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Caitlyn General Guide by Scorpyon1



Updated on December 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Scorpyon1 Build Guide By Scorpyon1 1,747 Views 3 Comments
1,747 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Scorpyon1 Caitlyn Build Guide By Scorpyon1 Updated on December 11, 2012
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Pros / Cons

Pro's & Cons

Pros / Cons


+ Third longest range in the game (650).
+ Great range; it allows you to poke and move back, before they get to touch you. "Hit and run".
+ Great damage early, mid and late game.
+ Amazing harass abilities.
+ Easy to last hit with.
+ Wonderful passive. If used correctly, it will help you gain control over the lane and scare your enemies.
+ Piltover Peacemaker got a nice amount of damage, and is easy to aim.
+ Great zoning with Yordle Snap Trap, and if placed correctly can help you get away from a sticky situation, through lurking them into a trap or avoid a gank.
+ A nice escape/chase mechanism and a decent movement speed.
+ Can finish off low health enemies in a great distance.
+ With the correct position, you can change the outcome of a team fight.
+ Extremely fun to play, you will be in love with this Champion.


- A very low mana pool.
- Squishy.
- Focused in team fights (especially if fed)
- Yordle Snap Trap can be walked around, due to visibility.
- Ace in the Hole isn't reliable if there is more than 1 enemy in the lane. Enemy champions can intercept the bullet for their ally.
- Spamming abilities will oom you quickly, try and avoid spamming them unless you're sure about hitting. - On the other hand, who doesn't oom quickly when you spam abilities? (Except for those without a mana pool! :P )
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Scorpyon1
Scorpyon1 Caitlyn Guide
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