this little buddy help you out by increasing your MP5
You can never have enough AP. You could swap this with CDR, but for AP, this is the best for Glyphs in my opinion(also cheaper).
I once had AP/lvl but decided that flat HP runes would be better(though much more expensive), since it means more early game survivability. And let me tell you, trading those AP/Lvl for Flat HP was a good idea. I can be a little more aggressive, crazy, or just live longer due to them. Also, it works well with my other page.
Other Optional/Situational Not Listed Above Items:
*edit* took out ionian boots, not needed since
Now, since no situation is the same and no player plays the same,(I think?) item order and what items to used should depend on the situation.
If you're awesome, mejai's and snowball that AP. Lots of AP on the other team? No problem, Merc Treads/Abyssal/Banshee's/etc.
My purchase order above is just an example of things I would get. I would switch a few of them, like zhonya's for lich or vice versa, or grab a banshee's if the other team is ap/cc heavy or Void staff if I need the mag pen.
*note* I included
Now you may think getting
I also like having a
Building Rylai's right after shoes is also another route. The health, damage, and passive that makes your spells slows enemies (35% slow 15% for AoE) helps to keep them from getting away and living through the fights.
Core Items
Sorc Shoes: Speed and MP. Makes you move faster (either to chase, run, go here or there) and magic penetration which helps you burn more of their HP with your passive and skills.
Rabadon's: AP, AP, and more AP. A bit expensive, but it gives you so much AP which is great. More AP= more damage.
Rylai's: Survivability, awesome passive, and AP. Enough said.
This is merely a suggestion on what to get. For you AP players, I'm sure you have an idea.
I didn't include
Since the Item Build is very dependent on the situation, I'm just gonna add an extra part to this.
Situational Items
So I've been talking over about item builds with some people and here's an alternative early game route.
Since if you combo stun and end with Pillar with Brand early game, they'll most likely die. Brand is a crazy high burst/dps character at very early game.
*another edit*
I also forgot to put something important.
Your team and the opposing team (also how your team is doing) is very important when considering what to build/build order. Like you wouldn't get
*another edit*
Been playing brand more often...on my bad computer, but I've noticed some games I go guns-a-blazin' and disregard survival. Where I have (end game)
So, here's the breakdown and how I use Brand... I think.
Early game
Now for the skill that kills.
Skill Sequences
Once you get to level 3, you are ready to get that kill. If done right, it's almost a "fo'sure" thing. If you harassed, their health should be in the killing range. What you'll do is either
For killing minions,
Remember, Pillar does more damage when things are set ablaze, Conflag will spread fire when things are ablaze, and Sear will stun if they are set ablaze.
So for those who thought, TL DR,
High AoE damage/most damage
Attacking People
Running away (2options)
Safe way (works on 1)
Like a boss (works on 1 too, but can set up a potential table turner)
What the 2nd way does, is by casting
Group/Team fight
Throw in a
That's how I play I think...most of the time? Getting late and I can't remember things...
Of course, it's a guide or example, you can play however you like. This works well for me, maybe not so well for others.
Tip: Early game, skills are expensive, so don't go around guns ablazing casting
Well, I lied, maybe. Sometimes getting that kill doesn't go as planned. Like a stupid creep moving last second and getting in the way of sear. You may then want to try to finish them off with
So conserve wisely and you should be fine.
Blue Golem is also your good friend. Unless you have a jungler, especially a mean one, try to get him when possible.
Additional note: I prefer to have
To sum up things with numbers. (for people who don't wanna hover over the icons)
I played Brand in many different ways from when I bought him to now. I've gotten quite good at using him (I hope). And this is the result of it? I'm not the best or phenomenally good, but this guide should help starting Brand players. For the more veteran players, a lot might be redundant and questionable (like item build, even I question it a bit), which I apologize for, but I do hope it helps. I would post my scores, but my good streak of Brand wins are covered and gone by my good, meh, ok, damn wth? scores from other champions I've been trying. When I get the chance to go to a PC lounge to play a few games since my computer is getting to the point of dead. I'll post how I do. I don't get 30kills every game and stuff (I can't even remember if I ever got that high), but I do stay positive in K/D ratio and average 15kills a game with 10ish assist...most of the times. We all have bad days.
Again thanks for reading my guide, good luck, and leave a comment/feedback (positive please D:)
Also I could really use some veteran player's critique.
Lastly (damn, how many of these p.s. things do I have?) I tried to use decent grammar/english/blah blah blah, but it's 3am (6am now) and I don't wanna work on this guide like I do on essays. And I'm getting paranoid now, since I think I might have used some terminology wrongly. > Paranoid Parrot <
Comment and Rate please ^-^
Again thanks for reading my guide, good luck, and leave a comment/feedback (positive please D:)
Also I could really use some veteran player's critique.
Lastly (damn, how many of these p.s. things do I have?) I tried to use decent grammar/english/blah blah blah, but it's 3am (6am now) and I don't wanna work on this guide like I do on essays. And I'm getting paranoid now, since I think I might have used some terminology wrongly. > Paranoid Parrot <
Comment and Rate please ^-^
I had a few ideas for other Brand related things.
For titles, my other ideas were:
Name Brand, Generic Brand?
Kellogs Brand?
Raisin Brand
Brand New Guide
Also I wanted to quote some things. I'm pretty sure a few or a lot of you will know what it's from.
Let's burn!
Need a lighter?
Is something burning? Ha-ha. That's what I thought.
Nothing like a good smoke.
Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?!
Got any question about propane?
..or propane accessories?
Did anyone notice the coloring of the fonts? Like the pattern or theme?
For titles, my other ideas were:
Name Brand, Generic Brand?
Kellogs Brand?
Raisin Brand
Brand New Guide
Also I wanted to quote some things. I'm pretty sure a few or a lot of you will know what it's from.
Let's burn!
Need a lighter?
Is something burning? Ha-ha. That's what I thought.
Nothing like a good smoke.
Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?!
Got any question about propane?
..or propane accessories?
Did anyone notice the coloring of the fonts? Like the pattern or theme?
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