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LoL Best Brand Build Guides 2024

Build guides for Brand on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Brand builds. Create your own champion guide!

Season 11 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

The Burning Vengeance

Build by Floohfy updated June 21, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

New Brand Build for Teamfight

Build by Bululvin updated May 18, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

The Fire Lord Ozai

Build by Generalque updated May 23, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

🔥👣🩸 Slowly END.🔥👣🩸

Build by Ryzs3 updated May 10, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

Brand build

Build by Ktibor0807 updated April 16, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

Fire Lord Ozai!!

Build by Generalqueque updated March 30, 2021
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

[11.5] CrackedBathtub's Brand Mid Lane

Build by CrackedBathtub updated March 5, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

S11 Brand Guide

Build by HerOic68 updated February 12, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

only win/sup diff

Build by ORNNEAMESTA updated February 7, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide


Build by SuppMainthereal2 updated February 3, 2021
  • Off-Meta
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

[Season 11] Brand Build (MID/SUP/JG)

Build by xenonau updated January 14, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

My Favorite Brand Build

Build by brandguy updated December 21, 2020
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

[10.25] Brand Support

Build by LinhMiu updated December 16, 2020
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

Brand Builds

Build by doctoradam updated January 4, 2021
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

Ready to set the world on fire

Build by toirSback updated December 25, 2020
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

Brand S11 Guide

Build by ppetrowww updated December 6, 2020
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

Resta dietro a Brand!

Build by Barbabrus updated December 2, 2020
  • Off-Meta
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

Supp Brand Build

Build by GAGESTR updated November 26, 2020
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

soporte brand 😈 [10.23]

Build by TronoxGame updated November 18, 2020
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide
LoL Champion Brand Build Guide

Brand the Fire Bender

Build by DarknessPlayz updated November 11, 2020

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide